After Xiang Liu's gentle words of comfort, Xiaoyao's mood improved slightly. She asked Xiang Liu if he knew Chi Chen, and the answer was no. Later, she asked in confusion why Chi Chen chose that path of no return. Xiang Liu spoke in a deep voice about the cruelty of war and the fate of the general. His words not only interpreted Chi Chen, but also revealed his own thoughts.

Xiaoyao recalled her mother's teachings and talked about the importance of deep love and friendship in the world, but she could not let go of her mother's abandonment and deception. She closed her eyes and meditated. When she opened her eyes, Xiang Liu had quietly left, leaving only the familiar lamp. In anger, she wanted to throw down the lamp to vent her anger, but Tu Shanjing stopped her gently. The lights illuminated the patterns on the lamps, forming the aspiration of "killing the powerful, protecting the Central Plains, shouldering the righteousness, abandoning selfish feelings, and living up to the common people and your Majesty." She suddenly realized that her parents had no control over their actions.

Tears welled up in Xiaoyao's eyes, and Xiaoyao was heartbroken. She didn't understand that although her parents had achieved their ideals, she had suffered a lot, and her resentment was hard to calm down. Tu Shanjing hugged her tightly and comforted her. Back home, Xiaoyao lost control of her emotions, and Xi Yanxuan was well aware of her pain. The two drank and complained together, sharing the pain and regret caused by their mother, seeking comfort in each other's company, and trying to get out of this haze.

King Haoling issued an order to announce to the world that Xiaoyao was not of his bloodline and that he would immediately deprive him of his title and clan status. Hao Lingyi was very puzzled by this and believed that this move was just adding insult to injury. However, King Hao Ling did not say much. Seeing this, Ling Shou quickly pulled the emotional Hao Lingyi away.

On the other side, Chenrong Xinyue was secretly happy after hearing the news. Chishui Fenglong told his sister in private that the rumors about Xiao Yao were actually done by Xi Yan Xingxuan, in order to show the importance of Xiao Yao in his heart and persuade Xinyue to let go of her prejudices. But after hearing this, Chen Rong Xinyue was not only unhappy, but even more angry. She directly invited Chishui Fenglong out of the door. The hostility towards Xiao Yao in her heart did not seem to dissipate.

After learning King Haoling's will, Haoling Xiaoyao was heartbroken and wanted to burn her past letters. Fortunately, Tu Shanjing dissuaded her and reminded her not to forget King Haoling's tenderness and kindness. At this time, the two overheard their grandfather discussing with Xi Yan Xuanxuan about changing their surname. Haoling Xiaoyao's eavesdropping was discovered by her grandfather, and she was called into the room. Faced with the choice, she resolutely chose Xiling as her new surname. Although her grandfather felt helpless, he agreed. From then on, Haoling Xiaoyao changed her name to Xiling Xiaoyao and moved to Chenrong Mountain.

On the other side, Xiling Xiaoyao (formerly Haoling Xiaoyao) is worried about the future of her maid Coral, worried that sending her back to Haoling will implicate her. Tu Shanjing proposed a solution at the right time and used Tu Shan's extensive business network in Haoling to find a position of female director for Hualu, which not only ensured her safety but also showed her dignity. In addition, Tu Shanjing also revealed that Fangfeng Yiying has announced his death from illness, which indicates that their marriage is approaching. Xiling Xiaoyao was delighted when she heard this, and admitted that she chose Xiling because she was a good match for the Tushan family. The two looked at each other and smiled, holding hands to draw a blueprint for the future.

At the same time, the Xi Yan Kingdom officially launched an offensive against Hao Ling, and the changes in the situation between the two countries seemed to be quietly affecting the fate of Xiling Xiaoyao and Tu Shanjing.

Xiling Xiaoyao was having a heated discussion with Dr. Yin about the pros and cons of prescriptions. Grandpa intervened at the right time and pointed out that the two prescriptions had their own merits. The key was to choose flexibly according to the patient's family background. Xiling Xiaoyao was convinced that he only had one "Collection of Herbal Medicine" which was not enough, and the water and soil differed greatly in different places, so his knowledge needed to be expanded urgently. At this time, Xi Yanxuan generously expressed his willingness to devote all the efforts of the country to help Xiling Xiaoyao compile more medical books to benefit the people.

On the other side, Tu Shanjing carefully prepared for the proposal and decorated the Huichun Hall, hoping to give Xiling Xiaoyao an unforgettable surprise. However, the night before, Xi Yan Xuanxuan persuaded Xiling Xiaoyao to postpone the marriage on the grounds that compiling medical books might cause internal conflicts in Tushan. After hearing this, Xiling Xiaoyao felt that it made sense. In addition, after seeing the changes in Huichun Hall today, she mistakenly thought that this was specially arranged by Tu Shanjing after learning about her plan to revise books, so she happily praised him for understanding her own feelings and being willing to arrange the marriage. Postponed. When Tu Shanjing saw this, even though he was reluctant to give up, he could only endure the loss and agreed to her decision with a smile.


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