As night falls and the lights are beginning to shine, people living in Shanghai, an international metropolis, are still walking in a hurry. The sexy voice of emotional consultant Sophie resounds in every corner of the city. Wu You is the leader of the third group of the customer service department of the only e-commerce shopping platform. With her three-inch tongue and various customers, she only asks customers to delete That deadly bad review.

Wu You and Sun Hao received the certificate today, and they agreed on the phone to meet at the Civil Affairs Bureau. Wu You took a taxi and rushed to the Civil Affairs Bureau. She was injured in a coma in a car accident. Sun Hao kept calling her. Wu You struggled to pick it up. As a result, she fainted again because of his powerlessness. Therefore, Sun Hao broke up with Wu You.

Two years have passed in a blink of an eye. Wu You is often awakened by nightmares of car accidents. Her mother Xu Ailing urges her to get married every day, forcing her to find someone to get married and move out as soon as possible. . Wu You went to work early in the morning and saw an old aunt sitting in front of a car moaning in pain. The driver desperately explained that he did not hit anyone. Wu You hurried over to find out the situation. The old aunt admitted that she was ill and had nothing to do with the driver of that car. , Wu You asked the driver to help take the old aunt to the hospital.

Wu You hurried to work. She helped Fang Yuan, a colleague who was still in the internship, mediate a difficult client. General Manager Xiao of the sales department came to Fang Yuanxing to inquire about the crime, and forced her to apologize to VIP user Mr. He and eliminate the bad reviews at all costs. Otherwise, Fangyuan would be dismissed. Wu You stood up to help Fangyuan to defend, and Mr. Xiao was even more upset. Make a call and ask Wu You to eliminate the bad review, or leave with Fangyuan.

He Xia is the founder of Yaman Biotechnology Co., Ltd. Mr. Wen had already agreed to cooperate with him. However, he changed his mind and wanted to sign a contract with another company. He Xia showed Mr. Wen the ingredients of cosmetics and the test report, and Mr. Wen immediately decided to cooperate with them. The company signs a contract. Wu You came to the hospital to visit the old aunt after get off work. The old aunt is healthy and can be discharged tomorrow. She thanked Wu You for her help. Wu You learned that the old aunt is named Jiang and is an authoritative expert in the Department of Dermatology at Huangjiang University. That night, Wu You called the VIP customer Mr. He, but the other party refused to answer and blocked her WeChat account together.

Wu You came to see Mr. He early in the morning. The security guard turned her away. Wu You sneaked in with the courier. The staff thought she was a volunteer and took her directly to the cosmetics laboratory. He Xia did a skin test for her. Wu You was shocked when he saw his patchy face under the microscope. The real volunteers rushed to her and Wu You had to admit that he was a fake.

The security wanted to drive Wu You out. Wu You had to explain his intentions and called Mr. He on the spot. No one answered the phone. Wu You had to use the security phone to call. He didn't expect the customer to be He Xia. Wu You repeatedly apologized to He Xia, begged him to delete the bad reviews, and promised to let him participate in the company's anniversary, but He Xia just didn't buy it.

The assistant reported something to He Xia. The staff asked Professor Jiang for a rebate. Professor Jiang cancelled the cooperation with Yaman in angrily. He Xia immediately took the assistant to find Professor Jiang, and Wu You followed him by taxi. He Xia brought an assistant to Professor Jiang’s class, and also seriously answered Professor Jiang’s questions. Professor Jiang did not know him. He Xia explained his intentions in public and was kicked out of the class by Professor Jiang.

Wu You chased the school and ran into He Xia head-on. She begged He Xia to add the reason behind the negative review, otherwise she would keep haunting him. He Xia refused to agree and even exposed the exaggerated promotion of astaxanthin sold on the platform. When Professor Jiang went out to see Wu You, he hurried over to say hello to her. He Xia did not expect that Wu You and Professor Jiang were old acquaintances.

Wu You compiled a summary report on cosmetics after-sales issues and handed it to Mr. Xiao for review. Mr. Xiao suggested that Mr. Xiao go to the manufacturer to negotiate and modify the false propaganda. Mr. Xiao believed that Wu You wanted to throw the pot to the sales department. He was so angry that he gritted his teeth and took a mouthful. The product is okay, but Wu You and the others are not working properly. Wu You and him fight hard on reason, and Mr. Xiao asks Wu You to go to the marketing manager for a plus one. Qian Jiayi and Wuyou are best friends. Qian Jiayi came up with a good idea for her to ask the customer to add the reason behind the negative review, and the marketing department can come forward to investigate the matter.

Special assistant Lin Qing was ordered to go to the airport to pick up the chairman’s daughter Lu Man. Lu Man had just returned from abroad. She interrogated Lin Qing in detail and mocked Lin Qing. Lin Qing helped her prepare health care products and cosmetics for Lu Man to take home. As a gift to his parents, Lu Man didn't care about these small sections at all. Lu Man returned to the room and remembered her sister's death in the car accident two years ago. She was heartbroken. Wu You disguised herself as a waterman and came to Yaman Company. She wanted to find a chance to get close to He Xia.

Lu Man claimed that He Xia was her brother-in-law. Regardless of the secretary's obstruction, he broke into He Xia’s office and wanted to confirm whether He Xia had found a new love. Lu Man asked He Xia Xingshi about the crime and forced him to ask his sister two years ago on the day he proposed to his sister. What happened in the end.


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