GoGo found Eva and said he was going to take the initiative to plead guilty, so that too many people would not be affected. At this time, the blind man called Eva and said that the blind man had found the evidence, and GoGo didn't need to go to jail.

The blind man talked to Sister Dian and said that he had found a witness who was a waiter in the club. Sister Dian should go to see how despicable his Zhou Jiali was. So the two went to a room. At this time, Eva and GoGo Chai were them. I also went to this hotel to check the video of Blind Man and Sister Dian entering the hotel, so Blind Man told Sister Dian that she should withdraw the accusation against GoGo, otherwise he would accuse Dian Dian of using improper means to seduce. The Blind Man made a settlement, and the room card was also opened in the name of Sister Dian, so Sister Dian could not but compromise.

Zhou Jiali called his men and asked them to find his wife at all costs. The blind man heard this, and they knew that Zhou Jiali and his wife had turned their faces, so Eva found Zhou Jiali’s wife to talk, hoping to come forward to correct Zhou Jiali, but Zhou Jiali’s wife said "Zhou Jiali is terrifying", she didn't dare, but Eva Said that if Zhou Jiali was left off this time, she would not have a good life, so Zhou Jiali’s wife promised to appear in court to testify for them, but the blind man was overturned by a truck when they drove Zhou Jiali’s wife back. The blind man and the others 'S car was hit into the sea!

The blind man was sent to the hospital. Zhou Jiali’s wife died. Sister Dian asked Zhou Jiali if he had hired someone to do the crash, but Zhou Jiali asked her to help him win the lawsuit wholeheartedly.
Eva insisted on being a witness to withdraw from the case. The Blind Man told her not to put herself in a desperate situation for a lawsuit, but Eva said that she was a lawyer for justice, which was learned from the Blind Man, so the two of them hugged each other. Sister Dian saw it.

In the court, Eva told the court all what Zhou Jiali’s wife said. At this time, Sister Dian broke out that Eva had been raped in the UK and hated rapists, so she appeared in court to give false evidence. Sister Dian also gave the location where Eva was raped. The situation and the situation were all told in court, which made Eva emotional, and the court decided to adjourn.

The blind man and Eva went to the sea where the car was hit to find the driving recorder, because the facts of Zhou Jiali's crimes mentioned by Zhou Jiali's wife in the car were recorded by the recorder.


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