He He suddenly had a high fever and convulsions. Dr. Gao comforted Yinuo. The leukemia patient has weak resistance and convulsions are normal. She has already given her medicine, and the fever will soon subside. Xie Tianhua and Xiao Lu followed to Dr. Gao's office and learned that there was still no news from the Chinese bone marrow bank. The two couldn't hide their disappointment. In the evening, Yinuo insisted on staying with He He, but Tianhua refused to go home and slept in the car downstairs. After Xiao Lu lay on the bed and looked at He He's photo, he rolled over and hugged Dong Fan. Dong Fan pretended to be asleep and didn't respond.

Early the next morning, Dr. Gao saw Yinuo and their anxious expressions, and told him that there was actually another way, that is, the biological parents wanted another child and used the newborn's umbilical cord blood or hematopoietic stem cells to treat the child, because the child with the same gene was successfully matched. The rate is 50%, otherwise they have to continue to wait for the news of the bone marrow bank, and during the period, they will be treated according to the existing methods, and the money cannot be interrupted.

Gao Caiping went to the bank to withdraw money and found that the total number was wrong, only then did he know that Xiao Xu had withdrawn the money from her passbook at some point. Seeing Xiao Lu kneeling in front of his father's portrait to worship after returning home, Gao Caiping knew that something happened to his son!

As soon as Dong Fan arrived at the office, she heard that Sister Wang went to the editor-in-chief's office as soon as she arrived, and pushed all the interviews about the remarried family to her.

Xiao Xu brought Jingjing into the house when he was beaten by his mother. Gao Caiping was angry that she begged her grandfather to tell her grandma for the job Xiao Xu was looking for, and even stole 30,000 yuan from her. Jingjing asked Xiao Xu to give it to Hao. Brother called to get the money back, Xiao Xu didn’t let her get involved in his own family affairs, Jingjing wanted to leave in a fit of rage, Gao Caiping hurried to stop, Xiao Lu scolded his brother for not being good enough to make his mother angry, Xiao Xu became annoyed and said Xiao Lu Concealing his mother He He's refusal to donate, Gao Caiping suddenly fainted.

Su Jingwei came to Lei Wen's bar and was surprised to see her enthusiastically promoting alcohol products. The waiter complained that Lei Wen is now offering toasts with discounts, and begging customers to go to the hospital for matching. The table is free, and Su Jingwei jokingly asked the waiter to make soup for Lei Wen, specializing in the lack of heart!

After the store closed, Su Jingwei sent Lei Wen home. On the way, he pointed out that he understood Lei Wen's efforts for Yinuo's children, but this method was not appropriate, because people who wanted to do it would do it regardless of whether it was beneficial or not. It doesn't matter what other people say about the person who does it, and the children who eat and drink in the bar won't come after Lei Wen does this. Lei Wen lay helplessly on Su Jingwei's shoulder and cried. She didn't know what to do, but she thought that if any of these people went to the hospital to be matched successfully, even if the work was not in vain, Su Jingwei couldn't bear it and comforted her, saying that she might be a match. type of success.

Fan Dongyang is anxious that the bag sale will be changed to a partner. Xiao Lu has already found out that Yang Yi has taken over. He feels that Yang Yi was still an intern when he was in his prime. Fan Dongyang urged him to speed up the work progress. Xiao Lu was embarrassed. Su's bowl was served with vegetables, and Fan Dongyang corrected that now Tan Di was bidding again. This dish was not necessarily his, and the prize money for this order was not a small amount. Xiao Lu thought for a moment and agreed.

Xie Tianhua received a call from the agency, saying that several clients had taken a fancy to his house, and if it was still for sale, he would help the main push, and Xie Tianhua agreed.

Xiao Lu asked Xiao Xu to come to the restaurant in the name of Dong Fan, gave him a bank card, and asked to make up for his mother's money quickly, and said that the money was coming back. Seeing that Xiao Xu was still angry, Xiao Lu explained that he never looked down on him, nor did he disbelieve him. He and his mother just wished him well, because He He was not in a good condition a few days ago, so he moved his hands on Xiao Xu emotionally. , apologized to him, although Xiao Xu complained bitterly about Xiao Lu, but in fact he did not blame Xiao Lu for hitting him, the two brothers reconciled as before, and finally Xiao Xu decided to listen to his mother and drive for Aunt Du's son.

A little boy who usually played with He He was diagnosed with death. When he was pushed away by the doctor, Fang’s mother led He He and Xiaoying to hide away. The smell of death made Yinuo scared to death. In the ward, she couldn't help crying with Lei Wen in her arms, when Xiao Lu came, he begged a promise: have another child to save He He!


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