Fan Xian originally wanted to use the Northern Qi smuggling incident to completely destroy Li Chengze and Li Yunrui, but all the clues he had were cut off. Just when Fan Xian was disheartened, Chen Pingping gave Fan Xian some earnest words, and Fan Xian reluctantly agreed to temporarily take over the First Branch of the Inspection Institute, referred to as "One Branch", as a supervisor. In the bloody Kyoto The prosperity and peace of the past have also been restored.

Yan Bingyun went to the prison to pick up Yan Ruohai when he returned home. The father and son had a long and heart-to-heart talk. Yan Ruohai conveyed Chen Pingping's instructions and asked Yan Bingyun to go all out to help Fan Xian gain a foothold in the inspection institute. Ruohai felt that he was getting old and wanted to give Yan Bingyun full authority to take care of everything. He also asked Yan Bingyun to learn from Fan Xian. Yan Ruohai reminded Yan Bingyun to clearly distinguish between work and feelings. Yan Bingyun admitted that this time It was a bit reckless to bring his sister back from Beiqi, but he couldn't just ignore her.

Early the next morning, Fan Xian took Wang Qinian to a place to formally take office. Yan Bingyun was ordered by Chen Pingping to wait for him at the gate early. The place was bustling with people, and officials from the six departments of the imperial court sent people to give gifts to the place. Fan Xian secretly vowed to completely rectify the place, and even dragged Yan Bingyun in to watch the excitement.

Stills of Qing Yu Nian Season 2 Episode 8
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Officials at one place were busy welcoming and delivering, and no one paid any attention to Fan Xian and the others. The three of them went directly to the yard and saw several baskets of Yunmeng fish newly delivered by the vegetable picker. This fish is unique to the south and is famous for its delicious taste. The ice and snow in the north in the first year must be used to ensure the freshness of the fish, which requires expedited transportation by the Ministry of War 800 miles away.

Fan Xian came to inspect the place and heard that the major organizers had asked for leave but did not come. The staff gathered together to play mahjong, and only the chief secretary, Deng Ziyue, was handling official duties. Fan Xian learned a huge secret from him. The Vegetable Picking Department and the Ministry of War sent the rare Yunmeng Fish to one place, where they changed hands and sold the fish to the Vegetable Picking Department at double the price. They gave the proceeds to the Vegetable Picking Department. The profits were divided, and all the six ministries of the DPRK and Central Government used this method to make huge profits. Fan Xian suppressed the anger in his heart and dismissed the organizers from their posts on the spot, making Wang Qinian and Deng Ziyue his right-hand men.

Fan Xian gave the staff a lesson and gave them three rules. They were so frightened that they kept saying yes. Fan Xian sent Deng Ziyue and his people to seal down the vegetable collection department on the grounds that the Yunmeng fish was not fresh. Deng Ziyue was a little talkative and worried that he would not be able to convince the public. Fan Xian asked Yan Bingyun to support him. Yan Bingyun did not want to wade into this muddy water, but I couldn't push it away, so I had to bite the bullet and go.

Fan Xian came directly to Li Chengze and deliberately brought an empty bucket of fish to demonstrate to him. When Fan Xian came in and saw Xie Bi'an, he ridiculed him and forced Li Chengze to pick up vegetables and watch the show. Deng Ziyue led his men to surround the vegetable picking department, but Eunuch Dai was unmoved when he learned about the incident. The vegetable picking department was solely under the responsibility of Eunuch Dai. He relied on Li Chengze's mother, Concubine Shu, to act as a powerful force behind the scenes, and did not bother Deng Ziyue at all. This little chief clerk took it seriously, but he didn't expect Fan Xian and Li Chengze to rush to the vegetable picking department. Only then did Eunuch Dai realize that the situation was not good. The young eunuch Hong Zhu who came to deliver the message persuaded Eunuch Dai to go pick up vegetables and find out what was going on. Eunuch Dai found that Hong Zhu was smart and wanted to take him with him. Hong Zhu flatly refused and even brought out Concubine Shu to talk about the matter, so Eunuch Dai had to give up. .

Stills of Qing Yu Nian Season 2 Episode 8
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Eunuch Dai came to see Fan Xian tremblingly, and secretly bribed Wang Qinian with money, hoping to get information from him. The more Deng Zi saw this, Wang Qinian gave him half of the money. Fan Xian took out the account book to check the handwriting and confirmed that it was Eunuch Dai who did the accounting. He listed one by one the crimes of corruption that Eunuch Dai had committed over the years by using the vegetable collection company to profit from the officials of the Sixth Ministry of the DPRK. Eunuch Dai was worried that being exposed would lead to death. Misfortune, he secretly gave Fan Xian an envelope. Fan Xian opened the envelope on the spot, accepted the three thousand taels of silver notes inside, and asked Deng Ziyue to lift the ban on picking up vegetables. Li Chengze saw that Fan Xian was deliberately demonstrating to him, and walked away angrily. .

Yan Bingyun was puzzled as to why Fan Xian blatantly accepted bribes. Unexpectedly, Fan Xian asked Yan Bingyun to find a few more officials to impeach him at the Supervisory Council. Fan Xian passed by Baoyue Tower and remembered the tragic death of Lao Jintou. He vowed to uncover all the dark forces in Kyoto and seek justice for those who died in vain....


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