Fan Xian knew that Li Chengze would not let it go, and was worried that he would cause trouble by using Baoyue Tower again, and asked Fan Sizhe to close Baoyue Tower. Li Chengqian advised Fan Xian to return to the mission as soon as possible, and not to delay the mission's trip to Beijing. Fan Xian asked Li Chengqian He sent someone to protect Teng Zijin's wife and children, and wanted to settle the accounts with Li Chengze after he officially returned to Beijing. Li Chengqian promised to go all out to help him. Before leaving, Fan Xian told Fan Sizhe to stay at home and not go out.

Li Chengping woke up in a daze and woke up Fan Sizhe who was napping on the table. He vaguely remembered that someone knocked him out. Fan Sizhe tried his best to find excuses to cover up and persuaded Li Chengping to leave. Fan Xian accompanied Wang Qinian home to find his wife and daughter. Unexpectedly, they were protected by Chen Pingping. Chen Pingping also asked Mrs. Wang to inform Fan Xian that Teng Zijin's wife and children were sent to Danzhou.

The mission rushed to the capital non-stop. Gao Guo held Fan Xian's ashes tightly. Seeing that they were getting closer and closer to Kyoto, Fan Xian had not returned to the team. Gao Dao was anxious, holding Fan Xian's ashes and muttering to himself. Xie Bian led the people even an inch. Bu Li followed the mission but never saw Fan Xian. He also saw Gao Guo holding Fan Xian's ashes sadly. He was sure that Fan Xian was really dead. He immediately rushed back to Kyoto to return his life to Li Chengze.

Fan Sizhe followed Fan Xian's order and hid at home without leaving the door. Liu Ruyu curiously inquired about the reason, but Fan Sizhe did not dare to say it clearly and could only find excuses to cover it up. Wang Qinian and Fan Xian chased the mission in a carriage and met Xie Bian head-on. Xie Bian did not expect that Fan Xian was still alive. He rushed forward to assassinate Fan Xian without saying a word. Fan Xian's old injury relapsed. He did not want to fight anymore and used the cliff to escape Xie Bian's pursuit. , and also asked Xie Bian to bring a message to Li Chengze, and wait for a decisive battle with Li Chengze when he returns to Kyoto.

Wang Qinian and Fan Xian quickly caught up with the mission. Gundam breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that they were safe and sound. Fan Xian suddenly found that the eldest princess of Northern Qi was leading the team behind, and then he learned that the little emperor of Northern Qi Zhan Doudou had made an impromptu decision to let the eldest princess Marriage with the eldest prince Nanqing. At the same time, the eldest prince and the new generals of the border army briefly handed over the work and were ordered to rush back to Kyoto.

Fan Wujiu calculated according to the time that the eldest prince and Fan Xian would enter the capital on the same day. Li Chengze came up with a weird idea. He sent people to set up road blocks and build roads so that Fan Xian and the eldest prince could enter through the same gate. Provoke conflict between them. Fan Xian returned to the mission and came to see Yan Bingyun immediately. Yan Bingyun reminded Fan Xian not to be happy too early. Wherever the mission went, people rushed to buy Fan Xian's relics to express their condolences. Fan Xian must Only by coming up with a reason that can appease the people can he live legitimately, otherwise it will arouse public anger. Only then did Fan Xian realize the seriousness of the problem. The people who spread the news of his death had sinister intentions, but he was helpless.

Fan Xian suddenly came up with a good idea. It was reasonable for him to fake his own death with the help of the eldest princess of Northern Qi. Fan Xian easily found out Zhan Doudou's true intention from the eldest princess of Northern Qi. Zhan Doudou asked the eldest princess of Northern Qi to As the intelligence liaison between her and Fan Xian, Fan Xian successfully persuaded the Princess of Northern Qi to help perform a play with his sharp tongue.

The eldest princess of the Northern Qi Dynasty announced the news in public. In order to protect the mission and the classics left by Zhuang Mohan, Fan Xian started a desperate battle with the grand master who came to hunt them down. In the end, he had to fake his death to survive. The eldest princess said She insisted that she had witnessed this with her own eyes, and Gao Guo supported her. Fan Xian and Wang Qinian made themselves disgraced and successfully deceived the officials of the mission, who believed in Fan Xian. Yan Bingyun asked the officials to pass the news of Fan Xian's resurrection back to Kyoto, and then asked the envoy to take a rest and continue on their way.

Fan Xian and his party hurried on, and soon arrived outside the north gate of the capital. Xin Qiwu, the young minister of Honglu Temple, jogged all the way to see Fan Xian outside the city. Fan Xian learned that Emperor Qing had not punished him and sent someone to greet him. They breathed a long sigh of relief. Xin Qiwu revealed that the eldest prince also came to Beijing today. He led the cavalry team to arrive quickly and persuaded Fan Xian to make way for the eldest prince. Fan Xian refused to do so and even moved the eldest princess of Northern Qi to talk.


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