Ming Qingda is the head of the Ming family, but the real master of the family is his mother, Mrs. Ming. Ming Qingda obeys Mrs. Ming's instructions, and will be punished by pricking her finger with a needle if she is not careful. Ming Qingda endured severe pain and issued a military order in front of his mother to find out the traitors in the family who colluded with Li Chengze as soon as possible. He was unwilling to hand over the three major workshops that he had run for many years to anyone, and wanted Fan Xian and Li Chengze to fight each other. , the Ming family reaped the benefits and firmly grasped the three major squares in their hands. Mrs. Ming was very satisfied, and then she agreed to Ming Qingda to take out the needles that had been inserted into her fingers one by one.

Li Chengze saw Ming Qingda's blood-soaked fingers and guessed that Ming Qingda was not in charge. Ming Qingda agreed to cooperate with Li Chengze to deal with Fan Xian. He had to find one of his brothers to take the blame, otherwise Fan Xian would not believe it. Li Chengze asked Ming Qingda to handle the matter of the reward order. He was worried that Emperor Qing would find out that he secretly came to Jiangnan and asked Xie Bian to stay to support Ming Qingda. He immediately rushed back to Kyoto. Before leaving, Li Chengze wanted to kill Mrs. Ming for Ming Qingda and make him the real head of the Ming family, but Ming Qingda couldn't bear it.

Dozens of refugees in their late 60s came to Fan Xian's official ship in small boats. Fan Xian not only ignored them, but also invited them on board for a full meal. Fan Xian learned that the Ming family had issued a reward, and they wanted to let them go. After the family had a good meal, they risked their lives to hijack the ship. The Ming family sent people on the other side to monitor their every move. They all knew that there was no return for this trip, so they came without hesitation. Fan Xian once again experienced the cruelty of the Ming family and vowed to completely overthrow the Ming family. He promised to let the victims return to their hometown. They were grateful to Fan Xian.

Fan Xian arrived in Suzhou today on an official ship. The Suzhou magistrate heard that Fan Xian had received a lot of gifts along the way, so he brought officials of all sizes to the dock to greet him. The officials all prepared generous gifts. Ming Qingda also came to greet Fan Xian. Officials from various counties in the south of the Yangtze River were all fans of Fan Xian. They came to pick up Fan Xian because they wanted to see the poet Fan Xian.

The official ship slowly entered the pier. Fan Xian took Li Chengping and others off the ship, and recorded all the gifts given by officials along the way as evidence of his crime. The officials of the Suzhou government looked at each other in fright, and hid the prepared gifts behind their backs. Dare to take it out. Fan Xian also showed off the 130,000 taels of silver he had brought from Kyoto. He wanted to use the gold and silver treasures sent by officials and the 130,000 taels of silver to send the victims from Jiangbei home. However, he did not believe the government officials and asked him to Officials from each county sent the victims home.

Mr. Xu, the secretary of Fuchuan County, offered to send the victims home, and Fan Xian found out that he came to see Fan Xian on orders from Yang Wanli. Fan Xian was deeply relieved to learn that his protégé Yang Wanli had become the county magistrate. Fan Xian asked the Suzhou government officials to take out all the gifts. He wanted to use the money to help the victims, and they had no choice but to do so. Fan Xian declined the reception banquet offered by the Suzhou magistrate and asked them to go home.

Ming Qingda and Mrs. Ming took the initiative to plead guilty to Fan Xian and promised to find out the person who issued the reward order before dark. Fan Xian took Li Chengping to dinner, and Shi Chanli accompanied them. He was curious about why Fan Xian handed over the task of relieving victims to officials. Fan Xian wanted to give the officials a chance to perform, and they would definitely do a good job.

Wang Qinian had ordered food in advance at the restaurant. The restaurant was built near the water. Fan Xian stood upstairs and could tell at a glance that the man fishing by the river was a ninth-level master. The man looked back at Fan Xian and Fan Xian recognized him. He was Yun Zhilan, Sigu Jian's eldest disciple. If his true energy had not been lost, Fan Xian would have wanted to meet Yun Zhilan for a while. Wang Qinian advised Fan Xian to run away quickly, otherwise he would definitely die.

Yun Zhilan was just about to close the fishing rod and leave, but Haitang Duoduo used the flower basket to hold down the fishing rod. Yun Zhilan did not show any weakness. He overturned the flower basket with his backhand. The two people had strong internal strength, and huge waves were set off on the water surface, knocking the anchored fish. The boat almost capsized. Yun Zhilan wanted to kill Fan Xian, but Haitang Duoduo refused to agree and wanted to compete with Yun Zhilan. Suddenly, the shadow jumped out of the water. He and Yun Zhilan fought, and the two of them quickly disappeared into the crowd. In his field of vision, Haitang Duoduo went upstairs to have dinner with Fan Xian and the others.

Li Chengping and Shi Chanli knew that Fan Xian had an unusual relationship with Haitang Duoduo, and thought Fan Xian had invited her here. Fan Xian had no idea about this. Haitang Duoduo came to give Fan Xian the "Tian Yi Dao" mental technique. Fan Xian wanted to use this technique to restore his true energy. Unexpectedly, Ku He actually gave him the secret technique. Fan Xian agreed to teach the overbearing true energy to him. Begonia blossoms.


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