Emperor Qing brought Fan Xian to the Xuankong Temple. Not only did he tell him the story of Ye Qingmei, he also admitted that Fan Xian was his and Ye Qingmei's child. Back then, Ye Qingmei was brutally murdered just after she gave birth to Fan Xian. Shortly after Emperor Qing ascended the throne, he had no choice but to send Fan Xian to Danzhou. Fan Xian had already learned about this from Xiao En, and pretended that he had just learned about his life experience. He acted so excited and surprised that even the always suspicious Emperor Qing didn't notice that he was acting.

Emperor Qing had high hopes for Fan Xian and asked him to go to Jiangnan Sandafang after recovering from his injury to feel the precious wealth left by Ye Qingmei. Although Fan Xian recognized Emperor Qing and his son, he felt a little uneasy. Emperor Qing was also wary of his true feelings for him, which made Fan Xian shudder. He confided his inner tangle to Fan Ruoruo. Fan Xian has been in Kyoto for so long and has experienced countless tests of life and death. Because this time he risked his life to save a man in Xuankong Temple and moved Emperor Qing, Emperor Qing was willing to recognize him. Fan Xian did not know that he was in the eyes of Emperor Qing. Whether he is a son or a chess piece, although Fan Jian is not Fan Xian's biological father, his feelings for Fan Xian are pure and true.

Fan Ruoruo persuaded Fan Xian to go back to Danzhou and live an ordinary life. Fan Xian was not willing to just sit and wait for death, so he decided to go to Jiangnan for a trip. Wuzhu returned to Fan's Mansion injured, and kept telling Fan Xian to go to Jiangnan Sandafang. Lin Waner asked Wuzhu if he killed Lin Gong. Wuzhu confessed to this, and Lin Wan'er vowed to kill Wuzhu. Lin Gong takes revenge, but now is not the time. When Fan Xian goes to Jiangnan this time, Li Chengze and Li Yunrui will definitely send someone to assassinate him. They hope Wu Zhu will protect Fan Xian. Wu Zhu promises to hand over his life to Fan Xian when he no longer needs him. Lin Waner.

Fan Xian set out for Jiangnan. Li Chengru, Li Chengze, Li Chengqian and Li Chengping got on the boat to see him off. Fan Jian and Liu Ruyu came later. Fan Xian wanted to formally go to the Fan family ancestral hall to worship his ancestors after returning from Jiangnan, and emphasized that he was Fan Xian. Of course, Li Chengqian couldn't ask for more descendants in his family, and he lost another prince to compete with him for the throne. He couldn't smile from ear to ear with joy. Li Chengze sneered at Li Chengqian and reminded Fan Xian to be careful during this trip.

Emperor Qing asked Li Chengping to follow Fan Xian to Jiangnan. Li Chengping happily stayed on the ship. Fan Xian asked Hong Zhu to take good care of Emperor Qing. Fan Jian reminded Fan Xian to think twice. The Ming family in Jiangnan has been in charge of the three major workshops for many years, and the interpersonal relationships are complicated. , a little carelessness will bring a lot of trouble, Fan Xian keeps it all in mind. Liu Ruyu repeatedly confirmed that Fan Xian really wanted to enter the Fan family ancestral hall. She couldn't be happier. Fan Jian was also moved to tears. He hoped that Fan Xian would triumph soon. Even if Fan Xian had nothing, he could afford it. Fan Xian felt warm in his heart. Yes, he felt the mountain of fatherly love from Fan Jian.

The ship was about to set sail. Fan Xian had not seen Lin Waner. He felt very disappointed. Fan Xian vaguely felt that Lin Waner was coming to see him off. He hurried to the deck and saw Lin Waner coming to see him off from a distance. The two of them looked at each other. On the contrary, all the grudges were resolved in an instant, and the two people said goodbye with tears.

The big ship went all the way south and was about to reach the Shazhou waters. Master Xu, the Shazhou navy garrison, sent people to row a small boat to give gifts to Fan Xian. Wang Qinian asked people to hoist the gift box up. The Shazhou prefect also sent people to give gifts. Wang Qinian asked Shi Chan to make a gift Recording them one by one, officials from all over Shazhou came to give gifts one after another, and Fan Xian accepted them all.

Several small boats slowly approached the big boat Fan Xian was riding on. Most of them were white-haired old men. Wang Qinian could tell at a glance that they were not here to give gifts, but rather to redress grievances. Fan Xian suspected that these people were related to the Ming family. At the same time, Li Chengze and Xie Bi'an rushed to the south of the Yangtze River and came directly to negotiate with Ming Qingda, the head of the Ming family. Ming Qingda, a wealthy man, had a humble attitude and wore shabby clothes. Li Chengze saw that he was pretending on purpose and guessed that the Ming family The real person in charge, Mrs. Ming, was watching them from the next room. Old Mrs. Ming had no choice but to come out to see Li Chengze. Li Chengze asked them to keep the three major squares firmly in their hands and not to hand them over to Fan Xian. Old Mrs. Ming did not dare to disobey the holy order. Li Chengze cursed the Ming family as dogs of the imperial court, and he also refused Knowing the future of the Ming family, Ming Qingda dared not speak out.

Under the banner of the Ming family, Li Chengze issued a reward for Fan Xian's death. Heroes from all walks of life flocked to his request, and even paid large sums of money to bribe the refugees from Jiangbei who had been taken in by the Ming family to destroy Fan Xian's ship. Mrs. Ming ordered Li Chengze to be kicked out on the pretext of taking a nap, and Li Chengze threatened and intimidated them. Ming Qingda suspected that someone in the Ming family had taken refuge with Li Chengze, otherwise the reward order would not be issued at all. Old lady Ming did not allow him to talk nonsense, and even punished him by pricking his finger with a needle.


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