Ye Linger came to Lin Waner and wanted to tell Fan Xian that Lin Gong was the mastermind behind the Niulan Street assassination. Because she kept coughing in anxiety, Lin Waner hurried to get the medicine. When she came back from getting the medicine, she found Ye Ling'er had already disappeared. There was nothing unusual inside or outside the room, only the windows were wide open.

Li Chengze felt that Lin Gong's incident could not completely bring down Fan Xian. He was worried that Ye Ling'er would tell Lin Wan'er about Fan Xian's murder of Lin Gong, so he sent someone to kidnap Ye Ling'er. Ye Ling'er suspected that Li Chengze was going to reveal the incident at the wedding, causing Fan Xian and Lin Waner to turn against each other in public. Li Chengze denied it and kept claiming that he would not return his sister Lin Waner.

Fan Xian reluctantly tried on clothes, and he didn't finish trying them on until dark. Fan Ruoruo and Liu Ruyu were still enjoying it, but Fan Xian was already impatient. Fan Jian sent Fan Sizhe to call Fan Xian. Fan Xian took the opportunity to free himself for a while. He vomited his bitterness in front of Fan Jian. He clearly looked at the same clothes, so why did he try them on one by one? Fan Jian advised Fan Xian that good things are hard work. This is how he got through it when he got married. Fan Sizhe persuaded Fan Xian kindly. Ordinary people don't have such grand ostentation when getting married. Fan Xian's trouble is their elusive happiness. Fan Xian found that Fan Sizhe had grown up overnight and became mature and sensible. Fan Sizhe went north to study this time. Qi deeply felt the suffering of the people. He vowed to open more shops to make more money and solve the food and clothing problems of more people. Fan Jian did not expect that Fan Sizhe had such an ambition at a young age, and was deeply relieved.

Fan Jian reminded Fan Xian to carefully select the officials who came to the wedding banquet. If he was not careful, many people would be offended. Fan Xian felt so annoyed that he only held a family banquet and did not invite outsiders to attend. Li Yunrui arrived in Beijing in an oversized carriage filled with flowers. She also asked the girls to scatter flowers all the way from Xinyang to Kyoto. People took to the streets to watch, and Lin Dabao also ran up to watch the excitement.

The float slowly drove to Fan's Mansion. Fan Xian had been waiting at the gate for a long time. Li Yunrui waved Fan Xian to the float and handed him a large box of internal treasury account books. Li Yunrui knew that returning to Beijing without authorization was a capital crime, and he was expected to do so. Fan Xian did not dare to report her in front of Emperor Qing. Li Yunrui wanted to meet Lin Wan'er, and she and Fan Xian had a temporary truce during the wedding, and they would fight to the death in the future.

Fan Xian took the box of account books and went directly to Chen Pingping. Chen Pingping read the account books carefully and couldn't help being surprised. Neiku is the number one store in the world, with branches all over the world. Ye Qingmei used these shops to become the richest man in the world during his lifetime. Li Yunrui has been in charge of Neiku for many years, and the deficit has reached more than 20 million silver. Fan Xian knows very well that this is what Li Yunrui gave him. A big hole was dug that could not be filled. Chen Pingping gave an order to the Eighth Department of the Inspection and Inspection Institute, asking Fan Xian to send it out using the secret tunnel left by Ye Qingmei during his lifetime. Chen Pingping also gave Fan Xian a letter and asked him to open it after he got married.

Li Yunrui sent the account books to Fan Xian with great fanfare. News of the internal treasury deficit soon spread throughout Kyoto and other countries. The Queen was worried about Fan Xian, worried that no one would dare to do business with Fan Xian again. If it happened in half a year, If Fan Xian cannot make up for the shortfall, he must hand over the inner treasury obediently. Li Chengqian is willing to help Fan Xian.

Today is the wedding day of Lin Wan'er and Fan Xian. Fan Xian did not make any grand arrangements. He only invited the two princes and Prince Jing's son Li Hongcheng to the banquet. All the civil and military officials could only look forward and sigh. Li Yunrui came to see Lin Waner secretly. Lin Waner learned that she had returned to Beijing without permission and was worried that she would be held accountable. Li Yunrui didn't care and just wanted to fulfill her duties as a mother for the last time. She helped Lin Waner dress up. Lin Waner begged her not to be an enemy of Fan Xian anymore. Li Yunrui was left with nothing by Fan Xian. She was unwilling to give in and hoped that Lin Waner would forget her as a mother. Lin Waner looked at Li Yunrui's back and burst into tears sadly.

Li Chengze released Ye Ling'er and took her to the Fan Mansion to attend the wedding. Li Hongcheng and Li Chengru arrived early and congratulated Fan Xian. Li Hongcheng begged Fan Xian to fulfill his marriage to Fan Ruoruo, and swore that he would never have anything to do with Yuan Meng again. Fan Xian promised to forgive him, but Fan Ruoruo still would not marry. he.

Li Chengqian came to Fan's Mansion with generous gifts, and the Little Emperor of the Northern Qi Dynasty and Doudou sent a 800-mile rush to deliver a letter to Fan Xian. In the letter, Zhan Doudou urged Fan Xian to update Dream of Red Mansions as soon as possible, and also asked Fan Ruoruo to be the disciple of Grand Master Ku He. Fan Xian sent Wang Qinian to give the letter to Emperor Qing for review. Li Hongcheng was immediately dumbfounded. The four great masters were above the dynasty. , Fan Ruoruo went to Northern Qi to study under his master, and their marriage was completely ruined. Fan Xian tried his best to appease Li Hongcheng and dragged him to the wedding banquet.

Li Chengze took Ye Linger to Fan Mansion, and Ye Linger repeatedly reminded him not to talk nonsense at the wedding banquet, otherwise he would not be lenient. Li Chengqian wanted to share Fan Xian's worries, but he didn't have so much money. He saw that Fan Xian and Beiqi were very close, and reminded Fan Xian not to use Beiqi's money to fill the internal treasury deficit. Li Chengqian was glad that Li Chengze was grounded, and he could not come to Fan's house to cause trouble. . Unexpectedly, Li Chengze brought Ye Linger to the Fan Mansion for a banquet, and Li Hongcheng quietly hid after seeing this.

Li Chengze prepared 500,000 taels of silver notes as a wedding gift and wanted to solve Fan Xian's urgent need. Li Chengqian was not willing to lag behind and was also vying to win over Fan Xian. Li Chengqian and Li Chengze refused to give in to each other and were vying to get Fan Xian to join the team. Li Chengru sat aside. Silently, he watched the two brothers bickering. Fan Xian only accepted a silver check and thanked Li Chengze for his kindness. Fan Xian also declined Li Chengqian's invitation and invited them to watch the ceremony together.

The wedding officially started. Fan Ruoruo accompanied Lin Waner to the hall and handed the other end of the red hydrangea to Fan Xian. Fan Xian and Lin Waner came to the hall to salute Fan Jian and Liu Ruyu. Li Chengze stepped forward to watch the excitement. Ye Linger was worried that he would cause trouble and hurriedly grabbed his sleeve. Lin Dabao suddenly appeared and asked Lin Wan'er to go out and say a word. Everyone present was stunned. Lin Dabao conveyed Lin Ruofu's words - "Lin Wan'er take good care of Lin Dabao". Lin Wan'er agreed wholeheartedly, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.


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