Chen Pingping was neither humble nor overbearing in the face of Fan Xian's accusations. The jewelry he gave to Lin Wan'er and Fan Xian were all gifts from Emperor Qing. Fan Xian revealed that Chen Pingping used embezzlement and bribery money to build Chen Garden into an extremely luxurious place. The garden was full of rare treasures. As for the exotic treasure, Chen Pingping explained that Chen Garden was not his private property, but belonged to the Qing royal family, and he only had the right to use it. Emperor Qing vetoed Fan Xian's accusation against Chen Pingping.

Lai Mingcheng listed Fan Jian and Fan Xian's crimes one by one. Fan's family opened a brothel privately, which was unreasonable. Fan Jian did not teach his children well, which was detrimental to his official reputation. Emperor Qing heard that Baoyue Tower had beaten people to death, so Lai Mingcheng After finding out that this matter was related to Li Chengze, he wanted to report it one by one. Fan Jian admitted that he was incompetent in educating his son. It was inappropriate for Fan Sizhe to open Baoyue Tower privately, but it did not violate the law. He had already asked Fan Sizhe to close Baoyue Tower and sent Fan Sizhe to a bitter cold place to undergo rehabilitation. Lai Mingcheng insisted that Fan Sizhe should be punished. As a punishment, Fan Jian and Fan Xian must be demoted and severely reprimanded.

Emperor Qing asked Lin Ruofu for his opinion, and Lin Ruofu suggested investigating the Baoyuelou murder case first, and then holding Fan Jian accountable for his lax tutoring. Qin Ye supported Lin Ruofu's suggestion. Lai Mingcheng revealed that Li Chengze ordered Fan Wujiu to kill people and silence them. Li Chengze hurriedly knelt down to admit his mistake. He was deceived by Fan Wujiu, and that both the murder and the silence were done by Fan Wujiu alone. Lai Mingcheng found out that fifteen officials in the court were involved. They all had a large amount of unexplained money, and they were all closely related to Li Chengze. Lai Mingcheng begged Emperor Qing to thoroughly investigate the smuggling of Li Yunrui and Li Chengze. All civil and military officials were in an uproar when they heard the news. Emperor Qing refused on the spot because there was no evidence. , Lai Mingcheng asked Emperor Qing to re-examine Fan Wujiu.

At the same time, Fan Wujiu opened the interlayer of the book that Li Chengze had given him, and found a packet of poison hidden inside. Fan Wujiu understood everything immediately, and he committed suicide by taking poison on the spot. Li Chengze agreed to retry Fan Wujiu, and also made the Fan family responsible for the girls and miscellaneous personnel in Baoyuelou. Fan Xian agreed wholeheartedly, and Emperor Qing issued an order to ban Li Chengze for half a year and fined Fan Jian and Fan Xian half a year's salary as a warning to others.

Lai Mingcheng believed that the punishment was too light and insisted on demoting Fan Jian and Fan Xian. Emperor Qing advised him not to be too serious. Lai Mingcheng impeached the entire Inspection and Inspection Yuan for unclear laws and overwhelming power. He suggested that the files of the Inspection and Inspection Yuan should be handed over to the six departments and that Chen Pingping should retire and return to her hometown. All civil and military officials were stunned. Emperor Qing got up and wanted to leave on the pretext that he was tired, but Lai Mingcheng fell to his knees. He was the last to visit Emperor Qing himself, and kept claiming that "the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked." All civil and military officials stood up to condemn Lai Mingcheng and criticized him verbally and writing. The emperor was immediately furious, and Lai Mingcheng vowed to die unyielding, and was surrounded and beaten by hundreds of civil and military officials.

Li Chengqian pinched his thigh hard, and he cried loudly in pain, accusing Lai Mingcheng of not understanding Emperor Qing. He sang praises for Emperor Qing at the top of his lungs, and Xin Qiwu also cried bitterly and complained about Emperor Qing's injustice. Fan Xian and Fan Jian stood up and spoke well of Lai Mingcheng. Qin Ye and Lin Ruofu felt that Lai Mingcheng was also sharing the country's worries and asked Emperor Qing to treat him leniently. Emperor Qing gritted his teeth and praised Lai Mingcheng for doing the right thing and wanted to reward him. Chen Pingping suggested that the box The jewelry was given to Lai Mingcheng, and Emperor Qing ordered Lai Mingcheng to be executed with a stick. Fan Xian stood up to plead for Lai Mingcheng, and Emperor Qing asked Fan Xian to supervise the execution.

The heavens were furious at Emperor Qing's unfair verdict. Suddenly there was lightning and thunder, and it started pouring rain. Fan Xian was forced to accept the order to be the prison officer. He ran all the way outside the imperial city in the heavy rain and saw Lai Mingcheng being beaten. His flesh and blood were bloody, and Fan Xian couldn't bear to see Lai Mingcheng die so unjustly. He wanted to go to Emperor Qing to intercede, but it was too late, and Lai Mingcheng was beaten to death.

Fan Xian took the carriage home. He didn't say a word all the way. When the carriage passed by the inspection institute, Chen Pingping was waiting for him at the gate. Fan Xian didn't want to see anyone, so he asked Wang Qinian to speed through the inspection institute. Shadow forcibly stopped the carriage and took Fan Xian to see Chen Pingping. Chen Pingping took Fan Xian to a secret room, which was the command center of the Institute. Chen Pingping issued instructions to all parts of the Institute through the secret room mechanism. Only then did Fan Xian learn that this secret room and the mechanism were left by his mother Ye Qingmei during her lifetime. of.

Fan Xian was puzzled and didn't understand why Emperor Qing beat Lai Mingcheng to death, who was dedicated to serving the country. Chen Pingping knew that Lai Mingcheng had touched Emperor Qing's evil side. Emperor Qing, who was involved in a smuggling case and consulted the files of the Inspection and Inspection Institute, was tantamount to tampering with Emperor Qing's authority. After Fan Xian took over the Inspection and Inspection Institute, the censors in the Inspection and Inspection Institute would treat him as an enemy. Fan Xian felt shuddering. For the first time, he felt the coldness and ruthlessness of Emperor Qing. He couldn't help but think of the tragic death of his mother Ye Qingmei. Chen Pingping told him to be careful in the future.

Fan Ruoruo is smart and studious. He not only reads ancient literature and books, but also teaches himself medical skills. Fan Xian was upset and came to Fan Ruoruo to complain. Fan Ruoruo gave him kind words and vowed to protect Fan Xian. Fan Xian taught her step by step, starting with dissecting a duck. Deng Ziyue was ordered by Fan Xian to burn all the prostitution contracts of the girls in Baoyuelou, allowing them to choose whether to stay or go voluntarily. In addition, the remaining girls would only perform arts and not sell themselves. The girls cheered happily, and Sang Wen wanted to continue to stay in Baoyuelou. Yuelou, the girls all asked to stay.


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