As soon as Fan Xian sent someone to take Fan Sizhe to Northern Qi for refuge, Li Chengze sent Fan Wujiu to secretly follow Fan Sizhe, hoping to find an opportunity to capture Fan Sizhe. Although Fan Wujiu was not at the ninth level, he was also a first-class master. Before he could wait for him After attacking Fan Sizhe, he was knocked unconscious on the spot by Haitang Duoduo, a ninth-level expert. The people from the inspection institute escorted Fan Wujiu back to Kyoto.

Li Chengze arranged for three dead men to go to Baoyue Tower to kill Miss Jin. They also deliberately exposed their whereabouts and were captured alive. The three men framed Fan Xian as the mastermind behind the scenes. Li Chengze originally wanted to use this case to completely defeat Fan Xian and Fan Sizhe, but he ended up falling into the dragnet set by Fan Xian. Fan Xian played the Fan Wujiu card and forced Li Chengze into a desperate situation. Li Chengze did not dare to tell anyone about Fan Wujiu's pursuit of Fan Sizhe, and he did not want people to know that he sent people to kill three dead men. This round ended in Li Chengze's disastrous defeat.

Lin Ruofu was originally suspicious of the relationship between Fan Xian and Haitang Duoduo, and Fan Xian asked Haitang Duoduo to take action to catch Fan Wujiu. Lin Ruofu admired Fan Xian's careful layout but felt uneasy, and did not trust Lin Wan'er. After handing it over to Fan Xian, Fan Xian repeatedly explained that he and Haitang Duoduo only cooperated for a win-win situation and had no emotional entanglements, so Lin Ruofu felt relieved.

Xie Bian came to the prison overnight to see Fan Wujiu and reminded him not to confess Li Chengze. Fan Wujiu knew that he would definitely die. His only regret was that he could not participate in the Spring Science Examination. Fan Wujiu did not want to give up his studies. Li Chengze had already guessed what he was thinking. Ask Xie Bian to bring him a book.

Haitang Duoduo took Fan Sizhe to the capital of the Northern Qi Dynasty. Fan Sizhe witnessed her superb martial arts skills, doing everything possible to please her, and shamelessly calling her sister-in-law. Haitang Duoduo became angry and gave Fan Sizhe a hard lesson. Fan Sizhe was so frightened that he shut up in a hurry. Haitang Duoduo sent Fan Sizhe to an oil shop, which was the intelligence liaison station set up by Fan Xian in Northern Qi. Guo Baokun was on duty there. He boasted in front of Fan Sizhe about his important contribution to the Northern Qi intelligence network, and Fan Sizhe's contribution to the Northern Qi intelligence network. He is not interested in this, he just wants to take over this oil shop as soon as possible. Guo Baokun couldn't wait to ask when Fan Xian would rescue his father from prison. Fan Sizhe didn't know about it and asked Guo Baokun to go find Fan Xian and find out.

Guo Baokun and Fan Sizhe packed their luggage early in the morning and quietly left Shangjing in a carriage. The Northern Qi spies reported the matter to Lang Tao, who asked Haitang Duoduo to send someone to follow their carriage quietly. The little emperor Zhan Doudou of the Northern Qi Dynasty is a fan of Red Mansions. She asked Haitang Duoduo to write to Fan Xian to urge him to update as soon as possible. She wanted to see it soon. Haitang Duoduo was very angry. Fan Sizhe suspected that she and Fan Xian had an affair. Even Zhan Doudou misunderstood it. Her relationship with Fan Xian.

Fan Wujiu placed all the blame on himself and tried his best to distance himself from his relationship with Li Chengze. He confessed that Li Hongcheng and Yuan Meng were old acquaintances. After Yuan Meng took over Baoyue Building, he helped sign several contracts for prostitution without telling Li Chengze. After the incident was discovered, he hired a murderer to kill him. Unexpectedly, the murderer was caught, so he had no choice but to kill him to silence him and deliberately framed Fan Xian.

The Metropolitan Procuratorate received Fan Wujiu's confession, and the censors investigated the matter separately, but there was not much evidence. Lai Mingcheng personally came to Fan Xian for help. He wanted to borrow files from the No. 1 Department of the Inspection and Examination Institute for reference. He bought some red dates for Fan Xian to nourish his body. Fan Xian agreed to cooperate with him and asked him to go to the No. 1 Department to check relevant information. Lai Mingcheng saw the luxurious style and magnificence of Fan's mansion, and suspected that Fan Jian and Fan Xian were corrupt. He immediately decided to impeach the father and son in front of Emperor Qing after reading a file. Fan Xian was amused by him and couldn't laugh or cry. He admired him from the bottom of his heart. He is such an honest official.

Two days later, Lai Mingcheng wrote a letter to impeach Fan Jian and Fan Xian. All civil and military officials came to watch the fun. Emperor Qing summoned all civil and military officials to the imperial study. Fan Xian reported Chen Pingping's corruption in public and took out the rare treasures that Chen Pingping gave to Hei Lin Wan'er. Treasure as proof.


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