Young Blood 2 大宋少年志2

Yu Chiyuan was the stone thrown by Wang Kuan, and he followed Coach Liang to Wang Xianggong. Wang Xianggong said that Wang Kuan had a letter to read to Wang Xianggong in public. Wang Xianggong was reluctant at first, but let him read it anyway. Wang Kuan wrote a last letter, if such a young man is still suspected by his family, there is no reason at all! In Kaifeng City, there is a person whose status is higher than that of Wang Xianggong. Wang Kuan designed it to be the Chen family that the emperor wanted to establish. However, her status was opposed, but she was never forgotten by His Majesty. The secret meetings of the official family were all arranged by Wang Xianggong , and today's day is such a coincidence that people happen to be there.
Lu Nanshan fled in a panic, and Yu Chiyuan told him that Wang Xianggong was here today, and the officials were also there, and he also passed on an oral order saying that there is no need to put Qizhai under house arrest, and arrange for them to do things. Officials are kind by nature, so Wang Kuan naturally doesn't worry about what the officials will do to him. Although Lu Nanshan refused to accept it, he could only let them go.
Yuan Zhongxin was imprisoned by Xing at this time, and Yu Chiyuan felt a little sympathetic when he saw this. Yuan Zhongxin was not surprised to learn that Wang Kuan and the others broke free from the cage. Everyone went to Wang Kuan's house, and Wang Kuan asked them to arrange them in his former yard, and then went to see Wang Xianggong. Yu Chiyuan fed Yuan Zhongxin some water, he asked how Qi Zhai got together, Yuan Zhongxin had to admit that it was Zhao Jian who caught him here, and he had been with them for a long time, but Yuan Zhongxin believed in people's hearts Ben Shan. Qi Zhai never regretted getting to know each other, and so did Wang Kuan. But Wang Xianggong was very angry. Wang Kuan actually wanted to build up his family because of these people. Qizhai's behavior was ridiculous, and Yuan Zhongxin was about to die. The three of Pei Jing were taken outside Wang Xianggong's study, Xue Ying and Wei Yuan were a little disappointed when they heard Wang Xianggong's evaluation of them. When they arrived at Pei Jing, Wang Xianggong threw a letter to Wang Kuan. Pei Jing's younger brother had been in contact with Han Duanzhang for a long time, and they might become accomplices.
Wang Kuan asked Wang Xianggong why he thought of Cha Pei's family, and how he could be convicted with a letter. Wang Xianggong didn't take it seriously. Wang Kuan was his own son. Even the officials knew him. His future was limitless. How could Pei Jing be worthy of him! Pei Jing outside the door lowered his head, and the servant took them to settle down. Wang Xianggong persuaded Wang Kuan to give up Qizhai, those were just youthful spirits. But if growing up means abandoning yesterday's self, then Wang Kuan would never do that.
Yu Chiyuan fed Yuan Zhongxin something to eat, and the two started chatting. Yu Chiyuan has a benefactor, for whom he even gave his life, Yuan Zhongxin guessed that this person should be Lu Nanshan. Xue Ying, Wei Yuan, and Pei Jing sat silently. Wang Kuan brought the letter to Pei Jing. Pei Jing thought carefully, maybe it was true. Wang Kuan and Pei Jing treat each other with sincerity, and Wang Kuan treats everyone the same way. Xue Ying has strength besides force, and it is his honor to be his friend. And the one who wants to marry Pei Jing is not Wang Xianggong, but Wang Kuan. Although Wei Yuan is unbearably stubborn, his character is not low.
Wang Kuan asked Pei Jing and himself to go back to Pei's house, and Pei Jing immediately agreed. The reason why Pei Jing entered the secret pavilion was because Zhangyuan Lu needed her identity, so her parents sent her in, the family's accounts were settled, and she even asked for an errand for her younger brother. Since she entered the secret pavilion, the family had never seen her, but Pei Jing was not sad at all, and comforted Wang Kuan in turn.
Yu Chiyuan was guarding in Yuan Zhongxin's prison, and Yuan Zhongxin asked how their colleagues died. At that time, they searched Yuan's house, but the building was empty, and soon another group of people appeared and killed them. According to this person's description, Yuan Zhongxin knew his identity, a swordsman with a bamboo hat.
When Wang Kuan and Pei Jing arrived near their home, they saw a swordsman wearing a bamboo hat, and felt strange. Wei Yuan and Xue Ying went to Zhao's house, but Zhao Jian said that he was on guard and could not see any guests. Pei Jing found some bloodstains in the yard, his parents' room was locked, and Wang Kuan broke in through the window, only to see Pei Jing's parents and younger brother hiding money on a ladder. Wang Xianggong mentioned it, so they have already stewed the chicken and waited for Wang Kuan.