When Yu Huan returned home, he saw familiar parents eating hot meals, repeatedly praising her mother for her good craftsmanship. Mother Yu said that the son of the next door will get married after the New Year, and he is as old as Yu Huan. This is a disguised urge to get married. Yu Huan told them that she had someone to ask for it, and her parents kept asking. Yu Huan said that they were classmates and had been talking for four months.

Yu Huan and Qiao Yibai went to Yihuantang to relive the sweetness and warmth they had seen for the first time. Tawny and others also came to watch them show their affection in public. Since the Tawny proposal was a winter vacation, the two unions made an appointment to meet, and everyone raised their hands in favor.

Qiao Yibai’s parents went out to play for a few days and asked him to take care of himself. Qiao Yibai said that he can take care of himself and don’t worry. Yu Huan watched the Spring Festival Gala with her parents. His dad watched her playing with her mobile phone, and felt that she was really not staying in the female college. He wanted to see which silly boy it was. Dad Yu asked his daughter when to bring the boy to the house for a meal. Yu Huan said that he hadn't written the character yet and let him watch TV.

Qiao Yibai called Yu Huan and said a happy new year. He came downstairs to Yu Huan's house and gave her a surprise. Qiao Yibai also brought Yu Huan's New Year gifts and bought fireworks. The two set off fireworks in front of their home. Dad Yu, who was ignorant of waking up, went downstairs and saw them. He walked over to ask questions and went back to wash the dishes.

The next day, Dad Yu made a big red envelope for Yu Huan, and Ma Yu was busy making dumplings. Dad Yu took Yu Huan to sit on the sofa and asked her to push Qiao Yibai’s WeChat account to him. If he wanted to send him a red envelope, Yu Huan asked Dad to give it to herself, and she could help pass it on.

Suao wanted to send Li Yiren's New Year greetings, but he was afraid it would be too special. So I went to see her circle of friends happily and saw a picture of Li Yiren and her boyfriend, and my mood instantly turned cloudy.

Rosie sat on the sofa fascinated and played with her mobile phone. Her mother asked her if she was in love, so happy. She admitted that her mother asked her boyfriend for various information. Rosie succinctly said that her name was Liang Cheng, who was a senior from their school. She played very well in basketball and looked very handsome.

Li Yiren set up snacks and drinks with Su Ao. He saw the ring on her hand and asked with a disappointment. It turned out that her boyfriend had proposed to her during the New Year. He decided to bless her and stand behind her to protect her. People from the two trade unions gathered together for the lively and vividly held offline meetings.

Yu Huan and Qiao Yibai arrived late, and when they came to the scene, everyone sighed with emotion. Xia Xiaochan mentioned that Yu Huan had retired. Yu Huan said that he would come back to see everyone when he was free, and occasionally he could make cameo appearances. Xia Xiaochan said that no matter what decision she makes, she is her diehard fan and will always support her. Su Ao also mentioned that Qiao Yibai just got the financing, if the wind is rising, you can't forget the big guy. Qiao Yibai invited everyone to their company for the next gathering, and everyone enthusiastically applauded.

The party broke up and sent the others away, Tan Shi saw her boyfriend approaching them with her boyfriend's arms around a woman. Su Ao was very angry when he saw it and kicked it over, making Li Yi unfair. Li Yiren was very angry, took off the ring from her hand and threw it on the ground, turned and left.

Su Ao silently followed her to escort her home. Su Ao asked her why she knew Xiong Hao was a scumbag, why should she swallow it again and again, is it worth it? She is such a good and proud girl. Li Yiren said that they have been together for seven years, not that they can be forgotten. Su Ao didn't plan to let them go and bless them, he confessed to Li Yiren. 


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