Feng Yao asked the young man Nan Xuyue in the carriage behind him why he came here. Nan Xuyue said that he had calculated in his early years that he would meet an old friend here today, and he wondered if she still recognized him. Mu Xuanling was inside the Linglong yoke under the scorching sun. She said Xie Xuechen asked her to barbecue here. Just as she was thinking about it, she heard Po's voice, who said that he had found the smartest person in the world who could save her. Mu Xuanling whispered that perhaps in Abao's mind everyone in the world was smart, but Mu Xuanling heard that person say that this was Linglong shackle. He also said that the person who set up this formation did not want to kill her. Mu Xuanling felt that he must be a good person since he could recognize Linglong Jia.
Nan Xuyue then said that setting up this formation required blood and a high level of mana. But this man did not kill her. It seemed that he did not have enough physical strength, so he had to use this to face the enemy. After hearing this, Mu Xuanling felt that this person was really capable. She said that she had a misunderstanding with her friend, and asked if she could ask the person in front of her to help her untie the exquisite shackles so that she could go and help her friend resolve the misunderstanding. Nan Xuyue knew that the friend she was talking about was Xie Xuechen. He told Mu Xuanling how to remove the Linglong shackles, and Mu Xuanling really broke the Linglong shackles based on what he said. When Nan Xuyue saw her, he said that he was the owner of Yunxiu Villa, Nan Xuyue. He said that the friend Mu Xuanling was talking about was Xie Xuechen.
Mu Xuanling wondered how he knew that. Nan Xuyue said that this Linglong shackle was created by him and Xie Xuechen together, so he could break it. Mu Xuanling asked if he was also a friend of Xie Xuechen, Nan Xuyue nodded, and Mu Xuanling said that it was unexpected that a person like Xie Xuechen could have friends. Nan Xuyue said that she was also Xie Xuechen's friend. Mu Xuanling lowered her head in embarrassment after hearing that. Nan Xuyue suggested that Mu Xuanling go to Yunxiu Villa with him, and he said that Xie Xuechen would also go. Po also wanted to go with them, but Mu Xuanling said that she had things to do and didn't want Po to follow her.
A Bao asked Nan Xuyue if he could also visit his villa. Nan Xuyue looked at Mu Xuanling, who said that A Bao was asking him and let him make his own decision. Nan Xuyue agreed to let Abao go to Yunxiu Villa with them. Not long after they arrived here, Xie Xuechen came. When he saw Mu Xuanling, he asked Nan Xuyue why she brought her here. Mu Xuanling said that Xie Xuechen was a bastard. After saying that, she left, leaving Xie Xuechen and Nan Xuyue alone. Xie Xuechen told Nan Xuyue that he felt there was a traitor in their Immortal Alliance. Nan Xuyue also realized that Xie Xuechen was captured and taken to the Dark Domain on purpose.
Because he knew Xie Xuechen's character, he would choose to die in battle rather than be captured by the enemy. Xie Xuechen said that he was indeed arrested on purpose because he wanted to go to the Dark Domain to find out some situations. Xie Xuechen said that he found out that there was something wrong with Sang Qi in the Dark Domain, and he colluded with the Immortal Alliance to take action against the Chaos Pearl. Xie Xuechen said that the key thing now is to find out who the traitor is, but his magic power has not yet recovered. Nan Xuyue said that he had a way to help him recover his magic power, and then Nan Xuyue helped him recover it. Xie Xuechen thanked Nan Xuyue, who said that it would be good for him to be less injured. Xie Xuechen felt that this was just the beginning and there must be someone controlling all this.
Mu Xuanling was saved by Xie Xuechen ten years ago, but ten years ago when Nan Xuyue was injured at home it was Mu Xuanling who came to his side and became his friend. Mu Xuanling asked Abao if people could come back to life after they died. Abao said that her mother said that only people from the Dark Clan could come back to life after they died. If humans and gods die, they will die, but if there are special circumstances, they can come back to life. After saying that, Po said that her mother told her that she should be timid when encountering things, after all, she only has one life. Nan Xuyue's subordinate Feng Yao came to tell them that something happened. It turned out that Gao Qiumin had come and she wanted to stay here for a while. Nan Xuyue went to prepare a room for her. After Xie Xuechen chatted with her for a few words, he realized that she was possessed by the War Shadow. Mu Xuanling also sensed the presence and she ran out as well.