Xiaobai heard from Hou's father that they disliked her background as not worthy of Hou Zhi, and said to help Xiaobai find a better job, preferably if no one else knew about her family. She just wants to get rid of poverty and doesn't want to get out of the singles. To Hou Zhi, it's just a friendship among colleagues, and she doesn't mean to climb high. Besides, she also has self-knowledge. At critical moments in her life, she can't even count on her father, and she won't rely on anyone. Then he got up and said goodbye. Hou's father was stunned, this Xiaobai had a very high temper, completely different from those gold diggers.

Hou Zhi heard that Xiaobai was going to see a client, and saw from the surveillance that it was their housekeeper who invited Xiaobai, so he quickly turned back, heard the conversation between Xiaobai and his father in the corner, and felt that the girl really didn't miss her. After Xiaobai left, Hou Zhi's parents couldn't help feeling how wonderful Xiaobai's response was. She was a girl who had seen the world. Hou Zhi and his parents said that he knew Xiaobai's family. Xiaobai's mother was married to a foreign country. Corruption, bribery, and imprisonment, but these have little to do with Xiaobai, in fact, he is not good enough for Xiaobai. Changing girlfriends these years is like changing clothes. When I see Xiaobai, I feel that she is different from those girls. Use practical actions to prove your progress like your parents.

Tang Chen handed over the business to be taken over by the company to Hou Zhi, and asked Hou Zhi to work hard. Although the public relations target this time was Hou Zhi's father, Tang Chen still had confidence and encouraged Hou Zhi to share the experience he had learned during this period. Use, and at the same time prove the strength of their gray whales.

Huang Yirou and Zhu Ran's relationship warmed up. Because of the traffic jam, Zhu Ran didn't arrive at his wife's company on time. This time Huang Yirou was not angry. She went to the birth checkup alone and bought a new smartphone for Zhu Ran. The two finally confessed Treating each other, Huang Yirou began to release her old husband, and no longer checked the meter every day to interfere with her husband's freedom.

Tang Chen often went to the hospital to visit Shuo Yu in his spare time, and even helped him turn over and wash Shuo Yu's feet. This time Shuo Bing went to visit his younger brother and met Tang Chen unexpectedly. Tang Chen came uninvited, in fact, it was very useful in his heart. Now Tang Chen has also begun to leave space for his life, and he is no longer busy with the constant ringing of mobile phones.

Now Mr. Ye is going to buy Huangren Pharmaceutical and hire Tang Chen as their public relations company. Shuo Bing, as the first party, is here to cooperate with Tang Chen. The two have a tacit understanding, and this cooperation is even more seamless. Hou's father hired another public relations company with ten times the seniority and business volume of Gray Whale. He didn't see Hou Zhi at all, and let Hou Zhi watch how his father defeated Gray Whale.

After several days and nights of hard fighting, the reputation of Guo Ye's head office soared directly, and Hou's father saw the company's various disadvantages, and all kinds of negative news about their company flew into the sky, and one after another, the other party's public relations ability let him With admiration, he soon announced his withdrawal from the acquisition of Huangren Pharmaceutical.

All the staff at Tang Chen's side were working overtime. When they heard that their opponent was about to withdraw from the competition, they were elated. Tang Chen immediately announced that everyone would rest and could go back to catch up on sleep. Shuo Bing said frankly that the day her salary was credited to her bank card, she was very relieved. At that time, she felt that Tang Chen was right, and her younger brother was still waiting to spend money to save his life. At this time, she was in conflict with Mr. Ye No matter what will happen in the future, their lives will be ruined, and there will be no hope for the medical expenses of the younger brother. Tang Chen patted Shuo Bing on the shoulder to reassure her that no matter what happens in the future, he is ready and will be strong for Shuo Bing at any time backing.

Hou Zhi bought food for Xiaobai, and talked about why he was reduced to selling wine. Xiaobai said that his father was still serving his sentence, his mother remarried, and she had no money to continue her college studies. , and regardless of academic qualifications, Xiaobai said these things calmly and without any regrets, but Hou Zhi admired her courage very much.


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