Lin Fanglu saw Nanya for the first time in junior high school. At that time, she was wearing a white shirt and long skirt, with her face facing the sky. She was like a hibiscus emerging from the water, which was engraved in his mind and is unforgettable to this day. For such a gentle and beautiful woman like Yu Nanya, Lin Fanglu could not imagine that she would kill her husband so cruelly. However, Lao Chen held a different view. He believed that Xu Yi's motive for killing Nanya was not valid. Instead, Nanya had a grudge and was fully capable of committing murder.

After breakfast, the two went to Shengda Construction Company to learn about the situation. Since the bridge incident, this company has become a street rat that everyone wants to beat up. Family members of the deceased often come to make trouble, and banners with accusations and crusade can be seen everywhere. According to staff, the main reasons for the collapse of the bridge were cutting corners, muddling through, and other complex problems.

Since the bridge was designed privately and had illegal modifications, and the construction was contracted at different levels. Although Xu Yi was the construction contractor, he subcontracted the project to another company. As a result, there were many people involved in the case and it was difficult to convict Xu Yi. Lin Fanglu learned that buyer Liu Changshui was the main handler of building materials, and immediately went to retrieve the accounts of Shengda Company. The head of the department revealed that Liu Changshui had disappeared, leaving a large debt to be borne by the company. Xu Yi had to personally come forward to comfort the family of the deceased, winning a good reputation.

Then the two men briefly inquired about Liu Changshui's wife and children. Liu Changshui's wife complained a lot, accusing him of raising a mistress outside. In contrast, his son Liu Xun has an eccentric personality and bad temper, and firmly believes that his father is innocent. A few months ago, Liu Xun discovered that Liu Changshui had absconded with money in the middle of the night, and cried and begged him not to leave, but to no avail. In the final exam, Liu Xun once again lost to Zhou Luo, who ranked first.

Lao Chen suspected that Liu Changshui's wife and children were acting in front of them, while Lin Fanglu believed that Liu Xun was a very thoughtful child. He seemed to be concerned about whether his father had committed a crime, not because of the relationship between father and son, but because he was worried that his reputation would be damaged. After listening to Lin Fanglu's reasonable analysis, Lao Chen did not refute and acquiesced to his point of view.

That night, Lao Chen invited Lin Fanglu to his home as a guest and cooked the meal himself. Chen's wife warmly entertained Lin Fanglu and introduced her son Chen Jun and daughter Chen Ling to him. But Chen Ling had an indifferent attitude towards Lin Fanglu. When she heard Lin Fanglu infer that Nanya would be found not guilty if she acted in self-defense, she immediately threw away her chopsticks and left.

The whole family has long been accustomed to Chen Ling's behavior. Chen's wife noticed Lin Fanglu's doubts and took the initiative to tell Chen Ling and Nanya's past. In fact, the two used to be best friends who talked about everything. Chen Ling felt sorry for Nanya's experience, so she took care of her in life and study. The Chen family also treated Nanya as their daughter. However, Nanya and Chen Ling would always like the same man, even if these men had dated Chen Ling, they would all cheat on Nanya without exception. What really made Chen Ling and Nanya break up was when she caught Nanya and Wang Zhi in bed, and they turned against each other from then on.

Zhou Luo personally took Wan Wan to the hospital for a follow-up consultation. Lin Fanglu offered to go with him and inquired about Nanya from doctor Jiang Zhi. Unexpectedly, he learned that Wan Wan's illness was caused by Nanya's pregnancy and Xu Yi's domestic violence. Jiang Zhi deliberately concealed some things, saying that Nanya's face was injured in the early days, but Xu Yi later learned to be wise and stopped slapping her face, so he knew very little about Nanya's situation.

Xu Yi's ex-girlfriend Chen Ling was dissatisfied with Lin Fanglu's verification of the case for Nanya and believed that a woman like her should be sentenced to death. She didn't understand why everyone had to help Nanya. Lin Fanglu retorted that if someone had helped, Nanya would not have been beaten so badly by Xu Yi. At the same time, Jiang Zhi went to Zhou Luo alone and reminded him not to talk nonsense. His tone was full of disdain and humiliation for Nanya, and Zhou Luo could only hold back his anger.

Lin Fanglu investigated Nanya's outpatient records and found that all prenatal examinations and birth cases in the obstetrics and gynecology department were included, but the records on the day of birth disappeared inexplicably. He took the information back to the institute and searched carefully. Suddenly something occurred to him, and he asked everyone to find the outpatient records of September 28th, because this was the day Zhou Luo was injured by Xu Yi, and it was also the day Nanya went to the hospital for treatment. The day of love appraisal. Coincidentally, the record page for this day had already been torn up.

Seeing everyone in a hurry, Lao Chen couldn't help but remind them that the direction of their investigation might have deviated. After saying that, he took Lin Fanglu to see Wang Guihong. This woman was also a victim of domestic violence, and was considered by outsiders as a vicious woman who cheated on her husband and killed her husband. Lao Chen said that women who are domestically abused deserve sympathy, but the truth is another matter. As police, they are not responsible for the sympathy part. For this reason, he hinted that Lin Fanglu should focus the investigation on Nanya's mistress.


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