Ever since Nanya's father died on a snowy winter night, Hu Xiu hated Nanya so much that even in front of the police, she still cursed her as a "vixen". She seemed to firmly believe that it was not Hu Lifan who violated Nanya because of sex, but Nanya who deliberately seduced Hu Lifan. This resentment allowed Hu Xiu to always find an excuse to attack Nanya.

The evil in Qingshui Town is engraved in the bones and flowing in the blood. When the "water" is no longer clear, as long as the wind blows, the evil will spread out, making people shudder. Most of the rumors about Nanya were spread by Xu Yi and Chen Ling together, and the other part was instigated by Hu Xiu to achieve his own ulterior motives.

On Millennium New Year's Eve, Hu Xiu made nasty remarks to Nanya on the street, but Nanya was not to be outdone and warned her to move out of her father's house as soon as possible, otherwise she would be dealt with through legal means. This sentence completely angered Hu Xiu. She ran to complain to Xu Yi, maliciously speculating that Nanya had a lover outside, but Xu Yi actually believed it.

Seeing Xu Yi taking Nanya away angrily, Hu Xiu felt proud. However, the next second, she was sent to the hospital with angina pectoris. After waking up, she noticed Chen Ling crying sadly in the corner, and used Chen Ling's experience to try to solidify Nanya's vicious image as a flirtatious womanizer.

The last time Liu Xun used a photo of a female teacher to provoke Zhou Luo, he was upset. This time he went even further and posted posters throughout the classroom. The two had a fight on campus, which was known to the whole school. Principal Zhang Huashan hurriedly called the police to stop the farce, but he did not want the students' detention to affect the college entrance examination, so he finally criticized them and let it go.

Lin Fanglu talked to Liu Xun alone and warned him to stop doing things that harm others and not benefit himself. On the other hand, Zhou Luo had a dinner with Chen Jun and others and deliberately revealed the real reason why he dropped out of school, but everyone did not mind at all and were still willing to make friends with him. Zhang Qingli was even more distressed about Zhou Luo's experience.

On the other side, Lin Guixiang was rummaging around in Zhou Luo's room, always feeling that her son was hiding something from them. Zhou's father dissuaded his wife from peeping into his son's privacy, but Lin Guixiang revealed that he witnessed the car being burned on Millennium Night, and judging from Zhou Luo's reaction, he was the one who burned the car.

Lin Fanglu contacted his girlfriend Wen Ting and asked her to help find out why Zhou Luo dropped out of school. Wen Ting knew that Lin Fanglu had liked Nanya, and reminded him not to fall into such cliche romantic dramas, let alone dream of heroes saving beauties. They are all rational people and will eventually return to normal life.

That night, everyone had their own concerns. Lao Chen learned from the cinema ticket inspector that Nanya and Xu Yi did not come to watch the movie, which meant that Xu Jian's confession did not contain lies. Later, Lao Chen asked Lin Fanglu to accompany him to the riverside to chat and share their thoughts.

Lin Fanglu said that Master regretted an unsolved case, and Lao Chen also bluntly said that if Hu Lifan's case was not solved for a day, it was his knot. Although the suspect was caught before, the suspect revealed that the murderer was the dead Qiu Kuan. Only Hu Xiu insisted that Hu Lifan was killed by Nanya.

Early the next morning, the two went to Hu Xiu in person to understand the situation. Hu Xiu was still cursing Nanya and wanted to kill her. This kind of hatred was by no means groundless. Seeing that Hu Xiu was unwilling to disclose more information, Lin Fanglu prepared to leave. However, Hu Xiu suddenly stopped them. After hesitating for a moment, he took the initiative to confess the old things.

From her intermittent words, Lin Fanglu and Lao Chen could basically confirm that Hu Lifan had violated Nanya when he was in school. Although in everyone's opinion, this was a forced violation, Hu Xiu still insisted that Nanya was not serious and deliberately seduced her son, which would lead to such a result.


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