Recap Page

Mu Yikuan and Bai Suqin got married in advance and were about to worship heaven and earth. Yuchihua suddenly stopped him. Yuan Mo asked Director Bai to bring out the article written by Mu Yikuan. He found that the inkstone used by Mu Yikuan had a smell and was a folk cheap thing. The ink of Director Bai was inferior, but Director Bai's ink had a fresh fragrance. On the day Long Beina was killed, the article written by Mu Yikuan in Hongwen Museum also had a smell, indicating that it had been written at home before. Bai Suqin questioned Mu Yikuan What happened to Yikuan? Yuan Mo told what happened in the past two years.

Mu Yikuan had just arrived in Changle, and before he had a firm foothold, he first learned the court game of shooting willows in order to join the powerful. One day, he finally took the opportunity to meet Bai Suqin. After that, he was favored by Director Bai and had the opportunity to pass the annual examination and become an official. , but it is a pity that Long Beina suddenly appeared and ruined all plans. Only by removing the stumbling block can Mu Yikuan have a chance to realize his dream of counterattack from a humble family.

Hongye also confirmed Yuan Mo's analysis. Mu Yikuan gave him a sum of money and asked to find a way to get close to Bai Suqin. Everything after that was carefully designed by Mu Yikuan. Bai Suqin fainted on the spot, and Hongye simply told him that he saw Mu Yikuan running out of the alley on the day Long Beina was killed. Yu Deshui finally breathed a sigh of relief and gave the credit to the East Branch, asking An Xiuyi to assist Jingzhao Mansion in closing the case. Wang Kunwu had no intention of taking credit, but only reminded how to explain the situation to the Yanle Mission.

Long Ge wanted to take Mu Yi back to Yanle, but An Xiuyi told him that people from Yanle were not allowed to act recklessly in Dayong territory, so Longge tried to find ways to vent his anger on A Shu. On the way back, A Shu suddenly disappeared, and A Shu got out of the car to check. Finally, he was suddenly attacked from behind by Long Ge, who sprinkled a handful of powder on his eyes, and Ashu suddenly went dark.

When Yuan Mo saw Ah Shu crawling back home, he hurriedly asked Ah Shu to teach him how to prepare the antidote. Ah Shu said that Longge used Yanle's unique eclipse powder and there was no antidote at all. The next day, Yuan Motuo's people searched for Long Ge everywhere but found nothing. Wang Kunwu proposed to bury Long Bina generously. The others thought it was unnecessary, but Yuan Mo thought it might be possible to attract Long Ge to appear, so he agreed to Wang Kunwu's proposal.

A Shu boiled water at home and almost got burned. Fortunately, Yuan Mo came home in time. A Shu said that he would adapt to the life of blindness as soon as possible and would not drag Yuan Mo down all the time. Yuan Mo blamed A Shu for being too open-minded. Since the two of them are in the same family On paper, they are considered a family.

Yuan Mo held a grand funeral for Long Beina, and Long Ge fell into the trap. Yuan Mo also followed the clues and got the antidote. At night, he took A Shu to the city gate to watch the bright lights. A Shu was very excited and threw himself into Yuan Mo's arms.

The next day, in order to congratulate Ah Shu for regaining his sight, Yuan Mo bought new clothes. Ah Shu always felt that Yuan Mo had other ideas, so Yuan Mo had to keep another fifty taels in his account. Yuchi Hua and Bai Suqin were about to go to Nanshan to escape the summer heat. On the way, they were fainted by a carriage driver and disappeared without a trace. Wang Kunwu Yuanmo suspected what the maid Hongye had done, so he went to the prison to ask where the Hongye people were. Mu Yikuan really didn't know, but he also had feelings for Bai Suqin and didn't want anything to happen to her, so he told some little things about Hongye.

The first time he saw Hongye was when he was beaten by a Hu businessman on the street. Mu Yikuan couldn't bear it anymore, so he gave Hongye all his silver to redeem himself. Later, he heard Hongye mention that he had been imprisoned in a cellar for several years. Following this clue, Wang Kunwu divided his men into two teams to search one by one. Ah Shu accidentally recognized the hurried Hong Ye, knocked him unconscious, and rescued the frozen Yuchi Hua and Bai Suqin.

Wang Kunwu used crushed ice cubes to restore Yuchihua's frozen hands and feet. An Xiuyi didn't understand the principle. Wang Kunwu explained that hot water is not conducive to the dispersion of cold air. This is a common method in the military. Yuchihua gradually woke up.

Faced with conclusive evidence, Hongye finally admitted his crime. It turned out that he and Mu Yikuan were lovers. In order to help Mu Yikuan realize his wish for scientific research, he became a maid and approached Bai Suqin. Later, seeing that Long Beina had become a roadblock, he After taking advantage of the dispute between Long Beina and Ah Shu, he beat him to death. After doing so much, Mu Yikuan actually fell in love with Bai Suqin and was ready to get married. Therefore, Hongye did not hesitate to share the fate of both the jade and the stone, and falsely accused Mu Yikuan of being the murderer of Long Beina. Hongye was also full of hatred for Bai Suqin, so she kidnapped her. As for Mu Yikuan's betrayal of her feelings, Hongye could not forgive her.


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