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Wang Kunwu and An Xiuyi competed in shooting willows, and the bet was half a year's salary. After the venue was opened, Yuchihua and Bai Suqin and Mu Yikuan came forward to watch the excitement, and simply suggested that it be a competition between the East Court and the West Court.

Mu Yikuan hit the pigeon in the first round and won a point for the West Academy. Long Beina missed his shot once, and when it was Yuan Mo's turn, who didn't know how to shoot, he was full of jokes. First, he almost hit Yu Chihua with a throwing knife, and then scratched his own finger before he could use the knife. Yuan Mo didn't dare Trying to show off again and preparing to retreat honestly, Wang Kunwu stepped forward to stop him. Seeing the flying knife hidden in Wang Kunwu's sleeve, Yuan Mo became bolder. In the end, the West Court beat the East Court by one point.

Long Beina was not convinced. After the end, he took out a dagger and shot at the pigeon. Mu Yikuan blocked the dagger and said that there was no need to hurt the animal to vent his anger. Long Beina was even more angry. He felt that Mu Yikuan's status in Yanle was much lower than his own, and he was very rude with his words. Losing face, he grabbed Mu Yikuan by the collar and tried to teach him a lesson, but was stopped by Yu Chihua. Yuchihua asked for an apology, but Long Beina didn't take it seriously at first. When An Xiuyi quietly explained the status of Yuchihua's family, Long Beina had to reluctantly apologize to Mu Yikuan.

Long Ge later investigated that the pigeons Long Beina shot were poisoned with Jing Kuang Powder, which was Yanle's unique medicinal powder. Moreover, Ah Shu who was present that day looked very much like the person who was stabbed by him. Long Beina asked An to wait until the exam was over to let An Xiu Yi carefully investigates Ah Shu's identity. On the day of the annual exam, Sifangguan helped maintain order in the examination room. When Mu Yikuan showed his admission ticket, Long Beina attacked Mu Yikuan from behind and laughed at Mu Yikuan's identity. Even if he came first in the exam, it would be in vain. Bai Suqin advised Mu Yikuan not to be incompetent. People generally care.

Ah Shu went to deliver snacks outside the examination room. When it was Yuan Mo's turn, Ah Shu said that he could eat only if he had to pay 200 Wen. It was hot and Yuan Mo had no choice but to admit defeat. On the way home, Ah Shu always felt that someone was following him, so he tried to hide himself and escape. Long Beina stopped Ah Shu from the other side and severely questioned Ah Shu about his true identity. Because of his poor martial arts skills, Long Beina was taught a lesson by Ah Shu, and finally he was thrown a poison. Ah Shu asked Long Beina to give him a monthly gift. Always money, and then left in style.

Mu Yikuan came out of the examination room and accompanied Bai Suqin to the market when he thought of something else, so he left Bai Suqin and other maids Hongye. An Xiuyi Longge found that Long Beina had died of poison on the street. Ah Shu was immediately captured and brought to justice. Yu Deshui deceived Longge first and was worried about how to report it. An Xiuyi suggested handing over Ah Shu, but Yuan Mo thought that Ah Shu would not harm anyone. Wang Kunwu proposed to assist Jingzhao Mansion to conduct a thorough investigation. An Xiuyi believed that the West Court should avoid suspicion, and Yu Deshui agreed that the East Court should take over.

Ji Mingli proposed to find clues secretly to exonerate Ah Shu. Yuchi Hua and An Xiuyi interrogated Ah Shu together. Ah Shu refused to admit that he killed Long Bina. Long Ge was about to use a secret move. An Xiuyi was worried about hurting Yuchi Hua, so he stopped him. Down. Yuan Mo began to look for clues on the street, and Wang Kunwu also learned through his work that Long Bina's fatal injury was a blow to the back of the head. It was obvious that someone deliberately framed Ah Shu.

Yuan Mo asked Yu Chihua to help him meet A Shu. Yu Chihua also put Yuan Mo in jail, which would not be considered a violation. Yuan Mo prepared incense for A Shu and asked A Shu why he provoked Long Bina. Ah Shu replied that he wanted to get money to pay off the debt as soon as possible.

Yuan Mo Wang Kunwu discovered that Long Beina had no academic records. Yu Deshui informed Long Beina that he had already been appointed to an official position. Yuan Mo remembered Long Beina's ridicule to Mu Yikuan before the annual exam and began to doubt Mu Yikuan. Mu Yikuan explained that he went to Hongwen Hall at the same time. Wang Kunwu asked about A Shu's past, but Yuan Mo didn't fully know.


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