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Ah Shu took Yuan Mo as a test subject to test the toxicity of the combination of Dragon Scale Herb and Soul-Reviving Fragrance. Wang Kunwu finished his report on Xiang De Shui and accidentally drank the Dragon Scale Herb Water. As expected, he began to behave manically with the same symptoms as Cao Huo. He watched in a trance Seeing his deceased brother, Ah Shu was determined to avenge his death, and A Shu sprinkled dizzy powder to stop the situation from getting worse.

After Wang Kunwu regained consciousness, he mentioned that he couldn't restrain himself when he saw the red rope when he was poisoned. Yuan Mo recalled that when Cao Huo went crazy, there was a red carpet in the center of the hall, and Hua Xiaoniang also deliberately threw a red folding fan while dancing to cheer up. Therefore, the murderer really The target is Dou Chun, and Hua Xiaoniang is very suspicious. Wang Kunwu was about to report it to the Governor Dou Chun, but was told by Yu Deshui that the case would be taken over by the East Branch. An Xiuyi finally breathed a sigh of relief. After a period of joint investigation with Wang Kunwu, Yuchihua trusted Wang Kunwu very much and asked Wang Kunwu to assist in the investigation as his boss.

The four of them went to the house where the crime occurred to look for clues. Butler Jiang was responsible for selecting the location of the house, and laying out the red carpet was just to welcome the wind and celebrate, which sounds reasonable. Yuan Mo Azhu asked the spice boss Guan Feng if he was involved in the poisoning. Guan Feng just wanted to leave as soon as possible, so he took out a lot of gold and silver jewelry to bribe Yuan Mo.

Hua Niangzi played a pipa piece for Wang Kunwu. Wang Kunwu asked carefully. Hua Niangzi explained that the piece she played was a piece of military music ten years ago, and refused to say more when asked again.

Wang Kunwu reminded An Xiuyi to beware of Hua Xiaoniang, but An Xiuyi didn't take it seriously. He especially didn't like Wang Kunwu's self-righteous attitude. Wang Kunwu said that he didn't want to fight for anything. He worked hard to solve the case and just wanted to return to the army as soon as possible after making meritorious service. This made An Xiuyi Incomprehensible.

An Xiuyi asked Butler Jiang to move Dou Chun's residence. Butler Jiang chose a secluded courtyard surrounded by water. An Xiuyi reminded Dou Chun to beware of Hua Xiaoniang. Dou Chun thought that An Xiuyi thought too much, so Butler Jiang came directly. Hua Xiaoniang's room was under surveillance, and Lin Susu was guarding the door.

The next day, Dou Chun was found dead in the room. Hua Xiaoniang had no time to commit the crime. An Xiuyi thought that Wang Kunwu deliberately made himself look embarrassed. The two got into an argument. Wang Kunwu even made a move. Yu Deshui stopped him and asked the two In the future, we must abide by the rules and prevent internal strife in the Sifang Pavilion before the case is solved.

Tan Lin went to the Sifang Pavilion to have a drink with Wang Kunwu. Wang Kunwu mentioned his confusion. Tan Lin knew that Wang Kunwu was bent on avenging his brothers. He believed that the Sifang Pavilion was not a prison for Wang Kunwu, but the most informed place for inquiring about foreign countries. He might as well As a clue to the investigation of the faceless man, he made long-term plans to avenge his brother.

Yuan Mo once again proposed to exchange silver coins to provide clues to solve the case, but unfortunately he said a lot of truth and Yu Chihua was even more confused. Ah Shu discovered that there was something wrong with the wine Dou Chun drank the night before. The wine in the wine glass and the wine pot had different tastes, indicating that the wine glass had been drugged. , Yuan Mo soon found an underground passage.

Yuchihua and Wang Kunwu walked into the underground passage. The surroundings were dark. Yuchihua was almost frightened. The next day Wang Kunwu released all the imprisoned businessmen and prepared to monitor them secretly.


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