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Mu Tu could not bear A Shu's deliberate provocation. A Shu seized the opportunity to sow discord and analyzed that Long Tuqi did not pay attention to Mu Tu at all, otherwise he would not ask to serve a neglected princess. Mu Tu was not easily fooled, and A Shu He directly stated his position that he wanted to regain the throne. If Mutu cooperated with him, he would be given a great gift. He took out a map given by Duomi, which is where the Faceless Man is stationed outside the city. Mutu said to Bai Yi Ke had been grudges for a long time, so he acted secretly to vent his anger, so he ordered his men to dress up as sand soldiers to launch a sneak attack on the Faceless Man organization.

The guest in white quickly reported Long Tuqi, and Mutu naturally refused to admit what he had done. The two exchanged harsh words, and Long Tuqi suddenly became furious and demanded that they join forces to get rid of Long Shuangyue Shu first. Mutu let out a bad breath, and even felt grateful to Ah Shu. Ah Shu bluntly said that the two were still hostile, but as long as Mutu helped him achieve what he wanted, all the promises he made would not come true.

Yuan Mo asked Bai Yi Ke to meet alone. After being blasted by gunpowder in Dayong, Bai Yi Ke did not believe that Yuan Mo had good intentions. When Yuan Mo mentioned that he wanted to avenge A Shu and eliminate Mu Tu, Bai Yi Ke had already guessed the other party. He wanted to use himself, so he refused without hesitation. Yuan Mo further threatened that if the guest in white clothes did not cooperate with him, the time to survive in Yanle was running out. Mu Tu destroyed the faceless man's den once, indicating that he had grasped the whereabouts of the faceless man. Next There will be a second and third time. The faceless man is not liked by Long Tuqi. Coupled with Mutu's suppression, the white-clothed guest also feels a little crisis. Yuan Mo also mentioned that when his parents were killed, Bai Yi Ke was just a child, and he was forced to join the Faceless Men because of the mutiny launched by Long Tuqi. Bai Yi Ke was touched on a sore spot and agreed to cooperate with Yuan Mo.

The next day, the palace received news that the granary had been robbed, and many people received food and were grateful to Princess Longshuang for her blessing. Long Tuqi blamed the dragoon for dereliction of duty. Abili was instigated by the white-clothed guest and framed with additional evidence. Mutu became a scapegoat and was imprisoned. The white-clothed guest tortured and interrogated, and asked Mutu to frame Yuanmo for bribes on the grounds of arranging his release. In the end, he was poisoned to death by Bai Yi Ke, who handed over the evidence of bribery to Long Tuqi. Long Tuqi transferred his anger to Yuan Mo, but the most important thing at the moment was to maintain the stability of Yanle. Mu Tu was dead, and the guest in white wanted a formal official position, so Long Tuqi made the guest in white the order of the king's city. The faceless man can also It is fun to go in and out normally.

Soon, the guest in white clothes led the troops and took Yuan Mo into prison. Long Tuqi demanded that Yuan Mo be executed, but the guest in white clothes advised him to use Yuan Mo to restrain Long Shuangyue and announced that he and Long Tuqi would be happy together. The guest in white clothes found Ah Shu and made his request. In order to save Yuan Mo, A Shu could only agree, so he summoned the people of Yanle to publicly accuse Long Tuqi of his crimes. The dragon cavalry was controlled by the faceless man, and the guest in white clothes immediately killed Long Tuqi on the spot. Qi, explained that he is also a member of the Yanle royal family and will be in charge of Yanle with the princess.

Baiyi Ke was originally a concubine prince in the Yanle Palace. He had been dissatisfied with the disparate treatment he received for many years. When Long Tuqi staged a mutiny, he escaped by chance. When he saw Yuan Hanjing and his wife rescuing the princess, he harbored a grudge. Revealed Yuan Hanjing and his wife's escape route to the Faceless Men, and then gradually became the leader of the Faceless Men. The white-clothed guest who became the king of Yanle was no longer afraid. Ah Shu asked to let Yuan Mo go and stay in Yanle as a hostage forever.


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