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Ah Shu returned to his new house to pack his luggage, but Yuan Mo was reluctant to part with it. Ah Shu said that he had just been granted a title and had to accept visits from envoys from various states. It would be more convenient to live in the princess's mansion. Yuan Mo still wanted to stay, but Sanniang and Siniang It has already been put away.

Envoys from various countries came to visit in turn. Ah Shu couldn't remember the etiquette and customs of each country at all. He relied on Shen Bailian's body movements to remind him. At the end of the day, Ah Shu was exhausted. He thought that the princess was superior and enjoyed it immensely, but unexpectedly she had to abide by all kinds of regulations. Rules, no freedom at all. In the evening, Yuan Mo went to the princess's house to see A Shu, but was stopped by the guard. A Shu wanted to see Yuan Mo alone, but the three mothers and four mothers were already fighting against each other, so Yuan Mo had no choice but to leave.

In the dead of night, Yuan Mo climbed over the wall and entered the princess's mansion. Kang Yunhai suddenly asked for a meeting. Ah Shu was worried that Kang Yunhai's rash arrival would arouse the suspicion of the guest in white. Kang Yunhai said that there was nothing wrong with him visiting in the name of an envoy. If he deliberately did not contact him, it would be inappropriate. I feel guilty. I came here to discuss important matters this time. The puppet monarch supported by Long Tuqi suddenly became seriously ill. Long Tuqi proclaimed himself the regent and was only the last step away from plotting to usurp the throne. These things were all expected, but I was just worried. Technological safety.

Yuan Mo said that he would report to Yu Deshui to strengthen the guards of the Princess Mansion and let Yu Chihua also live in the Princess Mansion as a companion. Ah Shu asked whether Domi was rescued and he escaped in the shoe store before, whether they were all under Kang Yunhai's instructions. Kang Yunhai said You can't confront the guest in white clothes head-on, you can only act secretly. Yuan Mo apologized for contradicting Kang Yunhai before, but Kang Yunhai didn't care at all. He only told Yuan Mo to protect Ah Shu, be promoted to the position of Sifang Inspector as soon as possible, and make contributions like his father Yuan Hanjing, so that he could assist Ah Shu and let Ah Shu stay in Dayong.

The next day, Yuan Mo was looking for someone to move into a new house. Only Xiaobai could talk a few words. Wang Kunwu brought cheap shochu from the army to Yuan Mo to celebrate. Yuan Mo asked Wang Kunwu and Yu Chihua what their next plan was. Wang Kunwu didn't know how to answer. . The two got drunk, and Wang Kunwu simply stayed at Yuan Mo's house to rest.

Ah Shu also asked the same question. Yu Chihua explained that Wang Kunwu had expressed his feelings when he was unconscious, but later he tried to ask but refused to admit it at all, so he never wanted to talk to Wang Kunwu again. Ah Shu thought that a stubborn person like Wang Kunwu might take it seriously. In any case, they are good sisters and will get married together in the future. Yuchihua promised to make wedding clothes for Ah Shu, and they were very unhappy.

When he sobered up the next day, Wang Kunwu recalled Yuan Mo's words about not waiting for me, and felt that he should express his feelings to Yuchihua immediately. After arriving at Yuchi Mansion, he heard Huo Zian and Yuchihua saying goodbye. Huo Zian said that he was about to go to Mobei to mine. A kind of ore that can weave soft armor with golden threads. Yuchihua hopes that all soldiers can have soft armor for protection. He can only try his best to realize this wish. As a guardian of Yuchihua, he will accompany him for a period of time to recuperate. Yuchihua has already seen that There is only Wang Kunwu in my heart, so as long as Yuchihua finds happiness, he will feel relieved.

Wang Kun pushed the door open and walked in, sincerely saying "take care". Yuchihua still refused to pay attention to Wang Kunwu. Wang Kunwu finally expressed his feelings. He didn't dare to face his feelings before because he was worried about losing the most important person in his life.

When Ashu was distributing money and food in the market, he met several Yanle refugees with pox poisoning, so he arranged for Sanniang to find an abandoned courtyard and gather all the infected refugees together. Ji Mingli took several guards from Sifangguan Help, use Yinhua to disinfect and treat it. Half a month later, the epidemic subsided, and there was a banquet and celebration in the Sifang Pavilion. They agreed to go to the Lantern Festival in a few days. Yuchihua heard about it for the first time. He had not been interested in these things before, and only after he was with Wang Kunwu did he pay attention to the beautiful places.

At the end of the banquet, Yuan Mo wanted to send Ah Shu back to the princess's mansion, but Sanniang and Siniang stopped him directly outside the door. Wang Kunwu sent the drunk Yuchihua back to Yuchi's mansion, but was bumped into by the Duke of E. The Duke of E saw Wang Kunwu and faced the difficulty. Later, he recognized Wang Kunwu even more and told him to love Yuchihua for the rest of his life.

Yiyi asked the guest in white clothes since he had found Princess Yanle, why not kill her directly. The guest in white clothes said that the Yanle people valued blood the most, and if they controlled the princess, they could dominate the entire Yanle and even the desert. What Long Tuqi wanted was also what he wanted. of.


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