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When Kang Yunhai hurried back to Yanle Hall, the carriage of the man in white suddenly stopped in front of him, saying that he wanted to give him a big gift. Kang Yunhai got on the car and found A Shu lying unconscious on the carriage. The man in white explained A Shu's true identity, and Kang Yunhai pretended to be Surprised, when passing by the market, he saw Yuchihua from the window, so he asked the man in white to go through the back door on the pretext of being distracted, and got off the bus early.

Kang Yunhai deliberately collided with Yu Chihua, and the chess book fell to the ground. Kang Yunhai said that the chess book was Yuan Mo's collection. Yuan Mo had many precious things in his hands, and then left quickly. Yu Chihua hurried to the Sifang Pavilion to tell Yuan Mo.

Yuan Mo had already asked Ashlan about Ah Shu's whereabouts, but Ashlan had not revealed any information. After Yuchihua informed him of his encounter on the street, Yuan Mo Wang Kunwu guessed that Ah Shu was under control in Yanyue Mansion, and Kang Yunhai had nothing to do, so he signaled The two tried to find a way to save him.

Yuan Mo and Wang Kunwu discussed the rescue plan. When Wang Kunwu mentioned some methods commonly used in the army, Yuan Mo was inspired and prepared to sneak into Yanle Hall through underground drainage channels.

The man in white took out the Long Tuqi waist card and ordered Kang Yunhai to execute Ah Shu in public. Kang Yunhai could not refuse, otherwise his identity would be exposed immediately.

Yuchihua took Yuanmo Wang Kunwu to the Huojia Workshop to check the drainage channel map. Huo Zian generously helped, and even took out his carefully designed steel wire armor to protect Yuchihua, and asked Yuanmo to choose a suitable weapon.

When they arrived at the entrance of the drainage channel, they found that the underground water flow was turbulent. Huo Zian explained that flash floods had been relatively severe recently. Wang Kunwu was worried that Yuchihua could not swim, so he was ready to find another way. Yuan Mo got into the drainage channel alone.

In the evening, Kang Yunhai summoned all the guards of Yanle Hall and prepared to execute Ah Shu in public. The guest in white was watching. When he was about to take action, Wang Kunwu and Wei Chihua suddenly fell from the sky and went straight to the hostage to rescue him. When he got closer, he found that the guest in white had used a female guard to pretend to be Ah Shu. Yu Chihua was stabbed, but fortunately he wore soft armor in advance.

Yuan Mo got into the Yanle Hall from the drainage channel and quickly found the place where Ah Shu was being held. However, he was outnumbered and was tied up together with two moves. Kang Yunhai took advantage of the chaos and ran to the room to let the two people go. Wang Kunwu and Yu Chihua injured Bai Yi Ke's men. When the four of them left Yanle Hall, they met up and were stopped by Bai Yi Ke.

The Jingzhao Mansion heard the news and surrounded the Yanle Hall. Wang Kunwuyuan was not allowed to break into a foreign embassy privately, and would be convicted if found out. Therefore, the four people did not care about the guest in white for the time being, and secretly left through the back door. Kang Yunhai went out to greet him and explained that there was no turmoil in the Yanle Hall. Lin Fuyin did not believe it and went to the hall to check in person and found spearheads scattered on the ground. Kang Yunhai explained that they were used by soldiers for training.

After Jingzhao Mansion left, Kang Yunhai blamed Bai Yike for causing too much trouble and he couldn't explain it to Long Tuqi, but Bai Yike said that the fun had just begun. Yuan Mo felt guilty for constantly contradicting Kang Yunhai before. A Shu comforted both parties to stand on the stand of the country. Kang Yunhai would understand Yuan Mo. Yu Chihua felt that he could no longer hide Yu Deshui.
The next day, the four people told Yu Deshui and An Xiuyi about Ah Shu's true identity. Yu Deshui began to worry about how to deal with Ashlan. An Xiuyi believed that the guest in white would definitely use Ashlan to make a big fuss, and he should first deal with Ashlan. Lan Guan entered the prison of Jingzhao Mansion, and A Shu also agreed.

Yuan Mo took Ah Shu back to a new house, which was a courtyard next to the bookstore. When the two of them were happily thinking about the future, Ji Mingli hurried over to tell him that Ashlan had been kidnapped.

The guest in white arranged for Ashlan to distribute money and food in the downtown area as Princess Yanle. Kang Yunhai announced Ashlan's identity in public, and the Yanle refugees received the rescue and left happily. An Yuandao thought that he should find a way to expose the truth, but now the man in white has taken the advantage.


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