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Yuan Mo A Shu went to Xiangyun Pavilion to check the purchase list. Since Lao Duan took over, the amount of cabbage purchased has doubled. Apparently, the money was spent on other places. He also found that the amount of loofah was so large that it was impossible to just use it for washing dishes, so According to the address recorded in the ledger, Yuan Mo A Shu pretended to be a wealthy businessman in Yanle and requested to purchase a large amount of loofah on the grounds of being recommended by Lao Duan.

The store owner knew that Lao Duan would never introduce strangers to his store to get goods, so he tricked the two of them into going out through the back door and arriving at a cellar in the suburbs. Along the way, Yuan Mo was worried that the store owner was cheating and leaving marks along the way.

Wang Kunwu and Yu Chihua followed the mark all the way, and when they reached a three-way intersection, the mark suddenly disappeared. The shop owner guessed that Yuan Mo and Ah Shu were government officials, so he ordered his men to surround the two of them. Ah Shu was quick to think and claimed that he had a deep connection with Yanle Hall. He dared to buy goods after Xiangyun Pavilion was raided, which showed that Yuan Mo had an unusual backer. He also analyzed the pros and cons. At present, the government is tight, and it is easy to do business with Yan Le Guan as his back. The store owner responded to the situation and began to greet him with a smile, and took out the goods for inspection.

Ah Shu discovered that the hibiscus grass powder was very dry and should have been grown in a shed rather than wild. Seeing that Ah Shu knew what he was doing, the store owner took out the purest hibiscus grass powder. Yuan Mo suggested loading it into the truck immediately and the two of them were accompanied as hostages. After paying for the goods, when the store owner was about to arrange for the clerk to load the truck, Ma Zhiwen, who claimed to be from Yanle Hall, also went to the cellar to pick up the goods. Yuan Mo pretended to be close, but Ma Zhiwen directly revealed his identity.

A fight was inevitable between the two sides. Yuanmo A'shu was no match at all. Domi's guard Nariji suddenly appeared and killed many men in black. When the two were looking at each other, they saw Domi hiding next to him. Ashu hurriedly asked Domi Being mistaken for a tragic death, Yuan Mo said that he did not believe that the deceased was Duomi from the beginning, and had been looking for it in the past few days. Unexpectedly, they met in the cellar today. While they were talking, the man in white suddenly shot Nariji to death with an arrow.

Duomi was also unable to protect herself, and then Yuchihua finally broke into the cellar and protected the three of them. Wang Kunwu and the guest in white fought against each other. The two sides were evenly matched, but the guest in white made good use of poisonous smoke and suddenly spilled hibiscus herbal powder. Wang Kunwu had hallucinations, and Yuan Mo Yuchihua spent a lot of effort to wake up Wang Kunwu, but unfortunately the man in white had already escaped.

Accompanied by four people, Domi buried Naji. He originally wanted to spend his whole life in ignorance, but even if he didn't fight or snatch it, he was still plotted. Duomi told what happened a few days ago, and Lao Duan suddenly pushed himself into the river, muttering that only if Duo Mi died would anyone give him hibiscus grass. In panic, Duan pulled Lao Duan and fell into the river together. Lao Duan also tried to strangle himself to death, and then fell into a coma after choking on water. When he woke up, Lao Duan was already dead. He didn't know who saved him, but he suddenly remembered that someone had saved his life by giving him a secret note.

Wang Kunwu thought that since Duomi was not dead, he should first inform Sifangguan to arrange an alliance. Yuan Mo believed that there was no need to rush and it would not make much sense to force Lord Ao to form an alliance. The white-clothed guest had made trouble in Dayong again and again, and it was obvious that he had the support of Yanle behind him, so he could only eradicate it. Only in this way can the real purpose of resettling the refugees be achieved.

Master Ao set up a mourning hall for Duomi in the Mobei Pavilion. On the surface, he pretended to be sad, but in fact, he most hoped that Duomi would make way for his nephew. Duomi suddenly sat up from the coffin, and the ghost walked to Master Ao in a dark way and asked why he had harmed him. Master Ao Already scared out of his wits, he quickly admitted that he was ordered by Kang Yunhai. Duomi forced Lord Ao to write a confession and cut his fingers to take fingerprints.

The next day, Anyuandao questioned Kang Yunhai with Master Ao's confession. Kang Yunhai shamelessly denied everything. Anyuandao pressed him with reason, but Kang Yunhai did not dare to stop the alliance between the five countries.

The next day, Dayong and the Five Kingdoms successfully signed an alliance agreement. Duomi invited Yuan Mo A'shu to have a meal to say goodbye. Under Dayong's mediation, his brother agreed to escort An Ran back to the country. Before leaving, he said that he would complete the engagement with the missing princess of Yanle in the future. .


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