Grandfather was very dissatisfied with Jiang Xinbai. Of course he could see clearly that he had deliberately pulled Shang Biere to make a show. Some time ago, the Emperor mentioned the succession of the Jiang family. The Emperor was blown away by the Queen's pillow and intended to let Jiang Jiucheng succeed. The grandfather is not worried. After all, he can let his daughter succeed to the throne, and he has no objection to the granddaughter's succession. However, Jiang Zhiyi has always felt guilty about Jiang Xinbai and wants to make up for it. This position has always been Jiang Xinbai's, but the grandfather feels that he is too much like his father. Well, Zhaoming is a criminal after all, and it's not a good thing that Jiang Xinbai looks too much like him.

Yan Nanxing wandered around the ghost market and was tricked into buying a big cake, but he found out about Shopkeeper Cao's shop. Entering the shop, Yan Nanxing whispered that the moon was full today and that he wanted to make a quick decision. However, he accidentally revealed the secret code of shopkeeper Cao and his contact person. Shopkeeper Cao mistakenly thought that she was here to deliver Guicao and immediately paid her respects. Yan Nanxing He didn't realize it yet, but he looked happy and wanted to make a quick decision. But after all, Yan Nanxing actually came to him to buy information. Shopkeeper Cao immediately closed the shop and threatened not to do business with her. Liu Ruoqian quickly sent Yan Nanxing out. Although Yan Nanxing was depressed, he thought he was a good person, so he gave him the cake bought for ten cents. Liu Ruoqian rescued Jiang Jiucheng, who was entangled by a gambler, and saw him for thousands of years.

Yan Nanxing met Jiang Xinbai head-on and subconsciously hid, but soon felt that he shouldn't hide because he was sorry for herself. But who would have thought that when the two of them passed by each other, Jiang Xinbai didn't recognize her, but he just felt that her leaving figure was familiar. Yan Nanxing came to a shop depressed and said that there was a goddess inside. Yan Nanxing grabbed a life-saving straw and asked her where the person she was looking for was. The goddess told her that the person she was looking for was by her side. The goddess had a stomachache and couldn't bear to go to the toilet, so she asked Yan Nanxing to help her look after the store for a while. Jiang Xinbai and his party secretly followed him, but the other party died and swallowed the command talisman. Jiang Xinbai asked someone to cut him open and take out the talisman, seal off the ghost market and find the other half of the talisman.

Jiang Jiucheng entered the store by mistake, and Yan Nanxing had to put on a veil and imitate the goddess's tone to talk to her, but Jiang Jiucheng discovered that she was not Persian. There are rumors on the street that the street is going to be closed. Yan Nanxing is afraid that there will be trouble on the night of the full moon today, but the place is surrounded by the chief police officer and cannot get out. Shopkeeper Cao had a strong say in the ghost market and was unhappy with the street closure. He confronted Jiang Xinbai in public. Yan Nanxing and Jiang Jiucheng both came to watch the excitement. Immediately afterwards, Shang Biejie also arrived with others, making it clear that he wanted to confront Jiang Xinbai. Upon seeing this, Jiang Jiucheng stepped forward to persuade them to take a step back. Yan Nanxing did not expect that she was Jiang Xinbai's sister.

Jiang Xinbai ordered a search, but the detainees were all men and it was not convenient for them to search women. Jiang Xinbai could only lower her profile and beg Jiang Jiucheng to search. Jiang Jiucheng became arrogant, and his humble brother was more pleasing to the eye. When Yan Nanxing was searched by Jiang Jiucheng, Yan Nanxing only felt that the smell of medicine on her body was very familiar. It turned out that she was also a female doctor. Everyone searched, except Shopkeeper Cao, who didn't search. Shopkeeper Cao did not refuse, but Yan Nanxing saw with his own eyes that he threw something into the stove. Jiang Xinbai didn't find anything, but he didn't give up. He smelled the peculiar smell in the stove and found another token inside. Yan Nanxing was helpless. On a full moon night, she was about to transform. Shopkeeper Cao was captured, and Shang Biere began to fight with Jiang Xinbai again. The two were in a stalemate and started fighting on the spot. Jiang Xinbai took Shopkeeper Cao away, but ordered the extension of the blockade of the ghost market. Yan Nanxing couldn't help it and called out to Jiang Xinbai. He understood that Jiang Xinbai recognized her through her voice, but did not allow it. She leaves. Yan Nanxing was so angry that he simply kidnapped him.


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