Jiang Xinbai already knew Gaya's identity and purpose, but the reason why he didn't reveal it was because it was not the right time. When Nan Jifeng arrived, Jiang Xinbai revealed her true face. She had been doing business with the three major families on behalf of Gaya Yuezu. Nan Jifeng was heartbroken when she learned the truth. He raised his hand and put it down again, asking her why she did this. In fact, on that day, Lieutenant General Li followed Jiang Xinbai and was brought back to confront Nan Jifeng. Blocked the knife for her. For a long time afterwards, Jiang Xinbai did not doubt Gaya, but when Gaya suddenly proposed to prepare a wedding date for them, she knew that Gaya was the mastermind behind the scenes. Jiang Xinbai painstakingly persuaded Gaya to help the chief arrest officer detect the case. Yan Nanxing was very sad. It turned out that he was the chief arrest officer, and it turned out that he had never believed in him. Jiang Xinbai ordered Gaya to be taken away, but Nan Jifeng insisted on going with him. Gaya did not want to be tried, let alone implicate Nan Jifeng, so he grabbed the knife and killed himself.

Gaya died in the arms of her beloved. Yan Nanxing was too late to save her, and the eyes he looked at Jiang Xinbai were filled with resentment. Yan Nanxing was very sad because Jiang Xinbai deceived her. She had taken this life with great difficulty. Her life was hers and no one had the right to take it away! Yan Nanxing ran out in the heavy rain. Yao Qianshu quickly asked Jiang Xinbai to chase him. If he let her go like this, he would feel guilty for the rest of his life!

However, tonight was the night of the full moon, and Yan Nanxing transformed again into a woman with a different appearance, passing by Jiang Xinbai. Jiang Xinbai seemed to recognize her, but she still didn't recognize her after all. Yan Nanxing was knocked unconscious by a man while walking in an alley. Nan Jifeng knew that there must be a big secret that Gaya would rather die to protect, so that he could protect his life. They all knew that the man behind this must be in the capital.

When Yan Nanxing woke up, she found herself in a small shabby house, and the big brother in front of her was the trafficker who abducted her to worship the church many years ago! As expected, a dog couldn't change its habit of eating shit, so Yan Nanxing tricked him into smelling the drug and tied her up to take revenge. What Yan Nanxing wants to know is the whereabouts of the little brother who saved him back then. Back then, the little brother protected her from leaving, but a group of men in black drank potion while the two were escaping. Later, another group of people wearing official boots took the little brother away, leaving Yan Nanxing behind. She has been inquiring about her little brother's whereabouts over the years. Is he also infected with the strange disease of transformation like her? The mystery of all this can only be solved by finding the little brother.

Back in the capital, when Yao Qianshu was bargaining with Jiang Xinbai, he encountered Jin Wuwei catching a thief. The two sides had always been at odds. Jiang Zhiyi came to see Jiang Xinbai in night clothes late at night. When she learned that he had gone to Heman, Jiang Zhiyi was very worried. His Majesty was most afraid of the king going to the borderland. It was her grandfather's birthday in a few days. Jiang Zhiyi asked Jiang Xinbai to entertain guests together. Although Jiang Xinbai was not good at it, she still agreed after Jiang Zhiyi persuaded her.

Shang, the commander of the Jinwu Guards, led his men into the chief yamen's office early in the morning to arrest the people. They were at loggerheads with Jiang Xinbai and had to stretch their muscles alone.


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