Yan Nanxing and Jiang Xinbai went back to find Gaya, but she was nowhere to be seen. The two of them searched separately but couldn't find it, and Jiang Xinbai accidentally noticed that Gaya's voice came from the alley next to it. The two went to look for her, but they saw Kaye talking to a mysterious woman wearing a veil. The mysterious woman saw the two leaving in a hurry, but Jiang Xinbai became suspicious. Back at home, Gaya specially prayed to God to find marriage for Jiang Xinbai and Yan Nanxing. Seeing that they are in love these days, it can be regarded as a reward for them. Yan Nanxing hurriedly waved her hand and refused, but Gaya said that the divination showed that they were indeed destined to be married in this life, and they were married three times. As soon as Gaya and Nan Jifeng came forward, they wanted to hold a wedding for them in Heman. Yan Nanxing waved his hands anxiously and pulled Jiang Xinbai along to explain, but Jiang Xinbai decided to follow God's will.

Yan Nanxing was extremely depressed. Why did Jiang Xinbai marry her? Jiang Xinbai said that he was worried that it would not be safe for Yan Nanxing to leave alone, and that the remnants of the river barbarians might hunt down Yan Nanxing. After all, in their eyes, Yan Nanxing and Jiang Xinbai were a couple. Yan Nanxing was frightened, and Jiang Xinbai told her plan. Although she couldn't tell the specifics, it would allow Yan Nanxing and Kaye to leave Heman safely. But Yan Nanxing was unwilling to cooperate. Jiang Xinbai begged again and again. In fact, after burning Gui Cao Cao in Lanna Village, Jiang Xinbai believed in Yan Nanxing. Now all he did was to fulfill his promise. In fact, he doesn't have many friends, but in fact he already regards Yan Nanxing as a friend in his heart. Their goals have always been the same. Yan Nanxing gradually changed his attention in Jiang Xinbai's inner words, and agreed to marry him with red eyes. At worst, he would end up in the dark!

On the wedding day, sitting in front of the bride, Yan Nanxing thought of what happened to her when she was a child. She was kidnapped as a child, dressed as a bride, and rescued by a little brother. Gaya prepared a gift for Yan Nanxing, which was a luminous cup. The two of them could use this to drink wine on their wedding day. In fact, Gaya felt apologetic for using Yan Nanxing and Jiang Xinbai's wedding as a cover for shipping goods, and didn't know how to make up for it. Jiang Xinbai knew Gaya's purpose well, but he must gain both the person and the stolen goods.

Heman is a city on the water, and Gaya and Nan Jifeng held a unique wedding on the water for the two of them. Yan Nanxing wore wedding clothes, took a boat to Jiang Xinbai, and completed the wedding ceremony amidst the cheers and celebrations of everyone. Yan Nanxing was hesitant. This was obviously fake. They were deceiving everyone, but Jiang Xinbai was enjoying it. When it came to the most important step, the dressing ceremony, neither of them wanted to move forward. They were pulling back and forth, and Yan Nanxing was pulled into Jiang Xinbai's arms. Jiang Xinbai asked, what does a wedding look like in your mind? They all said that Yan Nanxing was beautiful today. How beautiful was he? Soon, people gathered around and sprinkled flower petals on the two of them, accompanied by blessings.

When they arrived at the bridal chamber, Kaye prepared Henu wine for the two of them, and saw them drink it with his own eyes before leaving. Yan Nanxing wanted to chase him out, but Jiang Xinbai pretended to be drunk and held him back. Jiang Xinbai got up immediately when he heard the noise outside and asked Yan Nanxing to stay here safely. He would explain to Yan Nanxing after tonight. Gaya entered the room with a fierce look on her face. Yan Nanxing was startled by her expression, but he still protected her subconsciously. However, Gaya took out a knife and used Yan Nanxing to threaten Jiang Xinbai outside to let the assassin go.


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