Yan Nanxing rented a shop and opened a store called "Hua Xiangrong". The store was equipped with a tea area, a beauty treatment area, etc. On the day of its opening, it attracted many women and sold many cosmetics. The spies found out that Yan Nanxing opened a beauty salon and thought it was a bit strange, so they came to Jiang Xinbai to report. Jiang Xinbai felt helpless, but could only praise him for doing a good job, and was sure that Yan Nanxing and Guicao were not involved. Relationship, no need to keep an eye on it. Yao Qianshu wanted to sit down and treat Yan Nanxing to a meal and reconcile with Yan Nanxing, but Jiang Xinbai scolded him, but Yao Qianshu could tell that he was just being tough. Mrs. Bao bought a lot of things from Yan Nanxing's shop. Yan Nanxing was able to sell even expensive items with his sweet words.

Yan Nanxing couldn't figure out how Jiang Xinbai guessed him. After thinking about it, he decided to destroy the album as soon as possible to avoid exposing the clues. Yan Nanxing came to Jiang Xinbai's residence late at night. Fortunately, he took a look at the address he gave before tearing it into pieces. As expected, there was no servant in Jiang Xinbai's home. Yan Nanxing cursed in his heart, he must be hiding some secret. Jiang Xinbai discovered Yan Nanxing's traces and fought with her. After discovering that it was Yan Nanxing, he let her go.

Hua Xiangrong's door was crowded with people every day. Yan Nanxing took the opportunity to inquire with Mrs. Bao about the bad relationship between Jin Wuwei and the chief police officer. Yan Nanxing sent a letter to Jiang Xinbai. Yan Nanxing asked her to meet at Twelve Bands tonight. Jiang Xinbai must know what she was planning. Twelve Bands is a place where Jin Wuwei often goes. . In the Twelve Band Hall, Yan Nanxing sneaked in to work as a kabuki performer for a night, and accidentally saw a woman wearing the costume of a border tribe. She said that she was Shang's favorite, and she only watched the dancing, and she was rewarded generously. Yan Nanxing glanced secretly,

But I heard Shang Bie calling Gaya's name. It turns out that he has a crush on Gaya!

Yan Nanxing changed clothes and hurriedly went on stage to perform kabuki. Jiang Xinbai had already arrived and sat at the bottom of the stage. Yan Nanxing knew that he had a bad nose and had already prepared for it. Even the aromatherapy was the same style as the sisters, but he didn't expect Jiang Xinbai to recognize her at a glance. Yan Nanxing was a little unconvinced. Although he recognized himself, it didn't mean that he was not face-blind. Yan Nanxing came to Jiang Xinbai to ask for a painting book. Jiang Xinbai asked her to go to the chief police officer tomorrow to get it, but Yan Nanxing disagreed and was not willing to let him marry her shop owner. While talking and laughing, Jiang Xinbai keenly smelled the smell of Guicao on the passing kabuki. Someone might be hiding Guicao in the private room on the second floor.

Yan Nanxing was still making sarcastic remarks nearby, but Jiang Xinbai had already gone to the second floor. It turned out that Shang Bieli's hands were really dirty. Shang Bieli came to the two of them in the next second. The two glared at each other and were about to start fighting. Yan Nanxing brought a chicken and made the scene go crazy, ruining the atmosphere immediately and took the photo in front of Shang Bieli. The sycophant dragged Jiang Xinbai away.

Jiang Jiucheng was thinking about the relationship between Jiang Xinbai and Yan Nanxing in the carriage when Liu Ruoqian suddenly fell from the sky with a cat in his hand. It turned out that he fell in to save the cat. He couldn't afford the expensive carriage, so he gave the cat a flower. The flower's meaning is good luck. Jiang Jiechen thought for a long time, then threw the flowers out after a while. Liu Ruoqian's family has been a slave for generations, and his parents advised him not to have those dreams, but Liu Ruoqian firmly believed that he might be able to escape from slavery through knowledge.

Hua Xiangrong issued a recruitment notice, which aroused heated discussion. Jiang Xinbai came to Yan Nanxing to repay the favor and said she was willing to help her find someone, but she couldn't get any information. She was still looking for a young man. Liu Ruoqian came to apply for the job with a job notice, but was rejected by Yan Nanxing because he was not suitable.


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