In the early years of Daqi, Sunflower Grass emerged. This herb was used as medicine to cure all kinds of diseases. However, the medicine was poisonous, so it was strictly controlled. However, there were still unscrupulous people who sold it privately for profit. The river was trickling, and Jiang Xinbai, the cold and arrogant prince, came to Heman by boat. In the lively market, the traveling doctor Yan Nanxing and the ghost doctor played drums and danced on the boat, attracting many people to watch. Yan Nanxing shouted among the crowd that the mother and daughter were passing through here to practice medicine and invited a theater troupe to treat everyone to the show and hold a free clinic on site. Jiang Xinbai, who was passing by in a boat, dismissed this and thought it was just a trick played by wandering doctors. He was here to meet Mr. Bai, but there were so many restaurants by the river that he couldn't find him. Jiang Xinbai used his keen hearing to find his destination.

At this time, Yan Nanxing cured a cross-eyed patient on the spot, ended the free clinic, and the fun started right away. The restaurant was bustling with singing and dancing, but Jiang Xinbai's formidable temperament was incompatible with the place. Arriving at Mr. Bai's place, Jiang Xinbai put on a smile and greeted Mr. Bai and Ma Jiu in a second. His follower Yao Qianshu reminded him in a low voice which Mr. Bai was because Jiang Xinbai suffered from prosopagnosia. Realizing that Mr. Bai was fooling himself with defective products, Jiang Xinbai's face suddenly changed and he was about to get up and leave. However, Mr. Bai smiled brightly and asked him to taste it carefully and give him the money after confirming that it was a good product. Jiang Xinbai knew that Mr. Bai was not a big shot, so he negotiated terms with him. Then he stood up to leave and was assassinated by his men. In a dangerous situation, Jiang Xinbai dodged the dagger flying towards him, and this dagger Stabbed Mr. Bai.

Mr. Bai died, and the scene was in chaos. Jiang Xinbai flew to chase the assassin, all the way to Yan Nanxing's washing table. Unknowingly, Yan Nanxing vowed to take back his place and started a fight with him on the spot. Someone came to break up the fight, but was kidnapped by the assassin and entered behind the scenes. When the curtain opened again, the assassin was already dead. Lieutenant General Li led the officers and soldiers to chase him. The ghost doctor on the side still looked calm and sent a secret signal to Yan Nanxing. The officers and soldiers thought that Yan Nanxing wanted to use the drama to kill people, but Jiang Xinbai realized that she was putting on this drama tonight just to meet Nan Jifeng, so he claimed that the incident had something to do with him. The scene editors evolved into Yan Nanxing and Jiang Xinbai rushed to be taken away, and Lieutenant General Li became impatient. When he was about to take them both away, a soldier came to report the news, so he changed his mind and let Jiang Xinbai go. Yan Nanxing was not unhappy when he was taken away. Instead, he happily thanked him.

In the general's mansion. Yan Nanxing was sent to the general's wife Gaya. Yan Nanxing and her daughter made such a fuss in the city just to attract Gaya's attention, and now they finally came to her. It turns out that Gaya has snake scales on her body, and everyone says that she is the reincarnation of a snake spirit. However, Yan Nanxing, a clever guy, made a good point and said that he would treat her after the full moon. After settling down, Yan Nanxing planned to report to the ghost doctor, but was stopped by the guards, so the ghost doctor had to sneak in by herself. The two of them had their own plans. Gaya asked Yan Nanxing to heal her within three days, but three days later was the day of the full moon, the Guishui period, and she would be dead by then! The ghost doctor's wife gave her a secret whistle. As long as she was there, everything would be fine.

Jiang Xinbai decided not to stay in the inn anymore, so she booked a boat with a wave of her hand, but she didn't want a girl. Madam Madam's eyes widened when she saw the money, and she agreed without a word regardless of what he was going to do. Nan Jifeng remained silent, and Jiang Xinbai decided to meet the general in person tonight. Tonight, Yan Nanxing was serving Gaya to bathe, and tentatively asked about the secret medicine of the border tribes that could cure unexplained diseases. But at this critical moment, Yan Nanxing hurriedly blew the whistle and covered Gaya's face. , eagerly waiting for the arrival of the ghost doctor. But the ghost doctor didn't come, and Yan Nanxing turned into a burly man on the spot. When Gaya found out, her beauty turned pale, and Yan Nanxing had no choice but to run away. Unexpectedly, the ghost doctor was also being chased throughout the yard. At this time, Jiang Xinbai, who heard the whistle on the wall, planned to meet the mother and daughter for a while. Thinking that there was Gui grass in his boat, Jiang Xinbai immediately returned to the boat and changed out of his night clothes and stood at the bow of the boat to watch. Suddenly, a big man looked very embarrassed with water plants on his head crawled out of the water.


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