The costume was missing, so the girl could only go on stage in her school uniform, but she had an idea and rode a bicycle on stage. Duan Litian took the woman to the state guest, and Duan Ning and Zhou Taisheng secretly followed her in. She was busy looking for someone, but Zhou Taisheng's eyes were glued to Deng Lijun who was singing on the stage. When someone from the youth team came to check, Duan Ning quickly pulled Zhou Taisheng away. After returning home, Zhou Min took Duan Ning to smell her perfume and two lipsticks. She suspected that her daughter had stolen them. Duan Litian and Xini attributed the problem to Duan Ning's rebellious period. Duan Ning felt aggrieved. Her mother didn't listen to her explanation. Zhou Min also slapped her in the mouth and accused her of lying at a young age. Duan Ning was in trouble and couldn't tell, so she angrily shouted that someone in the family was lying, but it wasn't her.

The eldest son came back tonight, and the whole family sat together happily. Deng Shu was very happy, but at the same time homesickness came to him and he became homesick. The girl thought that her eldest brother didn't know, but the reason why Zhao Sugui was able to go see him tonight was all because his eldest son came back to the store to help. Deng Shu, who was very homesick, read the letter and was filled with emotion. Zhou Taisheng asked his mother and learned that if you like someone, you will be happy when you see them, but you will miss them when you don't see them. Therefore, he was sure that he liked Teresa Teng. Taisheng Chow drew Popeye and gave it to Teresa Teng. He felt happy and enjoyed listening to her sing. It's a pity that Teresa Deng doesn't understand love, nor does she understand the meaning of Zhou Taisheng's words. At this time, all she can think about is singing.

Tonight was the last time Teresa Teng performed on stage. Liu Xiaochun called Director Jin from Teresa Teng's school. Later, Teresa Teng was held accountable by Director Jin and even humiliated Teresa Teng's parents. When Teresa Teng was dissatisfied with her talk back, Director Jin actually asked her to drop out of school. But dropping out of school would leave a criminal record, making it difficult for any school to accept her in the future. The second brother suggested asking a hospital to issue a certificate for suspension of school, which would make it easier to enter other schools in the future. The third brother felt that he had to tell his parents in time, otherwise it would be difficult for Teresa to hide it when he went to school, and Teresa Teng finally decided to suspend school without telling her parents.

The second brother saw Duan Ning twice at the guests of the state, so the girl went to ask Nannan if she had complained. Nannan denied it and admitted that she was following Duan Litian when she went to the guest house. The girl accidentally said that Zhou Taisheng had been looking for her, and Duan Ning understood that the reason why he didn't come to make up for her that day was because he went to the guest of the state to find the girl. The girl went to a cram school for tutoring, and the girl went to see her, met her pen pal Qingfeng, and was pestered by him. The girl stepped forward to help, but was caught by the youth team and determined to be a boy fighting. This incident caused a big fuss. Deng Shu and Zhao Sugui went to the police station to bring people back and found out everything.

Deng Shu was very angry this time, and everyone in the village knew about it. Zhou Min even added insult to injury in front of her daughter, feeling that the girl was not as well-behaved as she appeared. Deng Shu left a word and disappeared quietly. Zhao Sugui thought he had gone to Sichuan's house and didn't look for anyone. Taisheng Zhou was worried and no longer thought about returning to the United States. He was not as enthusiastic about Pastor Daniel as before. Previously, Teresa Teng said that she would sing on a radio station, but did not specify which station. Taisheng Zhou tried them one by one and listened carefully when he found one. , and found that she seemed to be singing out of tune today.

His mother urged him to pack his things and go downstairs. When Zhou Taisheng finished packing and left the room, the elevator just left, so he had to take the stairs, but his luggage fell. He hurriedly chased after it, accidentally fell down the stairs, and injured his leg.


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