That painting of Popeye is the memory of Teresa Teng and Taisheng Chow. Zhou Taisheng once said that forgetting is more terrifying than death, and they should remember each other forever. But time has passed, things have changed, and things that should be forgotten will eventually be forgotten. Zhou Taisheng has become a thing of the past, and Teresa Teng is looking forward to the future between her and Wang Zhongwen. Teresa Teng put the painting of Popeye into the river and it floated away with the water, which meant that Teresa Teng had said goodbye to the past. On the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival when the moon was full, Duan Ning accompanied Zhou Taisheng in the United States. Zhou's father always felt uneasy because his son didn't like Duan Ning that much, and he wasn't sure whether the couple was a good match.

Wang Youling didn't think so much. As long as her son was well and Duan Ning liked Zhou Tai's children, she was happy for Duan Ning to be her daughter-in-law. Teresa Teng went to the hospital with the interview outline. Wang Zhongwen accompanied her to familiarize herself with the outline. One of the questions asked Teresa Teng if she had a boyfriend. Teresa Teng did not answer at that time. When actually being interviewed by the radio host, Wang Zhongwen really called, but he did not force Teresa Teng to answer. This time Teresa Teng decided to face her heart and said in Chinese that she had someone she liked and she would invite him to her house to eat dumplings. When Wang Zhongwen heard these words, his heart was as sweet as honey.

When He Rumei learned that Wang Zhongwen had a car accident in Japan, she didn't care at all, nor did she care that Wang Zhongwen and Teresa Teng were getting along. She just wanted Wang Dequan and Xie Yifang's relationship not to warm up. Xie Yifang accompanied the old lady on a cruise, and He Rumei told her about Wang Zhongwen's car accident, whether on purpose or for some reason. Xie Yifang burst into tears immediately, but Mrs. Wang stabilized her. Wang Dequan gave his son two choices, either to return to Indonesia or to return to the United States to continue working. Wang Zhongwen still didn't dare to negotiate terms with Teresa Teng directly. He just asked in a roundabout way, sure that in her heart, the weight of work was heavier.

Wang Dequan and his son had breakfast together, and he asked his son about Teresa Teng. Wang Zhongwen said that he has not put forward his conditions to Teresa Teng. He knows that once he puts forward the conditions, he will lose her forever. Wang Zhongwen knew that maybe she didn't care about him that much, but he was sure that he cared about her very much. Mrs. Wang and Xie Yifang confirmed that Wang Zhongwen did like Teresa Teng, but Xie Yifang didn't know who liked her more. Teresa Teng is a person who does not seek fame and wealth. Mrs. Wang knows that she may not be willing to wash away all her glory for Wang Zhongwen and be a peaceful daughter-in-law of the Wang family.

Teresa Teng couldn't contact anyone at home, so she called Zhou Min and told her that Deng Shu was ill and was in hospital. She hurriedly asked Higashikata to return to Taiwan, but there were still two concerts to attend, so Higashino had to call back to Tokyo to ask for permission. Soon Deng Shu and Zhao Sugui also guessed what their daughter knew. Deng Shu quickly called her daughter to report that she was safe and lied that he was just coming to the hospital for a routine check-up. The girl didn't believe it. If it was just a routine check-up, her mother would not have rushed back all the way from Tokyo. Her father was ill, but she could not fulfill her filial piety at the bedside. It was the first time for Teresa Teng that singing was so painful.

At this moment, Wang Zhongwen appeared and comforted Teresa Teng's injured and painful soul. Teresa Teng ran to hug him and they kissed in the snow. Not far behind him was Zhou Taisheng who came from the United States. When he saw the scene of them kissing, his heart was as sharp as a knife, and he finally turned and left silently.


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