The injured Wang Zhongwen did not let Rie Hui tell Teresa Teng that he disappeared due to a car accident. In order to make Teresa Teng believe that it would not matter even if he was misunderstood. Until now, he finally understood Zhou Taisheng's mood when he lied and broke up with Teresa Teng. Duan Ning passed the exam as a stewardess, and this time she went to see Zhou Taisheng legally. The girl felt that since she was so good at reading, it would be a pity not to continue reading, but she also knew that she could not persuade Duan Ning. Wang Dequan helped his son hold the landline and listened to his son telling white lies to his first wife. After hanging up the phone, Wang Dequan reminded his son, but Wang Zhongwen couldn't listen. He loved Teresa Teng so much that he couldn't help himself.

Funaki saw the news in the newspaper and learned that Teresa Teng was singing in the market in Taiwan. This is an act that the company will never allow signed singers to appear. He asked Dong Ye to inform her to return to Japan immediately because he was arranging new songs. Zhou Min disagrees with Duan Ning becoming a flight attendant. She is even willing to break up with You Yingjun (Black Dog) in exchange for letting her daughter not become a flight attendant. Duan Ning doesn't want to. She doesn't object to her mother falling in love with Black Dog, so she hopes her mother won't interfere with her pursuit of love. Deng Shu learned from his daughter that Zhou Min and Hei Gou were in love, and was so surprised that he opened his mouth. No wonder Hei Gou kept running into the store these days.

Higashino couldn't bear to tell Teresa Teng that Mr. Funaki was angry with her for singing in the Taiwan market. Teresa Teng didn't know why, so she took the wine Deng Shu had prepared for Funaki, but Dong Ye quickly stopped her. Others in the company criticized Teresa Teng, and Rie Hui also found excuses to avoid Teresa Teng. Teresa Teng didn't know what was going on, so she went to Diebian and asked He Liyun insinuatingly if anyone else had been here. In fact, what she wanted to ask was whether Wang Zhongwen was here. He Liyun deliberately pretended not to know, but Li Hui came twice. Duan Ning began to receive pre-service training as a flight attendant. It was much more tiring than she imagined, but she could continue to persevere.

When flying to the United States, Duan Ning was able to meet Zhou Taisheng, and the topic they talked about was the girl. The company always asked Teresa Teng to sing old songs. Teresa Teng finally realized something was wrong and asked to see Mr. Funaki. As Higashino hesitated, Teresa Teng keenly noticed that Mr. Funaki was hiding from her. When Wang Zhongwen learned about this, regardless of his own injuries, he got up and wanted to go to Funaki to argue, but was stopped by Rie. She promised that no one in the company would bully Teresa Teng, and that everyone in the company valued her. Teresa Teng went to see Zhou Mu at night to find out the whole story and learned that Zhou Mu had secured a rare concert for her.

Rie Hui helped Wang Zhongwen give the pudding to Teresa Teng. Wang Zhongwen sat in the car outside the store and watched. He could never get tired of seeing the satisfied look on Teresa Teng's face when she was late for the delicious food. After eating the familiar pudding, Teresa Teng thought of the familiar people and couldn't help but run outside and shed tears. Wang Zhongfen told Teresa Teng that her brother was injured in a car accident and was hospitalized. Teresa Teng went to the hospital and saw Wang Zhongwen who was recovering. She stepped forward and told him that he was great. Teresa Teng brought dumplings made by herself. In this matter, Wang Zhongwen had a better taste than Zhou Taisheng, because she made them by herself and Zhou Taisheng had never eaten them.

Teresa Teng asked Wang Zhongwen why he wanted to hide it, and Wang Zhongwen admitted that he did not want to drag her down. After this incident, Teresa Teng had a clear understanding of her feelings. Zhou Taisheng is already a thing of the past to her, and Wang Zhongwen is the one she needs to cherish now.


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