Mrs. Wang was also a fan of Teresa Teng. When she learned that Teresa Teng was about to leave at the end of her trip, she specially met with Teresa Teng and gave her a carefully selected gift. Teresa Teng doesn't like jewelry, but she still opened it out of politeness. This sapphire necklace was so expensive that Teresa Teng was too embarrassed to accept it. Instead, she couldn't put it down for the pudding in this store. This was the first time Mrs. Wang saw a girl who didn't like jewelry but only loved pudding. Teresa Teng really didn't have the exaggeration in this singing circle at all, so Mrs. Wang had a very good impression of Teresa Teng.

Wang Zhongwen sent Teresa Teng to take a flight. Teresa Teng did not plan to fall in love until she succeeded. Wang Zhongwen said that she could wait. Maybe one day, she would suddenly want to marry him while flying. Teresa Teng didn't understand what he meant at that time. She suddenly understood after getting on the plane and eating the dessert Wang Zhongwen specially asked for. Zhao Sugui wanted to stay in Taiwan to take care of Deng Shu, but Deng Shu disagreed. He felt that Teresa Teng could not work hard in Japan alone, and her parents or one of them had to make decisions in everything. Zhao Sugui smiled and said that her daughter had big ideas.

Back in Japan, Teresa Teng told Miss Rie that she knew why she failed. Singing is a simple and happy thing, but after coming to Japan, she worked too hard. She wants to get back to herself who just loves singing and doesn't care about success or failure. But the company obviously did not give her this opportunity. Not only did they not give her time to adjust to her best singing condition, they also did not allow her to match the cheongsam according to her own ideas. After Teresa Teng was rejected many times, she suddenly realized that losers have no right to make demands. With this thought, she said nothing more.

Funaki saw that she had her own originality and tried to convince the team to create it in Teresa Teng's own style. Zhao Sugui flew to Japan and took the car all the way there with the address in order to deliver a fried dumpling to her. However, no one from the company let Zhao Sugui put the dumplings in the conference room. Later, Teresa Teng took it herself. Funaki discovered that Teresa Teng was extending the company's unreleased songs at the izakaya and seriously reminded her not to do so. Teresa Teng's public image and unsung songs are the company's assets. Teresa Teng finally couldn't help but retorted.

The difference in philosophy caused Teresa Teng to lose Japan's roundabout way of speaking. She expressed that she was very disappointed with Funaki. Rie told her that both Funaki and Sasaki worked very hard to allow her to continue singing the second record, and Sasaki even made a guarantee. Teresa Teng immediately regretted pursuing Mr. Funaki. She would not say any other nice things, but she could only put in more effort to make this record a good one. After hard work, Teresa Teng and the company finally came to an end. Once the Airport record was released, it received a good response, and Teresa Teng gradually became well-known.

The album sales ranking jumped to No. 12 and continues to rise. Wang Zhongwen appeared in Japan, and Teresa Teng shared her joy with him and learned that he had met Zhao Sugui and asked for her permission before coming to see Teresa Teng. The final ranking results came out. Teresa Teng's airport made it to the top ten, achieving unprecedented success. Everyone once again gathered at the izakaya to drink and celebrate. The atmosphere was hot and happy, and Teresa Teng suddenly remembered the happy time she had with Zhou Taisheng and Duan Ning in Taiwan. Wang Zhongwen stayed in Japan specifically just to say to her in Chinese that she is awesome.


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