Old Mrs. Wang who lives in Indonesia likes to listen to Teresa Teng's songs, and Wang's father (Wang Dequan)'s aunt, who is called Aunt Mei by Wang Zhongwen, plans to hire an opera troupe for Mrs. Wang to sing. This happens every year without any new ideas. Mrs. Wang and her daughter Wang Zhongfen went to listen to Teresa Teng sing. Wang Zhongwen saw Teresa Teng's poster, walked in and stayed for a while, but came out before finishing the song. Teresa Teng saw him and hurriedly chased him out. After chatting, I learned that the last time she stayed in Ji Fei's room was purely coincidental. Since the group leader Ji Fei didn't arrange a room for her, he gave his room to her, and he went to share a room with others.

Wang Zhongwen suddenly realized, his concern disappeared instantly, and he happily took Teresa Teng to eat delicious food. During the chat, I asked about the familiarity between Ji Fei and her. Teresa Teng said that they were in the same circle and were naturally familiar with each other. Wang Zhongwen specially had breakfast with his mother and sister and his grandmother on the other side. Wang Dequan took his wife and two children to have breakfast. He was dissatisfied that his eldest son could not come, so he sent someone to call, but Wang Zhongwen came, and his mother and Wang Zhongfen also came. Come along. Mrs. Wang only loved Wang Zhongwen and asked him to sit next to her, so Aunt Mei had to take the two children to sit on the other side.

The mother is an honest Chaozhou woman and cannot compete with Wang Dequan's wife. The outer room deliberately arranged Mrs. Wang's birthday banquet on the day before Ningbo Day to steal the limelight. After Teresa Teng heard about it, she suddenly thought of a way. On the day of the birthday banquet, Aunt Mei and Wang Dequan were in front greeting the guests, just like hostesses. Old Mrs. Wang asked Wang Zhongwen's mother to stand next to Wang Dequan, but she was too honest and unwilling to make such a high-profile statement, especially because she was jealous of a man competing with another woman. There were so many people at the birthday banquet, but Wang Zhongwen only wanted to see Teresa Teng.

He ran to knock on Teresa Teng's door and spoke love words to her. Teresa Teng was not ready yet, and Wang Zhongwen was patiently waiting. On Mrs. Wang's birthday, the juniors congratulated her on her birthday. She was happy, but she was depressed and couldn't listen to music, which was boring. At this time Teresa Teng suddenly appeared, singing a Chaozhou tune. Wang Dequan and Wai Shi were very surprised. Teresa Teng congratulated the old lady on her happy birthday. The old lady was surprised why she knew the Teochew English songs and drums. Teresa Teng explained that Mrs. Wang invited her to come and she taught Teresa Teng this song line by line.

Hearing this, Wang Zhongfen asked Wang Zhongwen in a low voice, but Wang Zhongwen did not answer, but hissed. In this round, Mrs. Wang won a great victory. The embarrassed face in the outer room was simply prettier than the opera singer. Mrs. Wang said that this birthday was the happiest she had ever been. Wang Zhongwen was about to drive Teresa Teng away. He gave his sister the shoes in the car. There were always his sister's shoes in the car. Teresa Teng in the passenger seat suddenly realized that she had misunderstood Wang Zhongwen before. Wang Zhongwen took Teresa Teng for a walk on the beach. Before meeting her, Wang Zhongwen had never thought about getting married.

Even if Teresa Teng has someone else in her heart, Wang Zhongwen is willing to wait until the day she accepts him. He took Teresa Teng to the place where he first worked, told Teresa Teng all about his financial background, and said that he was not as rich as she thought, and then asked her if she could agree to date him. Teresa Teng deliberately joked that she likes rich people.


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