Wang Zhongwen went to the hospital to see Duan Ning, but found that the injured person was Zhou Taisheng, not Duan Ning. And this Zhou Taisheng was Teresa Teng's first love, who gave her a lot of help in the beginning of singing. Wang Youling began to complain again. Duan Ning couldn't stand it and went out to get some air. Wang Zhongwen followed her out and persuaded her to return to Taiwan. Duan Ning wondered how he knew he was from T Bay. Wang Zhongwen responded quickly and said that Mr. Zhou and Mrs. Zhou were both from there, and she should be too. This is the end of Wang Zhong's literary words. Before leaving, he praised Zhou Taisheng for knowing how to stand in front of girls, which was very good.

Since Zhou Taisheng was injured because of Duan Ning, Wang Youling's attitude towards Duan Ning has changed and she no longer drives her out. Duan Ning went out to look for a job and forgot to bring something. He turned back to get it, but overheard the conversation between Wang Youling and Zhou's father. Because Duan Ning had not been able to win over Zhou Taisheng and the two had not established a relationship, Wang Youling didn't want to worry about her anymore. Under Wang Zhongwen's manipulation, Duan Ning repeatedly encountered obstacles in finding a job. Wang Zhongwen did this to suppress him, but he also wanted Duan Ning to retreat. The girl didn't receive a call from Wang Zhongwen, so she had to ask Ji Fei if there was any way to contact him.

Duan Ning bought a ticket to return to China without warning. Wang Youling showed reluctance at the right time, but did not persuade Duan Ning to stay. Taisheng sent her away, but Duan Ning used tricks this time. She deliberately mentioned to Taiwan students that Teresa Teng came to the United States, not for him, but for herself. The implication is that once Duan Ning leaves the United States, Teresa Teng will also leave, and Taisheng will not even be able to see her. Wang Zhongwen came to watch Duan Ning get on the plane. Duan Ning told Tai Sheng that they were just passers-by of the girl, or ordinary friends. Even the famous Wang Zhongwen was her loyal minister.

Wang Zhongwen called Ji Fei's room. The person who answered the phone was Teresa Teng. He hung up the phone immediately. Teresa Teng didn't think much, thinking that someone else had made the wrong call. The next day Teresa Teng learned that someone had called her, presumably Wang Zhongwen, but why didn't he contact her? With this question in mind, Teresa Teng left a phone number for Wang Zhongwen. After a long journey, Duan Ning returned to T Bay. Xiaoyang came to pick her up and sent her home, saying that he was very happy that she could come back. You Yingjun helped Duan Ning fix all the leaks in the room. She greeted You Yingjun and entered the room in silence, crying.

Zhou Min and Zhao Sugui called. When the girl heard that Duan Ning was back, she hurriedly answered the phone. Duan Ning just came back the day before yesterday, and the girl just came back from the United States today. Zhao Sugui guessed that her daughter had gone to the United States to find Duan Ning. Not to mention Duan Ning's temperament, he may not think that the girl is doing it for her own good. Duan Ning might also feel that Yatou doesn't want her and Zhou Taisheng to be together. The girl didn't think too much, and she wasn't afraid that Duan Ning would misunderstand. The girl only thought about Duan Ning and couldn't let her leave a bad illegal immigration record. Wang Zhongwen has been struggling with whether to contact Teresa Teng, but he is always delayed by things.

The company chose a song for Teresa Teng that was completely different from the previous one. Sasaki and Funaki came specially to take Teresa Teng back. At first Teresa Teng thought they were going to terminate her contract. Teresa Teng persuaded Zhao Sugui to return to Taiwan to reunite with Deng Shu, while she returned to Japan to continue her efforts. Wang Zhongwen called a long-distance call from the United States. The person who answered the phone was Zhao Sugui. When she heard that the call was from the United States, she hung up without thinking. Then she asked the girl if it was true that she had not met Zhou Taisheng, and the girl confirmed it. answer.


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