On the plane to the United States, Teresa Teng covered herself with a blanket and pretended to sleep. A man next to her handed her a mask. It would take at least ten hours to fly to the United States. Wearing a mask can avoid inhaling too much second-hand smoke. When the people on the plane calmed down, Teresa Teng finally breathed fresh air. The man who gave her the mask was named Wang Zhongwen. He took the initiative to talk to Teresa Teng and learned that she had never been to the United States. When asked if she had any friends in the United States, Teresa Teng remembered Duan Ning's words and lied and denied that she had friends in the United States. After getting off the plane, Wang Zhongwen accidentally met Teresa Teng again. Seeing that she could not speak English, she struggled to ask for directions. Wang Zhongwen took the initiative to help and took her to her destination.

Teresa Teng knocked on Zhou's door, and Wang Youling misunderstood that she was here to be a student in Taiwan. Teresa Teng explained that she was here for Duan Ning, but Wang Youling still felt that she wanted to break up Duan Ning and Taisheng, and even lied that Duan Ning and Taisheng were in a relationship. Not only that, Wang Youling also turned away girls from far away. In the end, Wang Zhongwen couldn't stand it anymore and called out Wang Youling. It turns out that there are only a few Chinese people in the eastern United States, and Wang Zhongwen and Wang Youling know each other. When asked about Wang Zhongwen's occupation, he only said that he was engaged in small business. Wang Zhongwen took Teresa Teng out for dinner, deliberately concealing his identity as the owner of the restaurant, and went into the box to listen to the stories between Teresa Teng, Duan Ning, and Zhou Taisheng.

Wang Zhongwen intended to become friends with Teresa Teng. Although Teresa Teng repeatedly emphasized that she was not born for Zhou Tai, at least partly she was. He is willing to help her and allow Duan Ning to return to Taiwan legally and safely. After dinner, Wang Zhongwen drove the girl back. Ji Fei asked who it was. Before Teresa Teng could answer, she saw Wang Zhongwen's promotional poster on the wall. Ji Fei said that the person on the poster is Wang Zhongwen, a second-generation overseas Chinese and an entrepreneur from a truly wealthy family. Like the annual condolence group, the Wang family sponsors it. Teresa Teng was shocked and once suspected that the person she had just met was someone else. Wang's father had another woman outside, so Wang Zhongwen comforted his mother and asked her to go to the concert.

Wang's mother was afraid of the noise and refused, but when she learned that Teresa Teng was at the concert, she changed her mind. Wang Youling told Duan Ning that Teresa Teng had gone to the United States and had subordinates, so it was easy to find anyone. Duan Ning then took the initiative to go to the condolence group to find her, but she did not come to go back with Teresa Teng. Instead, she asked the girl to stop taking away Zhou Taisheng's soul and bless herself and Taisheng. After saying this, Duan Ning got into Wang Youling's car and left without looking back. Wang Zhongwen knew that it was probably Duan Ning and he could help. But the girl was angry because he concealed his identity and was wary of her, and did not intend to be friends with him. As a result, she sprained her foot while wearing high heels. Wang Zhongwen couldn't help but pick her up and put her on the hood of the car.

Wang Zhongwen took out the medical kit and applied medicine to Teresa Teng. He was very considerate, and then took out a pair of women's shoes from the car. Teresa Teng murmured in her heart that a man could easily take a woman's shoes from the car. Wang Zhongwen not only carried her back to the hotel, but also helped her apply hot compresses. Lulu, who lived with her, walked in and saw this scene, and was so surprised that she couldn't close her mouth. Wang Zhongwen didn't let the girl follow the team and drove her personally. Teresa Teng didn't have a room to live in, so Ji Fei gave her his room and said he welcomed her back. Teresa Teng was confused. Duan Ning was working in a restaurant. Two people from the Immigration Bureau came. Zhou Taisheng pulled Duan Ning and ran away. He was accidentally hit by a car and was hospitalized in a car accident.

Wang Youling complained about Duan Ning, and Zhou Taisheng asked her to say less. Those two people were called by Wang Zhongwen to scare Duan Ning, but he didn't expect that they would cause a car accident. Remembering Teresa Teng's words to let Duan Ning return to Taiwan safely, Wang Zhongwen was a little worried and hurried to the hospital.


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