Zhou Min and You Yingjun went to eat, and You Yingjun was delighted. Zhou Min often appeared in his dreams, and she was always scolding him for being immoral and not doing serious things. But in his dreams, You Yingjun was very happy and always woke up with a smile. After eating, You Yingjun sent her home. Duan Ning hadn't slept yet, and Chen's mother had sent her fifty yuan, so Duan Ning knew that her mother had already finished playing cards. You don't need to think about it to know that it was You Yingjun who sent Zhou Min back. Duan Ning complained that Zhou Min always fell in love with the wrong person, either Duan Litian or You Yingjun. She disrespected herself so much that Zhou Min became serious.

Zhou Min seriously told Duan Ning that she couldn't talk to her like that. Even if she wanted to make friends, it was legal and she had the freedom to make friends. Duan Ning not only didn't feel that he was wrong, but asked Zhou Min to remember what she said today. The next day, Duan Ning left a letter and ran away from home. Zhou Min hurriedly told the girl the news. She cried and blamed herself. She and Duan Ning were already a little unhappy during this time, but she didn't care. Duan Ning said in the letter that she went to seek happiness so that Zhou Min did not have to look for her. The money in the bankbook was temporarily borrowed for use. Duan Ning would return the borrowed money to Zhou Min as soon as possible.

Duan Ning ran away from home without any warning, and at first the girl didn't know where she went. Duan Ning ran to the United States, bought many gifts, visited Zhou's family, and lied that she came to the United States with her school to participate in an exchange meeting. After the exchange meeting, there will be two weeks of free time. Wang Youling and her husband felt like they were in the clear, but they did not expose Duan Ning and warmly invited her to live at home. Zhou Taisheng was unwilling and couldn't resist his mother's persuasion, so he finally agreed to let Duan Ning stay. Afterwards, he chatted with Duan Ning alone and persuaded her to return to Taiwan, but Duan Ning was very stubborn and unwilling to leave him.

After thinking about it, Yatou decided to call the Zhou family. The person who answered the phone was Taisheng. He was a little surprised to hear that it was Yatou. Later, Yatou called Duan Ning and persuaded her to return to China, but Duan Ning also refused. Duan Ning is not afraid of being discovered as an illegal immigrant. She will be wherever Zhou Taisheng is anyway. Duan Ning also cried and asked the girl to give Zhou Taisheng to her, forget this number, and never call again. The girl told Zhou Min where Duan Ning was going, and Zhou Min was so angry that her heart, liver and lungs ached. Duan Ning deceived her parents, stole all the money, and deceived her into applying for a business license. Zhou Min became even more angry when she thought of this.

The girl left the Zhou family's phone number with Zhou Min, and then Zhou Min called. The person who answered the phone was Wang Youling. She took care of her daughter's face and did not expose Duan Ning's secret escape to the United States with Wang Youling. The mother and daughter talked on the phone. Zhou Min also asked Duan Ning to return to Taiwan, but Duan Ning still refused and refuted her with what Zhou Min said before. Not long after, Zhou Min became angry with Duan Ning and did not go to the store. When the girl learned that Zhou Min's mother did not go to the store, she quickly called her to show her condolences. She learned that Duan Ning also refused to listen to Zhou Min and insisted on staying in the United States and not coming back. Zhou Min had nothing to do and couldn't control it, so he just ignored it.

Duan Litian accused Zhou Min of behaving inappropriately and going out for a midnight snack with You Yingjun, causing Duan Ning to run away from home. Zhou Min couldn't defeat him, so You Xiumei stepped in to help and scolded Duan Lisheng away. The company arranged another trip to Southeast Asia for the girl. She couldn't help but think that the company was already thinking of ways to get rid of her expensive seventy-five. But it’s not the case. People in the company are still working hard to help her find suitable songs. Ji Fei told Yatou that there is a publicity and condolences group going to the United States, which can help Yatou get a U.S. visa as soon as possible. Even though it didn't help her career and her schedule was tight, the girl still agreed.

You Xiumei no longer objected to her brother's liking for Zhou Min, and even asked her brother to give Zhou Min something to eat. Zhou Min had no appetite, so You Yingjun fed her bite by bite. Duan Ning was looking for a job in a restaurant, and Zhou Taisheng persuaded her to leave the United States. Undocumented people in the United States have very low hourly wages and cannot rent a house. Duan Ning said that he would not cause trouble to him, but Zhou Taisheng had a conscience and would not leave her alone. After arguing and arguing, Duan Ning actually asked Zhou Taisheng if he could control her for the rest of his life.


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