Teresa Teng's efforts were not rewarded, and the company informed Dongye not to tell her the bad news yet. Duan Ning tutored Yaozong. Although she was a neighbor, she deserved to receive the tutoring fee from You Xiumei. Zhou Min didn't know what she wanted the money for, he just thought she was a little money addict. Duan Ning had already planned in his mind to save enough money to go to the United States to find Zhou Taisheng. Teresa Teng went to Hokkaido to promote, but people here still didn't know her well. When she called Zhao Sugui, Teresa Teng only reported the good news but not the bad, so that her mother wouldn't worry about her. Teresa Teng couldn't help but echo Lin Jinmu's words, before you turn into a dragon, just be a worm.

According to the record sales ranking, Teresa Teng ranked seventy-fifth, and there were almost no on-demand radio broadcasts. It can be said that the results were very dismal. In order to comfort her, Dongye took her to eat at an expensive restaurant. Teresa Teng had a premonition that the record's performance was very bad, not in the top ten, maybe fifteen or sixteen. Dongye couldn't tell her that it wasn't even fifteen or sixteen, it was seventy-five. After twenty-six days of promotions all over Japan, Teresa Teng finally returned to Tokyo. Before she could go home, she went to He Liyun and Zhao Yu's shop and confided that she had been very miserable during this time and ate sashimi every day. With raw rice balls, my stomach feels as uncomfortable as the refrigerator. She didn't dare to tell her mother about her sadness, for fear that she would be worried. Unexpectedly, Zhao Sugui was in the store and heard everything she said.

Teresa Teng was singing alone at the beach to relieve her worries. At this time, her longing for Zhou Taisheng reached its peak. Sugui felt sorry for her daughter, so she bought a plane ticket back to Taipei, and the mother and daughter flew back to Taipei. Teresa Teng returned to Taipei, but she didn't break out a new world. She was very embarrassed and stayed at home all day long. Deng Shu took her out for a walk, but Teresa Teng refused in every possible way. Then Nannan came to see her. Through Nannan, the girl learned that T Bay did not publish her current situation, so the people in T Bay did not know that she had failed when she released her first record. All this was told by Zhou Taisheng to Nannan. He had a Japanese girlfriend, and since then She learned about Teresa Teng's current situation in Japan.

In addition, Nannan also told the girl that when Zhou Taisheng proposed breaking up and said harsh words, it was all because Wang Youling didn't like the girl. It happened that Zhou's father had a stroke at that time, so he did that. Yatou wonders why Nannan chose to tell her the truth at this time, and Nannan confesses that she loves Zhou Taisheng more than Yatou. Deng Shu learned that his daughter was actually ranked seventy-fifth. Like Deng Changfu, he was extremely surprised and worried that Polydor would not invest in the girl again. At this time, there was a show of hands within Polydor. Most people were opposed to continuing to invest in Teresa Teng. Only Higashino, Funaki and Sasaki voted in favor. Sasaki even said that he would try again. If it still fails, he is willing to take the blame. Resigned and quit the recording industry for good.

Polydor decided to let Teresa Teng develop in Hong Kong first, where she would have the opportunity to perform on stage. Zhao Sugui was very dissatisfied, thinking that the Japanese were trying to avoid difficulties. The girl said various reasons to appease her mother, and Zhao Sugui tacitly agreed with her decision. Duan Ning quarreled with Zhou Min over the business license. Zhao Sugui knew that Zhou Min was in a bad mood and went over to say a few words to her. You Yingjun chatted with Zhou Min, but he couldn't find a topic and would only praise Zhou Min's delicious food. Zhou Min asked him if he was hungry.


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