Liu Xiaochun deliberately approached Ji Fei and asked the entertainment company to remember to take photos of her and Ji Fei. Sure enough, it was published in the newspaper the next day. After that day, Ji Fei did not appear in the singing hall. The fans also listened to Teresa Teng and stopped buying tickets to enter the venue. They waited for her to come out and supported her to leave together. Liu Xiaochun was very jealous, so he broke the news to reporters and spread rumors about Teresa Teng, which caused newspapers to spread rumors that Teresa Teng was dating. He has countless boyfriends, and his father also has secret meetings with relatives and friends in mainland China. His third brother Deng Changfu, who is a soldier, also enjoys privileges. Teresa Teng was very angry and went directly to Liu Xiaochun and slapped her. Warn her not to hurt her family again. From now on, Teresa Teng will no longer help her sing.

Liu Xiaochun had never been so angry before. After Teresa Teng turned around, he directly picked up the wine bottle on the table and smashed the back of Teresa Teng's head. Teresa Teng was very calm and did not argue with Liu Xiaochun, but told her not to let her see her again in the future. The girl didn't want Zhao Sugui to worry, so Mr. Zheng called the doctor to treat the wound on her head. Regardless of whether they can cooperate or not, Mr. Zheng hopes to become friends with Teresa Teng and help her solve her problems. On the other side, Funaki and his assistant were invited into the house by Deng Shu. He was ready to be rejected again. Unexpectedly, Deng Shu had seen his sincerity and finally decided to let his daughter go to Japan for further development. Funaki and his assistant almost cried with joy and drank without any worries.

Mr. Zheng (Bill) and Simon discussed cooperation with Liu Xiaochun. They wanted to sign her, but the condition was that she would develop out of the country. Liu Xiaochun thought that they were sent by Teresa Teng to kill her. Later, she heard that she could make a lot of money by leaving the country, so her attitude changed immediately. She was originally a person who pursues profit and money. Bill knew that Teresa Teng didn't like Ji Fei, so he asked Teresa Teng to ask Ji Fei out. He lied and said that Teresa Teng could not fall in love within five years, otherwise she would suffer many restrictions in her career. Ji Fei left angrily, and Bill told Teresa Teng that she could fall in love as long as she had someone she liked. Bill has a very high IQ, and in just a few sentences he asked her without missing a trace that she didn't have anyone she liked.

Zhou Taisheng returned to Taiwan from the United States for a few days. Duan Ning was secretly happy when he heard that he remembered that he was preparing for the joint entrance exam. The next sentence he asked about the girl was how she was. Duan Ning knew that Zhou Taisheng still couldn't forget the girl. When she returned home from school, she learned from her mother that the girl would be back within the next two days. Duan Ning was angry and angry, begging God not to let Zhou Taisheng and the girl meet each other, and not to let their old relationship rekindle. But the girl still came to school to cheer for Duan Ning on the day of the joint entrance examination, and thus met Zhou Taisheng. Because there were a lot of student fans, all of whom wanted the girl's autograph, and the commotion was not small, the teacher politely asked her to leave first. Zhou Taisheng promised Duan Ning to wait for her, so he didn't chase her.

Duan Ning got back home and lost her temper with Zhou Min. The student from Taiwan came back specifically to accompany her in the joint exam, but it was messed up because of the girl's appearance. Zhou Min tried his best to persuade her that a relationship that relies on help from others is destined to be short-lived, but Duan Ning couldn't listen at all and thought her mother wouldn't help her. When discussing the details of the contract, Deng Shu made two demands. Teresa Teng would not become a Japanese citizen, nor would she take a Japanese stage name. Funaki thought for a moment and nodded in agreement. The girl's own request was to wear more cheongsams in style, which Funaki readily agreed to. Duan Ning decided to talk to the girl.


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