Deng Changfu wrote a few words in the report to express his attitude. He did not know about his father's meeting with his mainland family, but he agreed. The superior had no choice but to confine him for three weeks. Polydor Japan and PolyGram Hong Kong both belong to the Philips Corporation of Japan. Mr. Sasaki from Polydor came to Hong Kong for vacation. Mr. Zheng from Polygram and the other four wanted to treat Sasaki as landlords, but Sasaki was not in the room. At this time, Sasaki was listening to music in the karaoke hall and was moved by Teresa Teng's singing. He excitedly called Mr. Funaki in Japan and told him about it. Then the Polygram people and Sasaki went to listen to the song, and then they found out that the person who impressed Sasaki was Teresa Teng.

At this time, they began to regret not signing Teresa Teng, and were reduced to competing with PolyGram. Fortunately, PolyGram had not signed her yet, so both parties had the opportunity to compete fairly. Sasaki bought many of Teresa Teng's albums and ended his vacation early to return to Japan to discuss signing a contract with Teresa Teng. Mr. Zheng and others couldn't help but feel discouraged. Another person said that Japan had signed many singers from Southeast Asia, but the response was mediocre. Maybe Polydor and Teresa Teng's signings would not be successful, and then they would have a chance. Mr. Funaki and others heard Teresa Teng's singing and thought it was the sound of nature, so they decided to send people to discuss signing a contract with the Deng family.

Soon Funaki came to Hong Kong specifically to sign a contract with Teresa Teng. Mr. Zheng was unwilling to give up, so he went to discuss with Teresa Teng and her daughter. They expressed their willingness to wait until the contract between Teresa Teng and Lei Feng expired, hoping to provide the best with the highest standards. Conditions for signing a contract with Teresa Teng. Going to Japan for development was a big deal. Zhao Sugui did not immediately express his position at the time, saying that he wanted to go back and discuss it with Deng Shu. Zhou Mu had limited time, so he went directly to Taiwan to find Deng Shu. When Deng Shu heard that he was Japanese, he immediately refused and said he would not cooperate with the Japanese. Afterwards, Deng Shu and Zhao Sugui talked on the phone and lost their temper. Zhao Sugui promised not to have contact with the Japanese anymore.

The boss of Haitian asked Teresa Teng to sing with a singer from Taiwan, because Judy Liu was not well-known and needed Teresa Teng to help her. Teresa Teng was warm-hearted and agreed without asking who the other party was. Later, when Judy Liu came on stage, Teresa Teng discovered that she was actually Liu Xiaochun. Liu Xiaochun pretended to be very close to her, not only deliberately getting close to Ji Fei, but also taking advantage of Teresa Teng's fans, and in disguise, using these fans' kindness towards Teresa Teng to become his own fans. Although he was rejected, Mr. Funaki did not back down. Instead, he persisted in sitting outside the restaurant and eating steamed buns day after day.

Liu Xiaochun wanted to go for supper with Teresa Teng's fans, but Teresa Teng herself didn't go. One fan came back and asked her if she was angry. Teresa Teng bluntly said that they are not only her fans, but also her friends, but they have spent too much money on flowers, tea and snacks. The fan realized that this was wrong and showed shame. Teresa Teng said that she could send the flowers to a nursing home with her. Hearing Teresa Teng's words backstage, Mr. Zheng felt more and more that Teresa Teng not only had a beautiful singing voice, but also had a very kind character. He took the initiative to drive to the nursing home to pick up Teresa Teng and her fans to have something to eat.

Mr. Zheng chatted with her about going to Taiwan to talk to Deng Shu about signing a contract, but she was kicked out as soon as they started. He told the girl that Japan's level of record production is at the forefront of the world, and Teresa Teng will have greater room for improvement there. Deng Shu went to Sichuan to test Zhoumu. Deng Shu was very cautious about who his daughter would sign a contract with. Although he couldn't get over the hurdle in his heart, after all, the girl had no control over her mother, and Deng Shu didn't want to interfere too much with the girl.


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