Zhou Taisheng didn't want the girl to live under the hatred of his parents for the rest of his life, so he chose this way to end the relationship between him and the girl. The saying that short-term pain is worse than long-term pain is what Zhou Taisheng understood. Even though he had done something to hurt the girl, Zhou Taisheng still decided to keep his promise and persist until the end of the joint examination. Duan Ning didn't understand very much what the meaning of his actions was. When Zhao Sugui returned to Taiwan, she learned that Deng Shu had high blood pressure and chest tightness. She was angry that Deng Shu didn't tell her and made herself cry. Deng Shu couldn't laugh or cry and promised to go for a check-up with her tomorrow.

The girl felt very sad and went to the door of Duan Ning's house. Duan Ning happened to come out to collect her shoes and saw her. He quickly took her into the yard and then went out to chat with the girl. The girl spent a day walking the path she and Zhou Taisheng had walked all over again. Those places she had once walked through could be completed in one day, but the memories she had with Zhou Taisheng might take a lifetime to forget. The girl was in so much pain that she didn't want to stay in Taiwan anymore. Duan Ning was also debating whether to tell the girl Zhou Taisheng's difficulties, but in the end she didn't say anything. Zhao Sugui took Deng Shu for examination. It was indeed a heart problem, and she was very worried about it.

But Deng Shu did not agree to sell the store, so Zhao Sugui had to find another way to reduce Deng Shu's burden. She discussed with Zhou Min whether she could let You Xiumei come to the store to help. Knowing that Zhou Min and You Xiumei didn't get along well, Zhao Sugui specifically asked Zhou Min for her opinion. Zhou Min agreed, and Zhao Sugui went to find You Xiumei again. After some good talk, You Xiumei agreed to go to the store to help. The day before Zhou Taisheng left Taiwan, Duan Ning gave him the fabric and unexpectedly learned that Zhou Taisheng had also walked the same path that he and the girl had walked over. However, she did not tell Zhou Taisheng that the girl had done the same thing as him. .

When Duan Ning went home, Zhou Min asked her where she had been. Duan Ning lied and said she went to the library. When Zhou Min exposed her lie, she simply admitted that she had gone to send Zhou Taisheng off stage. Zhou Min blamed her for not telling the girl. Duan Ning insisted that they had broken up. Zhou Min found out that her daughter still liked Zhou Taisheng. When asked if Zhou Taisheng liked her, Duan Ning closed the door in silence. Two years later, Duan Ning still communicated with Zhou Taisheng from time to time, but when Deng Changfu asked about Zhou Taisheng's current situation, Duan Ning could not explain clearly. You Xiumei and Zhou Min didn't get along at all. They were in the same store, and there were a lot of frictions and discords.

You Xiumei discovered that Zhou Min was concerned about Lao Wu's grades and whether Deng Shu drank ginseng tea. She couldn't help but complain to Sichuan that Zhou Min wanted to seduce Deng Shu while Zhao Sugui was away. Of course, Sichuan would not listen to the wind. In the past, You Xiumei said that Zhou Min seduced You Yingjun, and now he said that she seduced Deng Shu. He felt that You Xiumei was probably biased against Zhou Min. Duan Ning corresponded with Zhou Taisheng, but all he talked about was the college entrance examination and the girl. He didn't ask how Duan Ning was doing, and he didn't know that Duan Ning was about to take the college entrance examination. Wang Youling knew that her son still cared about the girl, and she felt sorry for her son, but his son did not blame her for beating the couple.

Ji Fei pursues Teresa Teng, but Teresa Teng politely rejects him with a smile. The Deng family bought a big house in Beitou. Deng Shu and Zhao Sugui took their daughter to the big house and handed the key to the girl. The girl suddenly realized that the big house on the high ground on her wish list had now come true.


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