The girl was waiting in line to call her daughter, but it was her turn to put on makeup, so she casually asked a man passing by to help her queue up. Unexpectedly, the person in front of her had not finished calling for a long time, so the man passing by took the girl to Ji Fei Private dressing room, use the phone inside to make calls. The girl was embarrassed to go in. The other person claimed to be Ji Fei's assistant and his name was Ajie. The girl called Nannan to ask if she had found Zhou Taisheng, but she didn't get the answer she wanted, and finally hung up the phone in frustration. Nannan asked Zhou Min to call Wang Youling, but was refused.

Zhou's father was seriously ill this time, and his superiors reported him as a work-related illness, with favorable retirement benefits and a position as chief writer. Zhou Taisheng has also grown up and wants to support the family in place of his father. Wang Youling played a blues song for her son, and Zhou Taisheng couldn't help but think of the girl. Deng Shu suddenly felt a pain in his heart, and Zhou Min tried his best to persuade him to see a doctor. Doctor Niu briefly examined him and found that Deng Shu's blood pressure was a little high and his heart rhythm was a little irregular. He suggested that Deng Shu go to a large hospital for a X-ray examination, but Deng Shu didn't take it to heart and thought it was an old problem.

Deng Shu went to find Sichuan. When he got to the door, he heard him and You Xiumei arguing. The timing was wrong, so Deng Shu returned the same way. Re-reading the letter from home brought tears to my eyes again. Nostalgia had tortured him for too long, and he could never find a suitable opportunity to go back. Deng Shu and Zhao Sugui talked on the phone. This time Zhao Sugui said he would go back after the song was finished. It might not take long. Deng Shu called Zhou Min, and Zhou Min told Zhao Sugui about Zhou Taisheng's disappearance. She speculated that Wang Youling should have escorted Zhou Taisheng back to the United States, so that Zhao Sugui could bring the girl back.

The girl also asked Zhao Sugui when she would be coming home, and Zhao Sugui replied that she could go back after going to Vietnam. The girl was about to take the money and return it to Ajie, but she learned from others that the person who lent her the phone was not Ajie, but Jifei, the mainstay of TVB and the host of the station. Seeing the girl standing in front of Ji Fei's office, others thought she was here to curry favor with Ji Fei. The girl felt bad after hearing this, and her attitude towards Ji Fei was not very good. After returning the money to him, she turned around and thought It was Ji Fei's request to leave, so the girl sat down to talk to him.

TVB has never signed a contract with a T-wan artist, but Ji Fei said that she can be the first T-wan artist signed by TVB. Zhou Taisheng decided to return to Taiwan. He reassured his mother that he would come back. This time he went back to make Teresa Teng completely give up on him. The next day after the girl returned to Taiwan, she and her daughter went to find David, and unexpectedly saw Zhou Taisheng and David playing ball. The girl was very happy to see Zhou Taisheng again and sat next to him to cheer him on. Zhou Taisheng was uncharacteristically uncharacteristic. Not only was he indifferent, he even said that the girl was very annoying. He hated having people watching him when he was playing ball.

The girl asked why, and Zhou Taisheng said that he didn't like her anymore, and then said very hurtful words, which made the girl very painful. After crying, she went to see Zhou Taisheng again, but what she heard was still hurtful words. Zhou Min learned from her daughter that Zhou Taisheng had hurt the girl, so she told Zhao Sugui about it, but she still felt that Zhou Taisheng was not that irresponsible person. The girl kept everything in her heart and walked through the places and roads she and Zhou Taisheng had gone to all over again. Nannan saw Zhou Taisheng in the bookstore and found that he actually bought the joint entrance examination handouts.

Unable to withstand Nannan's questioning, Zhou Taisheng confessed everything. Nannan found it incredible that Zhou's father's stroke was not something the sky was falling from, and she thought there was no need for Zhou Taisheng to hurt the girl because of this incident.


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