Zhao Sugui insisted that the girl go to Hong Kong to sing, which surprised the girl. Deng Shu did not object to the girl going to Hong Kong, but he was worried that his wife would be too tired. Neither he nor the girl knew that Zhao Sugui and Wang Youling had met. Wang Youling looked down on the Deng family, and even more looked down on Deng Lijun who liked to sing, thinking that the Deng family regarded the girl as a cash cow. Zhao Sugui did not refute at the time, but after returning home, she secretly made up her mind to let her daughter sing and become famous. In any case, with a mother like Wang Youling, it is impossible for the girl to date Zhou Taisheng again. Zhao Sugui asked Wang Youling to go back and take care of her son, and the girl would not have any contact with him again.

Wang Youling went home, looked through her son's room, and tore up the letter. Zhou Taisheng saw it when he returned to the room and asked his mother why she did this. Wang Youling thought she was justified and disparaged Teresa Teng as an actress. Zhou Taisheng was dissatisfied and quarreled with her for a few words, then closed the door and glued the letter. Zhou Taisheng met Zhao Sugui and told her excitedly that many of his classmates wanted Teresa Teng's autograph. Zhao Sugui interrupted him and expressed that he did not want him and Teresa Teng to meet again. Zhou Taisheng didn't quite understand, so Zhao Sugui said bluntly that he didn't want to associate with the girl anymore. One of them sang and the other read, so they were not suitable to be together.

The depressed Zhou Taisheng confided to Duan Ning that he still did not realize the seriousness of the problem and thought that as long as he stayed here to take the joint entrance examination and continue to study for a master's degree and a doctorate, he could stay with the girl. Although one may be a superstar and the other may be an academic celebrity in the future, as long as Teresa Teng looks back, he will always be there. Duan Ning didn't know what to say. She was a realistic person and considered more practical issues, while Zhou Taisheng was too idealistic. Zhou Min noticed that Zhao Sugui was absent-minded and became concerned about what was wrong with her. Zhao Sugui didn't hide it. Zhou Min apologized to Zhao Sugui on behalf of Wang Youling because she knew that Wang Youling said mean things.

Zhou's father suffered a stroke in the United States. At first, Zhou Taisheng thought this was an excuse for them to trick him into returning to the United States, but when he saw Wang Youling silently crying, Zhou Taisheng knew that this was not a lie. Just like that, Zhou Taisheng suddenly disappeared, and the girl couldn't contact him at all. At this time, she was going to Hong Kong with the group again, so she had to ask Duan Ning to tell Zhou Taisheng about her trip to Hong Kong after he came back. Zhao Sugui brought a lot of things with her. On this trip to Hong Kong, she would have to stay with the girl for at least three months. Zhao Sugui did not explain the specific reason to Deng Shu, but Zhou Min could see that she had other ideas. Zhao Sugui did not hide it from her, and frankly said that she wanted to take the girl away first.

Hong Kong is another big world. Teresa Teng is very popular in T Bay, but in Hong Kong, she only has a few fans. Zhao Sugui told her not to care about the ranking. The girl wanted to know how long it would take to go from the last ranking to the first. The girl called Nannan and learned that there was no one in Zhou Taisheng's family, but Nannan still had no news about Zhou Taisheng. The girl asked Zhao Sugui when she would go back. Zhao Sugui changed the subject and did not answer her question directly. As for Deng Shu, Zhao Sugui said that he would not go back so soon. You Yingjun went to work as an undercover agent and reported to the police. He was hospitalized with many scars. You Xiumei directly took Zhou Min to the hospital and asked her to tell You Yingjun that she could not die no matter what. Only then did Zhou Min know that this was the big thing You Yingjun was going to do.

The girl sang Jingjing in the karaoke hall, but the people present were not moved. People from the PolyGram company liked the girl's voice and wanted to persuade other people in the company to invest in Teresa Teng and make records for her, but other people were short-sighted and disagreed. A director wanted to make a movie, and the girl agreed. The filming of the movie started, and the girl became more and more famous in Hong Kong, and her ranking became higher and higher. Fans go to the karaoke hall almost every day to support her, but Teresa Teng hopes that they can study hard and don't have to come every day.


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