On August 6, guests filed in for Teresa Teng's special performance at Majestic Cabaret. The girl chose the most conservative outfit and wore very plain makeup. She still had the heart to change all the songs to old ones. Zhou Taisheng in the audience suddenly understood the girl's intention of doing this, and heard the mother behind him praising the girl. He felt sincerely proud and moved by the girl's intentions. Zhou Taisheng's mother, Wang Youling, saw Zhou Min coming and greeted her from a few tables away. Zhou Min was very embarrassed. She was afraid that her current poor situation would be seen and made fun of. Mother Chen and the others helped Zhou Min smooth things over. Lie and say that Zhou Min is now the person in charge of Zhou so that she will not lose face in front of Wang Youling.

Outsiders tried their best to help, but when she returned home, Nannan lost her temper because her mother, who was wearing simple clothes, saw Wang Youling. Zhou Min said frankly that if Nannan felt that she was embarrassed, she could return to her original home. Not long after singing at Majestic Cabaret, reports about the girl hit the news. Mother Chen excitedly brought the newspaper over to tell everyone the good news. Deng Shu even bought several newspapers, cut one out and kept it, and burned the others to his deceased relatives, so that they could all know how successful the girl was. As Yatou became more and more famous, China Television Corporation asked Yatou to sing the theme song for a TV series. The process of recording songs was not smooth sailing, but fortunately the girl worked hard.

After the TV series was aired, the girl's moving singing voice rang out in the streets and alleys. Many people were emotionally moved and burst into tears for Jingjing in the series. Soon, Jingjing's records in the record store were sold out, and even if Zhou Taisheng tried to buy one, none would be available. The boss finally kept one but was unwilling to give it to Zhou Taisheng. It happened that the girl came to the record store to find him. After hearing what the boss said, she signed the record. The two were sitting outside the record store chatting, and were recognized by Teresa Teng's fans. They all wanted to hug the girl and take a photo, but Zhou Taisheng took the girl's hand and ran away. It was a really happy time. As the girl's fame grew, she began to participate in various concerts and interviews, and was too busy to find Zhou Taisheng.

Zhou Taisheng has been silently accompanying the girl behind the scenes. The girl didn't know it and thought he didn't like her anymore. But she didn't expect that Zhou Taisheng had been paying attention to her movements, and he knew every one of her activities. Zhou's father found out that his son had applied for a certificate from an equivalent school in the United States and asked his son what was going on. Zhou Taisheng confessed everything. Zhou's father firmly disagreed with him being with Teresa Teng, who sang. After all, he would return to the United States to study in the future. Zhou Taisheng explained that the girl was a good girl, but his father did not listen. Zhou Taisheng finally said that he could go to Zhou Min to find out. Wang Youling went to find Zhou Min, and unexpectedly found that the house had been occupied by birds, and Zhou Min, who was once aloof, was helping in the small restaurant.

After hearing Wang Youling's reason for coming, she bluntly said that the Deng family were all honest people. Wang Youling couldn't listen, so Zhou Min didn't want to talk to her anymore. You Yingjun decided to further his studies. Before leaving, he came to meet Zhou Min and told her about it. Zhou Min did not take his words seriously. Wang Youling came uninvited and introduced herself as Zhou Taisheng's mother. Zhao Sugui didn't know why she came at first and thought she was a fan of her daughter. Knowing that Teresa Teng wanted to stay in T Bay for her own sake, Zhou Taisheng advised her to go out and go to Hong Kong to see the wider world and let people all over the world know her.


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