On the first night when the girl sang, everyone bought tickets, and there was a lively gathering of guests from the country to listen to the girl sing. Deng Shu also came. The host always thinks of Yun as Jun, but the girl doesn't care. Deng Shu was in the audience, watching his daughter sparkle on the stage, and everyone was immersed in the girl's beautiful singing. After singing a song of tuberose, the girl said that today is her father's birthday and she wanted to sing a song to him. Deng Shu was in the audience, recalling every bit of the girl's growth while singing, and his eyes filled with tears. When he learned that the girl had gone to sing for guests of the country, Director Jin quickly came over to ask for an explanation.

Deng Shu comforted him and said that the girl would continue to renew her contract with the radio station and her remuneration would remain unchanged. He has always been grateful for Director Jin's support and help to his daughter, so his daughter will renew her contract. Liu Xiaochun gave the girl a stumbling block and asked her to sing Hokkien songs. Although the girl could speak Hokkien, she could not sing. Liu Xiaochun knew this, so he deliberately changed the song. The girl faced the difficulty and specifically asked the drummer Azhi for advice. Azhi pulled her hand to touch his throat to feel the tremor of the pronunciation. Zhao Sugui saw it and asked what they were doing. The girl explained that A Zhi was teaching her to sing Hokkien. Zhao Sugui said nothing more and asked her to come in to rehearse.

It was not always smooth sailing for the girl to sing a Hokkien song for the first time. She was ridiculed by the audience because of her poor pronunciation, and some even booed her and kicked her off the stage. The girl said it was a lie that she didn't feel uncomfortable. She wrote a letter to Zhou Taisheng for the first time. Although she didn't send it, it made her feel less uncomfortable. Many of Hei Gou's younger brothers can sing Hokkien, so Zhao Sugui asked them to come over and teach the girl to sing. Hei Gou scolded the younger brothers and asked several younger brothers to demonstrate how to sing to the girl. It looked funny. But this was very effective. The girl had made obvious progress. When she went on stage to sing again, there was more applause from the audience.

Zhao Sugui saw A Zhi teaching the girl to sing a Hokkien song. She probably knew what A Zhi was thinking, so she changed the song without permission, which made the girl very angry. Later Deng Shu asked what the reason was, but Zhao Sugui didn't say anything. Although the girl was angry, Zhao Sugui didn't like what she did, and she didn't dare to do it. So when Azhi suggested that she sing a Minnan song while Zhao Sugui was away, the girl refused. Mother Chen also thought that Zhao Sugui did not let the girl sing Hokkien songs because she was discriminating against people from the province. However, Zhao Sugui explained that this was not the case, but because the girl sang Hokkien songs, and the band member Azhi and the girl were very close.

Zhou Taisheng received the cassette, but it was filled with Duan Ning's voice and not Teresa Teng's voice. He was very disappointed. The girl never replied to him, and Zhou Taisheng couldn't help but wonder if she didn't like the song he adapted. He persuaded his mother to return to Taiwan to accompany his father, and then he was able to return to T Bay. The girl was dissatisfied that her mother did not allow her to make friends with Azhi, so Zhao Sugui had to tell Deng Shu that Azhi was chasing her. Deng Shu immediately said that she was not allowed to make friends with Azhi, otherwise she would not be able to sing anymore. Zhou Taisheng returned to T Bay and learned that the girl had gone to the guests of the country to sing and now had no time to come to the record store.

Azhi took Yatou to watch a movie. Yatou knew that there would be some bad things in the movie, so she refused. Azhi kept pulling without giving up, but Yatou's third brother rushed over and pushed her. The two started fighting, and then Zhou Taisheng joined in. Come in, and all four of them were arrested by the youth team. Boss Lin begged and finally brought the other three people out except Zhou Taisheng. The third brother asked the girl who Zhou Taisheng was, and the girl said that he was Duan Ning's English teacher. That night the girl went to Duan Ning and told her that Zhou Taisheng had been arrested.


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