Since Duan Litian abandoned this home, Zhou Min became so depressed that the iron almost burned the house down. Fortunately, Yatou, Zhao Sugui and Mrs. Chen arrived in time. Mrs. Chen talked about her experience and advised her to live a good life. Zhao Sugui suggested that she talk to Jin Baozhu, but Zhou Min felt that the woman was not qualified. Zhou Min's current state was not suitable for being alone. Zhao Sugui and Mrs. Chen decided to let people take turns to accompany Zhou Min. The girl also wanted to help, but Zhao Sugui refused. The idea of ​​​​the older generation is to be patient and wait for Duan Litian to return to the family and live a new life. The girl is puzzled as to why Nannan’s father has made such a big mistake. Zhao Sugui feels that she is still young and does not understand the meaning of it. reason.

The girl was accompanying Zhou Min, and the girl saw her frustration. She wanted to help, but Zhou Min hadn't recovered yet. At this time, Duan Ning didn't pay attention to the changes in her mother's state at all. She focused on Zhou Taisheng wholeheartedly, sharing her happiness with the girl with photos of Zhou Taisheng's mother and son. Yatou said that Zhou Min needed Nannan's company now. Nannan made an excuse and said that she was worried that her mother would think of Duan Litian when she saw her, so she asked Yatou to help her stay with her mother when she had time. On the basketball court, Nannan cheered for Zhou Taisheng who was playing. Qingfeng brought people over to bully Zhou Taisheng, and then people from the youth team came over.

Afterwards, Uncle Zhou reprimanded his son. Nannan did not say it was her fault, but instead defended Zhou Taisheng, which left a good impression on Zhou's mother. Nannan showed off to the girl that Zhou Taisheng was fighting for her. The girl pointedly pointed out that she was not worried about the person she liked getting hurt. She didn't leave when Zhou Taisheng asked her to leave, but she left when the girl asked her to leave last time. What the girl said was correct, Duan Ning felt embarrassed for a moment. The girl persuaded Duan Ning to ask Duan Litian, maybe he would relent. Duan Ning went there, crying and begging Duan Litian to go home. Before he could finish the persuasion, he broke down and blamed the girl for asking her to come here to beg for help, and also asked her not to follow him.

Duan Litian felt sorry for his only daughter. He cried in pain, with the girl beside him, and he didn't know what to say. Duan Litian returned home. He said that he would be back at night during this period. The superior also gave a special task. Then Zhou Min happily went to share the news of Duan Litian's return with Zhao Sugui. The girl couldn't help but go to the record store and hum along to the songs. Zhou Taisheng passed by and he could see that the girl loved singing. He just wanted to tell her never to give up singing. Even if everyone doesn't let her sing, she still has to sing in her heart. She can sing when walking and when taking a shower.

The girl was actually singing silently while taking a shower. Deng Shu stayed outside the door and didn't hear his daughter singing for twenty minutes. He excitedly told Zhao Sugui about it. Zhao Sugui called him downstairs with a sullen face and reasoned with him. She didn't care that Deng Shu said that her loving mother had many losers. She only had a daughter anyway, and she hoped that the girl would be happy. Zhou Taisheng's father decided to send Zhou Taisheng back to the United States, but he asked his wife not to talk about it yet. Duan Litian gave Zhou Min the task of booking a restaurant for a birthday banquet, but Zhou Min did not expect that all the better restaurants were booked out. Duan Litian angrily took his bag and left home. Zhou Min hurriedly ran to find the Deng family. Deng Shu felt that it was best to hold the ceremony at the Deng family's small restaurant, and then let the girl sing that day, with Duan Ning accompanying her.

The girl was very happy that she could sing. Zhou Min and Zhou Taisheng both suggested that the girl sing English songs, but Duan Ning was not happy to let Zhou Taisheng teach the girl to sing, but in the end the girl was pulled in and Zhou Taisheng taught her to sing.


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