The girl ignored Zhou Taisheng because his curse worked and she didn't miss him. The next day she was caught by the director and expelled from school. Zhou Taisheng was indeed a little disappointed, but he still hoped that the girl could continue singing and never give up. Duan Ning, who was not far away, saw this scene and was almost crazy with jealousy. When the girl came back and looked at the painting Zhou Taisheng drew for her, she couldn't help but laugh. At the same time, she wondered how he knew these things about herself. Zhou Taisheng praised her voice in English and the girl was very happy. Suddenly she realized that she had to study hard and stop singing.

Deng Shu went to the cram school to see his daughter. The girl stood at the window for a long time without noticing him. Deng Shu was very happy, thinking that the girl had changed her gender. Zhao Sugui was not so happy. The girl was indeed studying seriously now. She no longer sang or listened to the radio, but she was no longer as happy as before. Duan Ning saw Jin Baozhu wandering in front of her home. She angrily picked up the bricks, but was seen and stopped by the girl who came to see her. Later, Zhou Min came out of the house and saw the girl holding a wine bottle in her hand. She mistakenly thought that the girl was taking Duan Ning to drink, and ordered her daughter to stop interacting with the girl.

Zhou Min went to see Zhao Sugui the next day. Zhao Sugui initially thought she came because of Duan Litian's cheating, but Zhou Min said that the girl took Duan Ning to drink in the village square last night, so Zhao Sugui naturally didn't believe it. Zhou Min was called to school by her teacher and learned that her daughter had bad behavior. Not only does she come to school wearing perfume every day, but she also rolls up her skirt and goes to the Ice Palace on Wannian Department Store in Ximending every day, where she gathers with a group of bad teenagers. Zhou Min didn't believe it and believed that it was Deng Lijun who led Duan Ning astray. He went to the Deng family restaurant to find Deng Lijun and belittled Deng Lijun in front of Deng Shu and Zhao Sugui.

Zhao Sugui refuted her and the two quarreled. Zhou Min went home and looked through her daughter's room. She saw the perfume and the diary written by Duan Ning, and suddenly realized that Duan Litian had a woman outside. She plugged in the phone line and called the war room. The person who answered the phone was Duan Litian. He lied about changing his trip to Pingtung to another day. Zhou Min didn't expose him, but after that she went out and saw Duan Litian and the woman hugging each other on the street. Zhou Min asked him to go back with her, but Xiaosan cried, and Duan Litian finally chose to go with Xiaosan.

Duan Ning came home from school and saw the diary on the table in his room, and suddenly understood everything. Duan Ning was in pain and walked alone in the rain. Teresa Teng comforted her and gave her the Popeye gifted by Taisheng Zhou. Teresa Deng was really kind to her, even if she liked someone, she would give it to Duan Ning. Zhou Min was also walking down the street in despair. Zhao Sugui saw that her expression was very bad, so he took her into the store. Zhou Min cried and complained that Duan Litian had cheated on her and did not want this family or her daughter Duan Ning. Zhou Min was very emotional. She felt that it was impossible, so she killed them so that no one could feel better.

Having said that, Zhou Min was still very humble towards Duan Litian, almost begging him to go home with him, but Duan Litian wanted to send the woman home and did not come back in the end. Zhou Min was so devastated that he didn't even care about his daughter. Duan Ning started to quarrel with the girl because of Zhou Taisheng. At this time, the girl didn't like Zhou Taisheng, so she didn't want to quarrel with a good friend because of an unrelated person. Zhou Taisheng accidentally discovered that the photo of Popeye was in Duan Ning's hand. He wanted to take it back, but Duan Ning burst into tears, so Zhou Taisheng had to give up. After the tutoring session was over, Duan Ning turned around and tore up the painting.


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