Mudan knelt in the temple and talked with her mother in heaven at night. Jiang Changyang wanted to stay with her. Mudan refused to give in. It was ok for her to deceive Prince Ning on a daily basis, but she could never deceive her mother. Jiang Changyang did not force it. He left a pot of girl's red wine and went outside to watch Mudan from afar. Mudan drank a lot of wine and talked a lot with her mother. She was drunk and couldn't sit still. Jiang Changyang rushed in like a gust of wind and supported her. Afterwards, Jiang Changyang carried the drunk Mudan back and listened to her honest impression of him after drinking. Jiang Changyang thought that Mudan treated him as her husband from the bottom of her heart, but when he heard Mudan say that it was fake, he couldn't help laughing. Jiang Changyang carried Mudan back home. Mudan still didn't wake up and fell on him. Jiang Changyang hugged her and felt satisfied.
Qin Liulang brought the osmanthus cake to the garden gate, and Aunt Tang handed it to him, saying that Mudan was busy and had no time to see him. When Mudan ate the osmanthus cake, she suddenly thought of Shengyi's younger brother Qin Liulang. She immediately put down what she was doing and rushed over to see Qin Liulang who was suffering from an old illness. After Xiaochun's diagnosis and treatment, he found that Qin Liulang's cough was a long-standing illness that required the treatment of precious medicinal herbs to be cured. Mudan paid for Liulang's medicine and carefully reminded Xiaochun to replace the expensive medicines with cheaper herbs on the prescription. Later, Qin Liulang stayed at Fangyuan and felt very uncomfortable and a little cautious. Mudan noticed this and took him to the West Market, took care of him on behalf of Shengyi, told him a lot about Shengyi's past, and answered all his questions. .
Mudan bought a robe and a leather belt for Qin Liulang. She noticed that he walked uncomfortably and thought that his shoes were the wrong size, so she bought him new shoes. Mudan's gentleness and delicacy alleviated Qin Liulang's uneasiness. He called Mudan "sister" and there was no longer any estrangement between them. Lian Zhou ran to Mudan's yard, picked a flower without asking, and was pushed away by Zhu Fu. Mudan had been working hard in recent days and was a little exhausted. She had just helped Xiaochun solve a problem when she heard Aunt Tang say that something happened in Fangyuan. She got up and wanted to go to Fangyuan to solve it, but she felt dizzy and fell down. Mudan fell ill from exhaustion, and Jiang Changyang and Qin Liulang rushed to take care of her. Jiang Changyang became jealous and sent Qin Liulang away. Qin Liulang discovered that what he was eating was a precious herb, and Mudan was afraid that he would not want to eat it, so she told him a white lie.
As soon as Peony woke up, she couldn't help but go to the garden. Jiang Changyang accompanied her and forbade her to pick up the hoe to work again, and earnestly urged her to take care of her health. There was a discord between Gardener Hu and Guizi, and Mudan and Jiang Changyang were hiding and watching. She was worried about whether she should come forward, and Jiang Changyang couldn't help but smooth her frown. There was no need for Mudan to step forward at all. Guizi took the initiative to apologize to Gardener Hu. They shook hands and made peace, which made Mudan feel relieved.
Everyone was busy for a long time, and soon it was the end of the year. The first snow fell, and it was not long before Fangyuan opened. Mudan always treated Lianzhou gently and even invited her to eat dumplings with her, which surprised Lianzhou. The following spring, the garden opened, and the threshold was almost worn out by the people coming and going; it was packed with people. Looking at this scene, Mudan felt satisfied, hoping that her mother in heaven and Shengyi could see this scene. The story comes to an end as the peony welcomes the arrival of spring with its beautiful colors throughout the garden.
This season is over, looking forward to the next part of The Golden Years.