All flower businesses in Chang'an are controlled by flower guilds. He Weifang understands that if he wants his business to succeed, he must join the guild. Before, they were just doing small business and were not favored by the flower dealers. But now it is different and they cannot offend them easily. However, the visiting card she asked Zhu Fu to send to the flower shop was not accepted, and they said that only the big shop owner could show their sincerity by going there. Soon He Weifang took Shengyi and Zhu Fu to visit the flower shop. The servant at the door learned that they were the owners and reluctantly took them in. But the male shop owner who came after them finished his work and left in less than a minute, and the people from the flower shop were nowhere to be seen, so He Weifang and the other two had to wait for three cups of tea. Zhu Fu was getting extremely impatient waiting and couldn't help but complain.

When the manager and deputy manager came out, they were extremely contemptuous and indifferent to He Weifang and the other two. They thought that since they were female shop owners they would definitely get married in the future, so it would be better to hand the shop over to the flower shop. He Weifang naturally refused to accept it. The boss also said that there was no precedent for a female shop owner to join the flower shop. If the flower shop did not want to cause dissatisfaction among other shop owners, it would need to take a larger share from He Weifang than from others, that is, a 50-50 split. He Weifang already had a contract with Jiang Changyang. If they split the profits 50-50 with the flower shop, they would not make any money at all. In the end, He Weifang chose to refuse and left with Zhu Fu and Shengyi. Unexpectedly, the flower shop cut off all their fertilizer supply channels. The fertilizer suppliers who originally supplied them with fertilizer no longer dared to supply them due to the flower shop's protest.

Shengyi suggested to apologize to the flower shop, but He Weifang didn't want to endure and give in blindly, so she decided to make the flower fertilizer herself. They collected everything that could be used as fertilizer and buried it in the soil. Their hard work paid off, and they finally fermented flower fertilizer. Chuanyu went to He Weifang to get the shoes and socks she made for the children, and got stained with stink. Jiang Changyang learned the whole story and sent some algae beans to He Weifang, reminding her to use the algae beans to take a bath when she went to the Jiang residence to pay dividends next month. In addition, Jiang Changyang also planned to help He Weifang, saying that she could go to the flower shop and report his name, and the flower shop would not dare to bully them again. However, He Weifang did not intend to use Jiang Changyang's name to make things easier for himself, as it would not be good for either himself or Jiang Changyang.

No matter what he encountered, He Weifang always remained firm in his determination. Jiang Changyang believed that he had not voted for the wrong person. The homemade flower fertilizer solved Hua Manzhu’s urgent problem temporarily, but He Weifang knew that this was not a long-term solution. Lu Xingtou's beloved daughter Lu Gengchun sent her maid to Huamanzhu to buy expensive peonies, but the delivery location was next to a bridge. The first time they didn't care, they were just curious, but unexpectedly when Zhu Fu passed by the bridge again, she saw that the roots of the peony had been cut off. In order to find out the truth, after the other party bought peonies again, the three of them waited by the side and caught Lu Gengchun who was about to cut the peonies. Shengyi recognized her as Lu Xingtou's beloved daughter, and planned to use this as an excuse to make Huahang guilty and allow them to join the company.

Seeing that Lu Gengchun spoke honestly, Mudan asked Zhu Fu to release Lu Gengchun, return the money for Mudan, and take back the peony. She did not intend to make the matter public and bring shame to Lu Xingtou. Mudan went to Jiang's house as usual to give Jiang Changyang the interest money, but unexpectedly, King Ning brought Liu Zishu to find Jiang Changyang. She hurriedly hid in the cupboard, and when Jiang Changyang took the two to the yard, Mudan was about to go out, but was caught by the resurrected man hiding in the closet. Xu Zuping in the closet screamed in fright. Mudan woke up and was threatened by Jiang Changyang that she would die if she knew his secret. It took a lot of determination for Mudan to dare to stab the knife into her stomach.


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