Xiao Tu thanked Ling Chao for taking back the mobile phone for her girlfriend. She peeled an apple for Ling Chao, but unexpectedly found that there were cigarette butts at home, because she knew that Xiao's father and Xiao's mother had divorced, so the cigarette butts must have been left by Ling Chao , Xiao Tu picked up a cigarette butt and asked Ling Chao how many things he was hiding from himself. At this time, a news came out on TV that a prisoner escaped from prison and sneaked into residents' homes to steal many times. Xiao Tu was at a loss holding the cigarette butt.

Xiao's mother saw Ling Chao's breathless look, and blamed him for being so spiritless. How could he protect Xiao Tu? On the same day, he also said that she often worked overtime at night and planned to pick her up. Mother Xiao quickly refused, and let him take care of himself and Xiao Tu. Seeing his mother going out in a very delicate dress, Ling Chao had doubts in his heart. Guess whether my mother has a new love, and the cigarette butts at home are probably left by that person.

Jiang Juanjuan bought a journal of fortune-telling from the bookstall. After class, she and Xiao Tu began to act as fortune tellers for the students. Xu Linglong also came to join in the fun. Ordinary friends, Xu Linglong questioned the inaccuracy of this algorithm, Xiao Tu mocked her relationship with Ling Chao, and it would be good to have friends, but the result calculated by Xiao Tu and Ling Chao was Huanxi Enemy, with the prefix of Huanxi, always They are much better than ordinary friends. Yin Zihan couldn't stand it anymore, accusing them of superstition and pseudoscience, which aroused the anger of the two sisters. Fortunately, Teacher Xue came, and the two sides did not continue to argue.

Teacher Xue canceled the physical education class. The students were dissatisfied and dared not speak out. Only Xiao Tu and Jiang Juanjuan were still obsessed with the fun of fortune-telling. As a result, they and Xu Linglong, who could not answer the questions, were both kicked out of the classroom by Teacher Xue and punished to stand. . Yin Xinlan, Ling Chao and others came over. Yin Xinlan praised Ling Chao's performance in the experiment. Xu Linglong greeted Ling Chao with a smile on his face. Only Xiao Tu felt ashamed and held up a book to cover himself, but because of The book was turned upside down and was pointed out by Ling Chao. Xiao Tu had no choice but to explain that the sun was dazzling. Yin Xinlan remembered that she was the classmate who fell from the tree, so she went up to ask her about her physical condition. Ling Chao still looked arrogant and said Xiaotu is clumsy. After the few people left, Jiang Juanjuan praised Yin Xinlan for her gentle speech, and she was recognized as a school beauty. Xiao Tu said that if she was a man, she would also like this type, and Xu Linglong belittled Yin Xinlan with jealousy. good.

Ling Chao and Xiao Tu came home from school together, but accidentally saw Ling's mother getting into a luxury car. Thinking of the cigarette butts at home, Ling Chao had a bad feeling in his heart. While reviewing, Ling Chao fell asleep lying on the table. He dreamed that Mother Ling was going to leave him, and woke him up in a cold sweat. After returning home, he saw Mother Ling standing in his room In a daze, although she said she wanted to do laundry, it was obvious that it was an excuse.

Xiao Tu accompanied Ling Chao around a lot, but couldn't find a suitable birthday gift. Finally, in the jewelry store, the two got a 20% discount through the word guessing game. Ling Chao chose a pair of earrings as a gift. Birthday gift for mom. When Ling's mother saw the gift from her son, she couldn't help sighing that he had really grown up. Ling Chao asked his mother if he had made new friends. Ling's mother asked him if he wanted to meet him. Said that he just wanted his mother to be happy.

When the mid-term exam was released, Ling Chao and Yin Zihan came out on top in their respective grades. Xiao Tu still hadn’t improved. She put the report card in the classroom, and then repeatedly told Ling Chao not to reveal the secret. However, Ling Chao didn’t say anything, but someone used The report card was sent to her home by express mail.


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